America Supports You Freedom Walk


There is definately a need for punctuation .... but, I find this whole idea, if not grotesque, at least a bit creepy.

The Pentagon has decided to honor the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks with a concert by Clint Black. Now that's touching.

Please note, the event is not the 'America Supports You, Freedom Walk'.
Please note, the event is not the 'America Supports Your Freedom Walk'.

And, line up early to get an 'America Supports You' pin.

'Freedom Walk' to Commemorate 9/11, Celebrate Freedom
The Defense Department today announced the first "America Supports You Freedom Walk" to honor the victims of 9/11 and America's military personnel, as well as to celebrate freedom.

The Freedom Walk will begin at 10 a.m. Sept. 11 in the Pentagon South parking lot, near the site where the airliner crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. The walk route will consist of a two-mile trek through Arlington National Cemetery, over the Potomac River, and will end by the reflecting pool on the National Mall, where a free concert featuring country music star Clint Black will take place.

"I am proud and honored to be part of the America Supports You Freedom Walk to honor the victims of 9/11 and to support our men and women in uniform," Black said.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld made the announcement today at the Pentagon.

"Every year since the Sept. 11 attacks, Americans have commemorated that anniversary. This year the Department of Defense will initiate an American Supports You Freedom Walk. The walk will begin at the Pentagon and end at the National Mall. It will include many of the major monuments in Washington, D.C., reminding participants of the sacrifices of this generation and of each previous generation that have so successfully defended our freedoms," Rumsfeld said.

"America Supports You" is a nationwide program launched by the Defense Department with the goal of highlighting how Americans across the country are supporting the men and women of the armed forces.

There will also be a private ceremony for the families of the 9/11 victims prior to the walk.

To avoid long lines, America Supports You Freedom Walk participants are encouraged to arrive at the Pentagon South parking lot between 7 and 8 a.m. According to the Freedom Walk Web site, the first 1,000 people to arrive will receive an official America Supports You campaign lapel pin.

Participants also are encouraged to take the Metro to either the Pentagon or Pentagon City stations and follow the signs to the Freedom Walk staging area.

The walk was made possible with the help of several local in-kind supporters, including Stars and Stripes newspaper, Pentagon Federal Credit Union, Subway, Washington Post, Lockheed Martin, WTOP, ABC/WJLA-TV Channel 7 and News Channel 8, and the Washington Convention & Tourism Corporation, according to the Freedom Walk Web site.

The goal for next year's walk is to get each state to host its own Freedom Walk to provide an opportunity for as many citizens as possible to reflect on the importance of freedom, according to a DoD press release. Those wishing to walk in this year's Freedom Walk can register online by visiting and clicking on the Freedom Walk icon. Volunteer opportunities also are available online. Registration is open until 10 a.m. Sept. 9.
Another bit of distracting fluff fanfare, attempting to roll the 9/11 terrorist attacks into the war in Iraq, still trying to make that nonexistent link.

Maybe I'd be more impressed if our President, who has taken another full month off (since when did Presidents get months off?) on his ranch, won't even talk to Cindy Sheehan, an actual mom who lost an actual son in the actual seemingly endless war in Iraq.
I seem to recall a plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. Are any memorials at the WTC propaganda too?
Tgace said:
And the Pentagon/Defense Dept. are involved in warfighting....hmmm.

Perhaps protesters could hold a counter march. As a matter of fact I hope they do.

Here tell the troops what you think...

This is not about the soldiers, Tom, and you should know better. I suppose you are so wrapped up in how we liberals "hate America", you can't even consider if this 'tribute' might be inappropriate.

It's about the idiot civilian in charge of the solders, and his boss.

As a way to 'honor' the victims of September 11, 2001 they are holding a 'concert'? Is that the way they remember December 7, in Hawaii? Do you suppose I can get a celebratory hot dog for less than 3 bucks at the concert? A little face-painting for the kids. Hopefully there is a petting zoo or some animal rides for the young tykes.

Hey, maybe we can set up these carnivals all over the world.
How about an 'America Supports You Subway Ride' for the folks over in England.
How about an 'America Supports You Hotel Guest' for the folks in Bali.

It's an idiotic idea. But obviously no one in the Pentagon feels than can say so to the Secretary of Defense. Wonder why? Could it be that the current Executive Branch of Government has been so welcoming and considerate and thoughtful when it comes to critizism, constructive or otherwise.

How dare you, Tom, tell us how we should or should not support the military. If you're so self-righteous about it, go sign up yourself. They have raised the enlistment age. Shame on you.

Feisty Mouse said:
Another bit of distracting fluff fanfare, attempting to roll the 9/11 terrorist attacks into the war in Iraq, still trying to make that nonexistent link.

