Hoimicide is when one person kills another.
A prisoner that eventually succumbs to the wounds he gained prior to being captured would be dead by homicide.
Do you know that there is murder and torture going on? Do you have proof?
Man, what planet have you been living on? Fox?
There have been numerous reports of United States Service members killing people in their custody. These reports often include what Rush Limbaugh might describe as 'frat boy pranks' ... you know, violations of Article III of the Geneva Conventions, you know, the law of the land.
Now, these reports are taking place in your run-of-the-mill army detention facilities ... Do you really think the secret - hidden - CIA operated detention facilities --- you know, the ones the Red Cross can't visit --- I'm pretty sure that's a violation of some law, or another too --- are operated more like Club Med?
Why is it that when someone like former JAG officer, now Senator, Graham says we can't change the rules ... you argue for it?
Why is it when a former four star General, a former Secretary of State, like Colin Powell, says we have to honor Geneva, you argue against him?
Why is when former POW John McCain says the law says we don't torture, and the President issues a signing statement saying he is free to disregard, and re-write the law he just signed, you sign with the guy who deserted his military service, and not the guy who was a prisoner for five years?
Why is that a World War II Navy Veteran can argue against what the President is Proposing, and you can disagree with him?
Of course, all this may just be a distraction ... don't look at Iraq. Please don't look at the incredible failure of leadership. The Greatest Military Force ever assembled has become a broken police force, unable to prevent the slaughter of 100 people a day, right under their noses. It took less than four years of incompetent leadership to destroy the greatest military fighting force ever assembled. Four years of unwavering, unquestioning motion in the wrong direction; unable to secure an area the size of California.
George W. Bush can't recognize that he has built his house of flammible material, and set it afire from within.
He is the ultimate failure of Commander in Chief. Unable to listen to dissent. Unable to recognize failing policies. Unable to make a change.
A Disaster, that is destroying the country. Once a beacon of liberty, we are now the country that wants to re-write the Geneva Conventions.