Originally posted by DAC..florida
check out the responces I have given chufeng above I think some of your cocerns here have been adressed.
Thanks, but I've already caught up with the posting...
Also you did use the word splashing out of text wich caused my question!
You need to re-read the posts... Chufeng used the word "splashing," not me... I know all of us Yili people look alike, but try to keep us straight, okay?
There alot of people on this site making alot of claims that can never really be proven
And that is what started the entire disagreement between your teacher and others...
RSK being one of those people, the above adresses dont prove anything I have Know clue as to whom is on the other end of this!
www.ryushu.com is the website for Mr. Mike Minor. You could discover that on your own with a very brief review of the main page, since his picture is splashed across it, and his bio is posted right there in plain sight. Mr. Minor is another one of Taika Oyata's personal students. There is also an extensive listing of the Ryu Te dojos worldwide... Pretty simple, really.
RSK has a huge ego and seems to enjoy belittling others and that is the reason he has been suspended more than once,
No, he has been banned because he doesn't always play nice and he doesn't always back off when he sees someone trying to portray themselves as something they are not. He (and others, myself included) take "self-policing" pretty seriously, since there are plenty of others in the MA community that are okay with all sorts of bogus claims being levied by anyone and everyone...
And the only folks that seem to think his comments are belittling are the folks on the receiving end. There have been a number of posts supporting RyuShiKan's questions... Not so many supporting MRJ's resistance to providing the requested proof of rank.
I dont feel as thow anyone is being fare with MRJ or even giving him a chance.
Not at all. He was given every opportunity to provide the answers to the questions posed to him. He balked at every turn. I don't recall anyone calling MRJ names like the ones you called RyuShiKan. All I remember were questions being asked with no answers given.

I really don't care anymore, and am only replying to you this one final time because you addressed me directly in this post.
You feel strongly about RSK because you know him and have trained with him, if you were to get to know MRJ and trained with him I know beyond the shadow of a doubt you would change your mind about him unfortunately this is difficult due to the distance between us but I dont think you should judge him or his style until you have had such an oportunity.
You're right. I feel strongly about RyuShiKan because I have seen and read his rank certificate, I have trained with him and his students, and have trained with others who have trained with RyuShiKan, his students, and others in his organization. I feel strongly because my teacher knows RyuShiKan's teacher, and I feel that, in a particular way, he and I are "brothers" of a sort. Perhaps I would feel strongly about MRJ... Then again, maybe not. But I know that right now, with what I know of him from this exchange alone, I am not terribly motivated to go out of my way to give him a chance of any kind. Had he offered answers when asked, I know I would be differently inclined.
Enjoy the rest of the thread. I'm unsubscribing to this thread and moving on to other, more interesting topics.