An interesting phone call today………

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Originally posted by DAC..florida

RSK has a huge ego and seems to enjoy belittling others and that is the reason he has been suspended more than once, I dont feel as thow anyone is being fare with MRJ or even giving him a chance. You feel strongly about RSK because you know him and have trained with him, if you were to get to know MRJ and trained with him I know beyond the shadow of a doubt you would change your mind about him unfortunately this is difficult due to the distance between us but I dont think you should judge him or his style until you have had such an oportunity.

Yet again you try to psychoanalyze me with out having met me.
My ego is no larger or smaller than most peoples.
Actually I don’t “belittle” people…….unlike yourself that has called not only me but several others on here “ignorant”.

As for being fair to MRJ……..uh well sporto he had PLENTY of opportunity to answer questions asked to him but chose to give long diatribes about everything else.

AGAIN, nobody is talking about MRJ’s training or judging his style………it’s about the rank and titles he claims.
I am not sure how many times I will need to repeat that before you understand it
DAC florida,
I've sat back and followed this thread and been amazed at your ignorance!
RSK asked a simple question in response to a claim made by your teacher. It's the fact that he can't/wont give a simple answer to a simple question that has given rise to the length of this thread.

I understand that from where you're standing it looks like people are attacking your teacher. But he is a man who stood up and made certain claims about his standing in Karate and yet is unwilling to follow up on the most innocent of questions;
"Who graded you to 8th dan?"

If your teacher wants to be taken seriously by others, then he should behave in a way befitting his 'Rank', not duck and dive like a school boy who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar!

Do you anf your fellow students know who he was graded by? Are his rank certificates on display in his dojo? [if so perhaps you could read the one from Pangainoon-ryu and let us know who signed it]. What I'm getting at is this. If your teacher is claiming to teach a tradition [however new] you and your fellow students should be being taught something about your history as well as the kicking and punching bit.

Sir Winston Churchill once wrote: "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened."

I think you'll find that Ryu Shin Kan is not the kind of person to do that. I think you'll also find that there are a lot of other folk on this forum who think as he does.

And before you ask, no I'm not with Yiliquan, and no I've never met RSK either. You can check my profile/webpage etc and form your own opinion of me. Ask the Who, When and Where questions if you like, and you'll get honest answers in return.

Here is a true story for ya’ll.

I met a guy that went to a school and was told he was learning style ABC.
He trained for several years in this style and went up in rank to something like 3rd or 4th dan. All the time paying money to his instructor who kept telling him part of the money went for membership & dan registration fees at the Honbu in Japan.
Finally he decided he would go to Japan and train (his life long dream....This is a true story and no it wasn’t me but a good friend of mine.)……so off he went to train at the Honbu Dojo in Japan.
Well, he get’s himself all set up and goes over to the honbu, shows what he believes to be a membership card to the Honbu……..they look at it and ask him “What’s that?”
Long story short:
He wasn’t a member of the Honbu because the money was never sent and the teacher had never had a connection what so ever to the Honbu………all of his training was a lie.
His rank was not recognized, nor was his membership, in fact he couldn’t even do the style because the teacher he had trained with in his own country had just pulled of it out of thin air……..i.e. made it up.

So what harm does it do to lie about connections to organization to which you don’t belong?

Well, this guy spent years training and sweating in what he thought was the real style he was told, not to mention paying a good sum of money over that time as well.

So this guy is out time, money, & sweat because some dipstick wanted to play “Grandmaster” and claim something he wasn’t.

Regardless of whether or not this ABC style was effective is beside the point.
The point is the student was not getting what he was told and thereby the teacher was committing fraud.
Originally posted by Mike Clarke
DAC florida,
I've sat back and followed this thread and been amazed at your ignorance!
RSK asked a simple question in response to a claim made by your teacher. It's the fact that he can't/wont give a simple answer to a simple question that has given rise to the length of this thread.

I understand that from where you're standing it looks like people are attacking your teacher. But he is a man who stood up and made certain claims about his standing in Karate and yet is unwilling to follow up on the most innocent of questions;
"Who graded you to 8th dan?"

If your teacher wants to be taken seriously by others, then he should behave in a way befitting his 'Rank', not duck and dive like a school boy who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar!

Do you anf your fellow students know who he was graded by? Are his rank certificates on display in his dojo? [if so perhaps you could read the one from Pangainoon-ryu and let us know who signed it]. What I'm getting at is this. If your teacher is claiming to teach a tradition [however new] you and your fellow students should be being taught something about your history as well as the kicking and punching bit.

