Americans are NOT stupid!

Heck, thats not a fair one... seems like every other year there is some kind of boarder change, country split or renaming. I looked at a current map of Africa and it was -nothing- like what I remembered. Scary! Same thing with Europe, especially the Eastern countries...
Yeah, okay... I'll go with ya there... but C'MON!! Australia is NOT Korea!
"...oh wow I just noticed this, I didn't know that North Korea was sooo much bigger than South Korea!! " :whip:
Altho' it has to be said, that it is also true that those who post at MT from England (and Europe) are also a 'cut above', so maybe there's a trend to be observed there.

I do not wish to be disparaging of the home country of some people who have come to be friends of mine so I have to be careful what I say (please forgive me if I fail in my efforts to be objective).

Yeah, okay... I'll go with ya there... but C'MON!! Australia is NOT Korea!
"...oh wow I just noticed this, I didn't know that North Korea was sooo much bigger than South Korea!! " :whip:
yeah, I'll have to admit... there were some retards on that clip LOL. Still, with 300+ Million people now, there have to be some near idiots stumbling around :) All the reasonably bright ones probably got cut out. I'm sure if you asked me the right questions you could probably get some wrong answers and make me look mentally incompetant. Especially w/ clever editing.

I'm having a hard time accepting that education is THAT bad. I've been around public education enough to know there are some really slow dim out there.

on that note, what defines a world war? just a declaration? How many countries need to be involved? how many continents?

Just how many nations were involved in Afghanistan and Iraq? Would that qualify? I've heard a few people define the "War on Terror" as a form of world war. Perhaps this guy thought so?

Or perhaps he was just dumb :D

btw, not trying to hijack thread...
I hope to God you guys noticed that I said FOURTH world war instead of THIRD :D
I don't know. When I went to college, you could definitely pick out the private school kids from the public school kids. There was a BIG difference in knowledge of, well, everything. People thought I was really smart because I took pre-calc in high school. No, I'm just a regular Joe who was required to take (and pass) pre-calc to graduate from my private high school.
I think it really is our crappy public education system that is to blame.
I hope to God you guys noticed that I said FOURTH world war instead of THIRD :D
I don't know. When I went to college, you could definitely pick out the private school kids from the public school kids. There was a BIG difference in knowledge of, well, everything. People thought I was really smart because I took pre-calc in high school. No, I'm just a regular Joe who was required to take (and pass) pre-calc to graduate from my private high school.
I think it really is our crappy public education system that is to blame.
private high school dittos here. public college though.

I was a bit shocked at some of the students in college when I came, to be honest...
nah, we already fought the brits and kicked their asses about 200 years ago... lets find someone else...hmm lessee I know! that big fat country down near the south pole... Korea!

I just had a mental image of Steel Tiger watching the world news on TV, seeing an announcment that the US is going to invade Korea, and then hearing US war planes flying overhead.:lol:
nah, we already fought the brits and kicked their asses about 200 years ago... lets find someone else...hmm lessee I know! that big fat country down near the south pole... Korea!

230 years, 200 years is closer to 1812, that one didn't go as well ;)
Heck, thats not a fair one... seems like every other year there is some kind of boarder change, country split or renaming. I looked at a current map of Africa and it was -nothing- like what I remembered. Scary! Same thing with Europe, especially the Eastern countries...

Yea they are always changing Europe around, and for stupid reasons, the last border change I know of was for my village because the damn sign didn't fit where I should have, so they moved the border so they could fit the sign in some pretty grass on the other side of a big new road (which they didn't want in the village anyway).


nah, we already fought the brits and kicked their asses about 200 years ago... lets find someone else...hmm lessee I know! that big fat country down near the south pole... Korea!

230 years, 200 years is closer to 1812, that one didn't go as well ;)

(pssst andrew...{nudge nudge} it goes with the thread of stupid americans... :wink1: )

Ok bring it on John, we Brits are known to be scrappers and I love a good fight. I've got a catapult that my dad used to use on the cats until I took it off him so I'll be in the ranged weapons squadron. :lol:

MAC, if you want... er... Korea to be involved too I think they are on our side, they recognise our queen, well that particular Korea does anyway, but we can always invite all the Koreas. North Korea, South Korea and Polar Korea :D
Well, one of two things:

All you Americans are that dumb, and these where the only people interviewed.


