I hear talk of the recognition of the three seperate nation states within Iraq. We will simply occupy Kurdistan and slap down up risings in Shii-stan and help when we can with Suni-stan. Its the original plan actualy.
Whose original plan?
Actually, I don't think we will need to occupy Kurdistan. Currently, there are like 15 Coalition soldiers stationed in Kurdistan (Ok, that's an exaggeration - but not much of one).
The bigger issue will be if we can convince Turkey to accept an independent Kurdistan. The Turkish Kurds could create a bit of a problem if their brethren South of Border get their own state.
Shiastan - as you call it - will more likely be an annex to Iran. This, of course, would be unacceptable. I am not a religious expert, but I believe that there are twelve Grand Ayatollahs among Shia Muslems. Currently, eight live in Iran. Annexing Southern Iraq would unify the Shia considerably. Saudi Arabia would not like this, nor Kuwait or the UAE and probably some other Sunni states.
Suni-stan would be a problem. There are no known oil reserves in this part of Iraq. All the resource is in Kurdistan and Shiastan. If the Sunni's don't get a piece of the pie, they are bound to make trouble. Assuming they could be convinced the Shia weren't going to exterminate them.
So, again, we must ask, Whose original Plan?
Certainly, it was not the plan of the President, who two months before the invasion didn't understand the ethnic and religious factions in the country he was about to invade. His incuriousness has injured us all.