Sir Winston Churchill once wrote: "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened."

I think you'll find that Ryu Shin Kan is not the kind of person to do that. I think you'll also find that there are a lot of other folk on this forum who think as he does.

And before you ask, no I'm not with Yiliquan, and no I've never met RSK either. You can check my profile/webpage etc and form your own opinion of me. Ask the Who, When and Where questions if you like, and you'll get honest answers in return.


I'm not Ignorant everyone who hounds MRJ has either had thier questions answered or has been told that they would never get those questions answered aproximately a month ago, so if you know youll never recieve the answer than why continue to hound and debate these issues THATS IGNORANT.

He has answered those questions numeruos times to many people on this site he just choses who will know and who will not know.

There is a history on the wall of our dojo as well as certificates and plaques awards ect. from all of the instructors in our shcool. I do have all of the answers that are being asked but it is not my place to answer any of these question.

The sooner the people hounding MRJ realize that they probably will never get these answers due to thier attitudes toward him and also due to the fact MRJ knows no matter what his answers are they will never be good enough for them the sooner this debate will be over.

I probably shouldnt even mention this here but, MRJ, myself and several other students of our style know that RSK does have connections to some big names and do to RSK's arrogant attitude MRJ will never give those names to him in fear that he may disrespect or offend such people!

Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Yet again you try to psychoanalyze me with out having met me.
My ego is no larger or smaller than most peoples.
Actually I don’t “belittle” people…….unlike yourself that has called not only me but several others on here “ignorant”.

As for being fair to MRJ……..uh well sporto he had PLENTY of opportunity to answer questions asked to him but chose to give long diatribes about everything else.

AGAIN, nobody is talking about MRJ’s training or judging his style………it’s about the rank and titles he claims.
I am not sure how many times I will need to repeat that before you understand it

I understand you claim to only be attacking rank, but your not!

How many times must MRJ tell you that you will not get those answers before you will get it!

Also I am not trying to be your shrink just stating the obvious and I need no degree to do that, I have called you Ignorant because after many times that you have been told that the answers you seek will not be answered for many explained reasons you and others continue to make a big deal about it.
Okay, I have a confession to make.
It was me, I awarded the 8th dan to MRJ.
I was drunk at the time and he seemed like a nice kid.
He said he'd never use it, but then? I kind of knew he would.
Thankfully he's kept my name out of it so far, so no one knows it was me [I'm not really qualifide to grade to 8th dan but what the heck, I needed the money at the time]
Don't believe me eh?
Prove it then!

You are a true reflection of your teacher son.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I'm not Ignorant everyone who hounds MRJ has either had thier questions answered or has been told that they would never get those questions answered aproximately a month ago, so if you know youll never recieve the answer than why continue to hound and debate these issues THATS IGNORANT.

Nobody has hounded him for an answer to anything for over a month……..least not by me.
He claimed in another thread that there were only 3 kata in Pangainoon and I stated that according to the style taught by Shu Shi Wa (uechi kanbun’s teacher) there were 4 kata and named them. A noted and well-respected author by the name of Mark Bishop also confirmed this.
My point was if Mya Ryu Jitsu was really an 8th dan in Pangainoon then he would surely know this.
Instead I got a lecture on how “angry” I was and a whole host of other unrelated defense mechanisms thrown at me.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
He has answered those questions numeruos times to many people on this site he just choses who will know and who will not know.

As far as I am concerned he needn’t answer.
I think his “non-answer” tells most people the truth.
Originally posted by DAC..florida

I probably shouldnt even mention this here but, MRJ, myself and several other students of our style know that RSK does have connections to some big names and do to RSK's arrogant attitude MRJ will never give those names to him in fear that he may disrespect or offend such people!


You give me more credit than I am due.
Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Okay, I have a confession to make.
It was me, I awarded the 8th dan to MRJ.
I was drunk at the time and he seemed like a nice kid.
He said he'd never use it, but then? I kind of knew he would.
Thankfully he's kept my name out of it so far, so no one knows it was me [I'm not really qualifide to grade to 8th dan but what the heck, I needed the money at the time]
Don't believe me eh?
Prove it then!

You are a true reflection of your teacher son.

How could someone acting like a child call me son!

