American Military Rules of Conflict

Archangel M

Senior Master
Obviously slanted towards the Army..but hey that's fine with me. :uhyeah:

Rules of Conflict

The Rules of Conflict, according to the various American forces...
US Army Rules

  1. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.
  2. Decide to be aggressive enough, quickly enough.
  3. Have a plan.
  4. Have a back-up plan, because the first one probably won't work.
  5. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
  6. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun whose caliber does not start with a "4."
  7. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.
  8. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral & diagonal preferred.)
  9. Use cover or concealment as much as possible.
  10. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.
  11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
  12. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.
  13. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating your intention to shoot...
Navy SEAL's Rules

  1. Look very cool in sunglasses.
  2. Kill every living thing within view.
  3. Adjust speedo.
  4. Check hair in mirror.
US Army Rangers Rules

  1. Walk in 50 miles wearing 75 pound rucksack while starving.
  2. Locate individuals requiring killing.
  3. Request permission via radio from "Higher" to perform killing.
  4. Curse bitterly when mission is aborted.
  5. Walk out 50 miles wearing a 75 pound rucksack while starving.
Marine Corps Rules

  1. Curse bitterly when receiving operational order.
  2. Make sure there is extra ammo and extra coffee.
  3. Curse bitterly.
  4. Curse bitterly
  5. Do not listen to 2nd Lieutenants, it can get you killed.
  6. Curse bitterly!
US Air Force Rules

  1. Have a cocktail.
  2. Adjust temperature on air conditioner.
  3. See what's on HBO.
  4. Ask "what is a gunfight?"
  5. Request more funding from Congress with a "killer" Power Point presentation.
  6. Wine & dine 'key' Congressmen, invite DOD & defense industry executives.
  7. Receive funding, set up new command and assemble assets.
  8. Declare the assets "strategic" and never deploy them operationally.
  9. Hurry to make 13:45 tee time.
  10. Make sure the base is as far as possible from the conflict but close enough to have tax exemption.
US Navy Rules

  1. Go to Sea.
  2. Drink Coffee.
  3. Deploy Marines
I love the Air Force....It is really too bad that none of that is true any more. :(
I love the Air Force....It is really too bad that none of that is true any more. :(

It wasn't true for me back in 88.

More like...

Get up at butt crack of dawn
Drive 2 blocks to HQ because it's 160 below & too damn cold to walk
Attend guardmount w/ shiny boots and crisp uniform
Change into "real" uniform in parking lot
Check weapon and ammo out from armory
Drive 6 hours into the middle of nowhere
Wait 6 more hours while missle maintenance does whatever they do
Wait 6 more hours for site security to re-set
Drive 6 hours back to base
Turn weapon and ammo back into armory
Sleep 2 hours and do it again...

Marine Corps Rules
  1. Curse bitterly when receiving operational order.
  2. Make sure there is extra ammo and extra coffee.
  3. Curse bitterly.
  4. Curse bitterly
  5. Do not listen to 2nd Lieutenants, it can get you killed.
  6. Curse bitterly!
This isn't nearly as funny as it could be. It's more like
  1. Curse bitterly when receiving operational orders
  2. Make sure there is extra ammo and smokes
  3. Threaten to tea bag each other
  4. Clean weapons
  5. Clean Weapons
  6. Ignore orders from everyone that was never atleast and E3
  7. Play grab ***
  8. Clean weapons.
This isn't nearly as funny as it could be. It's more like
  1. Curse bitterly when receiving operational orders
  2. Make sure there is extra ammo and smokes
  3. Threaten to tea bag each other
  4. Clean weapons
  5. Clean Weapons
  6. Ignore orders from everyone that was never atleast and E3
  7. Play grab ***
  8. Clean weapons.

When I was in, you could add 'shine brass' and 'spitshine boots' to that list. Our motto was "Shine shoes, kill. Polish brass, kill."

These days the only people with brass on regular uniforms (not Service or Blues, but cammies) are officers. And the Boots aren't the same anymore.

These days the only people with brass on regular uniforms (not Service or Blues, but cammies) are officers. And the Boots aren't the same anymore.

Speaking of 'boots'...I guess I can safely call myself 'Old Corps' now.

In our ALICE packs were always cans of Brasso, tins of Kiwi black, those awful bottles of 'authorized' weapons cleaning fluid (CLR?) and the WD-40 and carb-cleaning fluid we really used to clean our M16A2 and M1911's.

Also, bottles of Franks Louisiana Hot Sauce for to make C-Rats edible. Ever cook a meal in your helmet over C-Rat hot tabs? No, guess not; you guys' helmets would catch fire. Ours were steel.

We starched and ironed our cammies, too. Seems strange now, looking back, but that was the deal back in the day.
In our ALICE packs

We don't use the term ALICE pack anymore. We use a similar pack though. We call it a Day Pack though.

those awful bottles of 'authorized' weapons cleaning fluid (CLR?)


Also, bottles of Franks Louisiana Hot Sauce for to make C-Rats edible.

