Tomorrow's New York Times will report that the United States military is arming the Sunni Insurgents. Apparently, the hope is the Sunni's will go after al-Qaeda in Iraq or al Qaeda in Mesopotamia.
Now, I'm just spitballin' here .... but didn't we go into Iraq with the intention of DIS-ARMING the Sunni Leadership in Iraq?
Can someone please tell me how this doesn't turnout badly?
the convoluted mess that is iraq we discussed ages ago. i was and am still of the opinion that to rid iraq of alqaeda is to simply leave and let the iraqi's kill them off themselves. alqaeda is an affiliation of extremists not true insurgents- their agenda is mass murder with no true political outcomes except perhaps some taliban like submission of the population. their usefulness as a tool of the sunni insurgency is already waning.
one can assume the new tactic is to simply isolate and kill off alqaeda affiliates in iraq then exit declaring victory over an enemy that was nonexistent there before the US invasion... of course leaving the sunni, shia, kurd, tribal, family, turk, syrian, saudi, iranian conflagration to put itself out.
good night, and good luck.