Mike you are very quick to jump on RSK's band wagon, why dont you come up with some of your own material.
Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Okay, I have a confession to make.
It was me, I awarded the 8th dan to MRJ.
I was drunk at the time and he seemed like a nice kid.
He said he'd never use it, but then? I kind of knew he would.
Thankfully he's kept my name out of it so far, so no one knows it was me [I'm not really qualifide to grade to 8th dan but what the heck, I needed the money at the time]
Don't believe me eh?
Prove it then!

You are a true reflection of your teacher son.

It was you?!?
Well looks like I lost money on that bet.
I thought for sure it was Yabiku Takaya the Taxi driver in Okinawa that sells fake Hohan Soken dan certificates. I thought maybe he was expanding his turf to included Pangainoon Cets. now.
Originally posted by DAC..florida

Mike you are very quick to jump on RSK's band wagon, why dont you come up with some of your own material.

I think he actually wrote at least one book on the martial arts.............have you DAC? Could you?

Sorry, make that 2 books and at least 6 articles by Mr. Clarke.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
You give me more credit than I am due.

We have just checked into things a little and people we know have at least heard of you. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing!

And again he wishes you to offend knowone using his name therefore you will never know the people who have tested him.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
We have just checked into things a little and people we know have at least heard of you. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing!

I could care less if they have or not.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
And again he wishes you to offend knowone using his name therefore you will never know the people who have tested him.

Yeah alright whatever you say.
Your post directed not only at me but other people are getting a little too low on the maturity scale to be considered worth reading. I can only take so much of someone running around saying "your ignorant", "your ignorant", "your ignorant".
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
I think he actually wrote at least one book on the martial arts.............have you DAC? Could you?

Sorry, make that 2 books and at least 6 articles by Mr. Clarke.

No I have not, never had the urge. I am sure I could if Iwanted to, but what does this have to do with anything because he wrote a book he's now the man.

I have played in your arena long enough, why dont come into mine. I study martial arts for many reasons, one of the most important to me is self defence. How many times have you been able to put your skills to the test outside of the arena or dojo.
How many times have you had to defend yourself against an attacker that wanted to kill you because the only thing between him and freedom was you.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
No I have not, never had the urge. I am sure I could if Iwanted to, but what does this have to do with anything because he wrote a book he's now the man.

What would you write about?

Originally posted by DAC..florida
I have played in your arena long enough, why dont come into mine. I study martial arts for many reasons, one of the most important to me is self defence. How many times have you been able to put your skills to the test outside of the arena or dojo.
How many times have you had to defend yourself against an attacker that wanted to kill you because the only thing between him and freedom was you.

People often resort to “chest pounding” and making unverifiable macho claims when they feel they have no other educated recourse.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
I could care less if they have or not.

Yeah alright whatever you say.
Your post directed not only at me but other people are getting a little too low on the maturity scale to be considered worth reading. I can only take so much of someone running around saying "your ignorant", "your ignorant", "your ignorant".

Places to go, people to see gotta go, but I will return later.
And I can only take so much of someone running around saying your fake, your fake, your fake!

I am not sure but I feel the only way myself or MRJ could earn your respect is to show you, I am not trying to make threats or promises but I sincerely hope someday we may be able to cross train.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
What would you write about?

People often resort to “chest pounding” and making unverifiable macho claims when they feel they have no other educated recourse.

Please who's being immature now, I ask you an honest question and you feed me with this?

Could I get an honest answer from you!
Originally posted by DAC..florida

I am not sure but I feel the only way myself or MRJ could earn your respect is to show you,

Yes please show me that 8th dan Pangainoon certificate, I would love to see it.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
Please who's being immature now, I ask you an honest question and you feed me with this?

Could I get an honest answer from you!

Oh, was it a serious question?
I thought that was just something you used as a lead in to show everyone what a tough guy you are.

Well since you are asking a serious question then.

I guess I would have to say more than once but less than 100.
I know i'm late on this ,but i just read the post on (phone call)
and i just want to add something, you see i had the samething
happen to me but with a (former) student.
this person left me and the next thing i know is that he called this place called World Blackbelt Bureau??? and they sent him a Blackbelt,now i called these people and i asked them how can you give someone a blackbelt without calling and finding out IS HE?
this is the point the woman told me that they DID call his teacher and everything was ok.
i then said how can that be? i was his teacher,i gave her my name
and she said that is not the name she has, but she did indeed talk to his teacher.
I got nowhere fast with these people WHO GIVE BLACKBELTS TO ANYONE AND THERE GRANDMOTHERS.:mad:
just because the stripes show,don't mean you know. ED PARKER
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