We just eat MREs.

Ever cook a meal in your helmet over C-Rat hot tabs? No, guess not; you guys' helmets would catch fire. Ours were steel.

They wouldn't catch on fire. What do think they're made of? Cardboard?

We starched and ironed our cammies, too.

Some of us still do that. I iron my cammies after I wash them.
We just eat MREs.

Yeah, MREs came in just as I was getting out. Very tasty, at least compared to C rations. Our C-Rats came in cases with the date stamped on them - in 1983 we were still eating C-Rats with dates from the 1970's. There were actual standing orders from CMC on how to properly dispose of 'bulging' cans. Yikes.

However, some of us were C-Rat heroes. Beans and baby dicks were a specialty, and when you've been in the field for a month, a '***** disk' was something to be devoutly hoped for.

They wouldn't catch on fire. What do think they're made of? Cardboard?

I thought they were made of some kind of ballistic plastic/kevlar mix these days. I just presumed they could be burned or melted. Ours were steel.

Some of us still do that. I iron my cammies after I wash them.

When I went in in 1979, we were still issued sateen covers and jungle cammie with the slanted pockets. We used to block our covers on aluminum tubes and cover them with liquid starch using paint brushes, then bend a 'sea dip' in them to show how 'salty' we were after they dried in the sun. By 1981, we were issued ripstop cammies, which were horrible; they tore on everything. Then we went to the 1st issue of Woodland cammies, which were also horrible - they had huge 'Elvis collars' and were made of very thick material that made you sweat like a pig. By 1983, we were on the newer Woodland cammies that we were ordered not to starch or iron - they said they were treated with some chemical to make them less visible on IR. We looked like a walking rag bag.

Of course, having starched and pressed cammies, a white t-shirt (yes, it was required) and a shiny brass buckle on our web belts wasn't exactly the most low-key thing to wear in the field anyway.

You guys still blouse your boots, or are blousing garters a thing of the past now too?

Semper Fi, bro.
It wasn't true for me back in 88.

More like...

Get up at butt crack of dawn
Drive 2 blocks to HQ because it's 160 below & too damn cold to walk
Attend guardmount w/ shiny boots and crisp uniform
Change into "real" uniform in parking lot
Check weapon and ammo out from armory
Drive 6 hours into the middle of nowhere
Wait 6 more hours while missle maintenance does whatever they do
Wait 6 more hours for site security to re-set
Drive 6 hours back to base
Turn weapon and ammo back into armory
Sleep 2 hours and do it again...


Someone was a cop, huh?! :) Ok, now most of that is still true....If you piss someone off enough to get sent to Minot! Or some other god awful missile base. I feel for you man! I'm on a hardship tour - Patrick AFB in a Civil Engineer. I consider this the Air Force's way of paying me back for a year in Korea and a year in Iraq. Plus, the future years in deserts.
xI thought they were made of some kind of ballistic plastic/kevlar mix these days. I just presumed they could be burned or melted. Ours were steel.
we're up to the MICH TC-2000. The one you're talking about is the PASGT (Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops)....and it is just that, some crazy plastic/kevlar mix. I have no clue what is in it, but I don't think that it does real well in extreme heat. Certainly not steel, but they'll stop bullets good! The new one, the TC-2000 will stop handgun rounds, 5.56 and 7.62 I think. Basically all of the small arms used today.

When I went in in 1979, we were still issued sateen covers and jungle cammie with the slanted pockets. We used to block our covers on aluminum tubes and cover them with liquid starch using paint brushes, then bend a 'sea dip' in them to show how 'salty' we were after they dried in the sun. By 1981, we were issued ripstop cammies, which were horrible; they tore on everything. Then we went to the 1st issue of Woodland cammies, which were also horrible - they had huge 'Elvis collars' and were made of very thick material that made you sweat like a pig. By 1983, we were on the newer Woodland cammies that we were ordered not to starch or iron - they said they were treated with some chemical to make them less visible on IR. We looked like a walking rag bag.

Of course, having starched and pressed cammies, a white t-shirt (yes, it was required) and a shiny brass buckle on our web belts wasn't exactly the most low-key thing to wear in the field anyway.

You guys still blouse your boots, or are blousing garters a thing of the past now too?

You know, they JUST got rid of the last remaining Elvis collars. The DCUs that the Air Force used before this new joke of a uniform had the serious disco collars.

Here's the deal with starch and pressing....
BDU's weren't supposed to be, but some high speed hard charger did and everyone else had to keep up. The big thing isn't that there is a chemical IN them, it is that there is something in the Starch that glows in Night Vision. We did a round of experiments when the new uniform came out - so now starching is VERY strongly prohibited. You light up like a christmas tree on Night Vision.

Boot blousing was just eliminated in the Air Force, we all have to tuck now.
These days the only people with brass on regular uniforms (not Service or Blues, but cammies) are officers.

Dude, Marine Officers seriously wear brass on their BDUs??? Whoa....I've never seen that! All of the ones that I know wear subdued pin on.

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