Most people got the right answer, but they don't make for good tv :)

I think you hit the nail on the head with the second option. A third possibility is that these people are hired to say idiotic things.

I read an interview with Brian Jacques, the author of the Redwall stories, once (I think it was on Amazon). They asked him if Americans were dumber than the British. His response was something to the effect that the US has 5 times the population, so we probably have 5 times as many idiots. So yeah, we probably have a lot more idiots. On the other hand, those Nobel prizes ain't winning themselves.
His response was something to the effect that the US has 5 times the population, so we probably have 5 times as many idiots. So yeah, we probably have a lot more idiots.

You know I looked at the comparision between the UK and the USA because I couldn't quite believe them figures and you are quite right, the USA has 4.8 times the number of people the UK does in that HUGE area! No wonder you all don't mind travelling so much! AND we have a higher percentage of arable land that the US.... what do you do with it all? Build swimming pools on it?

We might be small but we have 60 million people crammed onto this liddle Island! That's 250 people per sq km, as compared to the USA's 32 people per sq km.

That's pretty mad!

I just have to say....I thought the clip was hilarious. BUT - they kept showing the same people over and over. To me, that says they had to dig to find them. The MAJORITY of the people do know the answers to most of those questions. But walk down any street IN THE WORLD and you will find people who can't answer those questions.

Let's do a video like this in North Korea and see how the people answer...Just food for thought - the US has its uneducated people and its idiots, but there are countries out there that the majority of the people really couldn't answer those questions....

Of course, North Korea is such a BIG country... :)
You know I looked at the comparision between the UK and the USA because I couldn't quite believe them figures and you are quite right, the USA has 4.8 times the number of people the UK does in that HUGE area! No wonder you all don't mind travelling so much!

We might be small but we have 60 million people crammed onto this liddle Island! That's 250 people per sq km, as compared to the USA's 32 people per sq km.

That's pretty mad!


What's even crazier is how much empty space we have despite the population. Come on out to Kansas sometime, it'll blow your mind! Or the Dakotas, or Wyoming, or any of the Midwest, really. I think a lot of people even here don't realize just how big this place is.
I once heard that the difference between Europeans and Americans is that Eurpeans think 100 miles is a long distance and Americans think 100 years is a long time
What's even crazier is how much empty space we have despite the population. Come on out to Kansas sometime, it'll blow your mind! Or the Dakotas, or Wyoming, or any of the Midwest, really. I think a lot of people even here don't realize just how big this place is.
Well yeah Kansas does have a lot of big space (been through there a few times) but there's a good source of water. But get out towards the rockies and beyond (this is going WEST okay? :wink1: ) Wyoming, the Dakotas and you'll find not a whole lot of water and it has to be piped in. Even the water table is so low at places that drilling is far too costly.
Utah, Idaho, Nevada and Eastern California, Arizona and New Mexico... with the deserts water is mighty scarce per sq acre. But it's like Sam Kinneson once (screamed) in his rant against world hunger and how the Somalians, Ethiopians and other third world african countries live where there's no way to grow food "...we've got deserts in America, we just don't live in 'em *******!"

Of course, thats why we Scots built Hadrians Wall - to keep you English out.:rofl:

Woops, here goes the 5th World War!!!

Very best wishes
I once heard that the difference between Europeans and Americans is that Eurpeans think 100 miles is a long distance and Americans think 100 years is a long time

I've been meaning to use that quote here for ages ... gazzumped :D.

Oh and on the subject of the American's kicking our arses in the war of Independance ... no, hang on, too serious ... slaps self in head ... says "Com ... edd ... ie Kaff" real slow whilst tracing forum title with finger :lol:.
What seems to have happened, in contra-valence to every other immigration wave that I can think of in recorded history, is that the US has absorbed into itself all the negative attributes of it's emigres from other nations and educated down to the lowest common denominator. Is it any wonder that the majority (Net fact warning) of citizens cannot even point to their own state on a map?

That is to be expected when a country writes the following on their welcome mat...

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door"
It's a sad and woeful progression of events that seems to be gradually spreading - I'm starting to term it the New Dark Ages - where knowledge and tolerance is being replaced with ignorance and violence.

I have been calling it that for years now. ;)