Maybe I'd be more impressed if our President, who has taken another full month off (since when did Presidents get months off?) on his ranch, won't even talk to Cindy Sheehan, an actual mom who lost an actual son in the actual seemingly endless war in Iraq.

i don't see any "non-existent link" trying to be made here with a freedom walk. :rolleyes:

you anti-bush people seem to provide your own "bit of distracting fluff" to discredit everything this administration does, and it's pretty pathetic.

as for Cindy Sheehan, the president already met with her and family at Ft. Lewis, Washington in 2004, and Sheehan, then, had nothing but good things to say about the president. now she's changed her tone some 18 months later. even with pleas from the rest of her family to stop her politically motivated cherade, she persists.

Mon Aug 08 2005 10:11:07 ET

The mother of a fallen U.S. soldier who is holding a roadside peace vigil near President Bush's ranch -- has dramatically changed her account about what happened when she met the commander-in-chief last summer!

Cindy Sheehan, 48, of Vacaville, Calif., who last year praised Bush for bringing her family the "gift of happiness," took to the nation's TV outlets this weekend to declare how Bush "killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity."

CINDY 2004

THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA published an account of Cindy Sheehan's visit with the president at Fort Lewis near Seattle on June 24, 2004:

"'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith.'

"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.

"The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.

"For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.

For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.

"'That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together,' Cindy said."

CINDY 2005

Sheehan's current comments are a striking departure.

In an interview Sunday on CNN, she claimed Bush "acted like it was party" when she met him.

"It was -- you know, there was a lot of things said. We wanted to use the time for him to know that he killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity. And we wanted him to look at the pictures of Casey.

"He wouldn't look at the pictures of Casey. He didn't even know Casey's name. He came in the room and the very first thing he said is, 'So who are we honoring here?' He didn't even know Casey's name. He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear anything about Casey. He wouldn't even call him 'him' or 'he.' He called him 'your loved one.'

Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject. And he acted like it was a party.

BLITZER: Like a party? I mean...

SHEEHAN: Yes, he came in very jovial, and like we should be happy that he, our son, died for his misguided policies. He didn't even pretend like somebody...

kinda makes you wonder :rolleyes:

The following email was received by the DRUDGE REPORT from Casey's aunt and godmother:

Our family has been so distressed by the recent activities of Cindy we are breaking our silence and we have collectively written a statement for release. Feel free to distribute it as you wish.

Thanks, Cherie

In response to questions regarding the Cindy Sheehan/Crawford Texas issue: Sheehan Family Statement:

The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.


Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.

hhmmmm :idunno:

yeah...let's use Sheehan to discredit a freedom walk :rolleyes:

so what's the big problem with having walk? grotesque? idiotic? creepy? give me a break. i guess cancer walks, bike-a-thons, AIDS walks, and children's hospital marathons all fall into your category then. they would have to. cancer & AIDS kill more people each year then this war has killed since the beginning. how is having a freedom walk so damn bad? there isn't a thing wrong here. actually, there is, it's the way you pick apart everything remotely related to this war. you will NEVER see one bit of positive reflection that comes out of it. you will never hear about it on the news. the only thing that is grotesque, idiotic and creepy is your injust criticism of an activity to honor fallen soldiers.

to me, it's not about politics and never should be. i am an American Soldier. i'll support our commander-in-chief, regardless of what side of the table he sits on, and regardless of who he is. it's my job.

what's the big deal with the president taking a vacation? you get one right? most every full-time working American citizen gets a vacation on average of 15 days per year. most brits get 30 days per year. being in the armed forces, i get 30 days a year. is the president and government officials not afforded this luxury? take a look at the president's recent activities in texas since his "vacation". he's signed free trade agreements with central america, met with foreign leaders on numerous occasions, visited nearby military installations. but since he's the leader of the free world, he's not supposed to take time off. i see.

take the blinders off. your severely slanted biasedness is even more pathetic.
This "Freedom Walk" is just another attempt by the Bush administration to flog the 9/11 horse in the face of sagging support and growing dissent. It's par for the course.
qizmoduis said:
This "Freedom Walk" is just another attempt by the Bush administration to flog the 9/11 horse in the face of sagging support and growing dissent. It's par for the course.

oh indeed, damn them for honoring the dead. how dare they!!! :rolleyes:

...and your comment is "par for the course".
Tgace said:
A walk on 9/11 at a site that was a target on 9/11...yeah must have an agenda.:shrug:
Oh of course not - because a rock concert is the way to go.

You can go one of two ways:

1) Throwing a big party with a rock concert is kind of a tasteless way to remember the dead, and those currently dying in Iraq, for an event unrelated to Iraq (but who remembers those pesky WMDs and Saddam Hussein?),


2) This is another big PR move to drum up nationalism and support for a war where support is flagging here at home, as more Americans die, and the President keeps changing the reasons we are sending our loved ones to die.

Sapper6 said:
to me, it's not about politics and never should be. i am an American Soldier. i'll support our commander-in-chief, regardless of what side of the table he sits on, and regardless of who he is. it's my job.
take the blinders off. your severely slanted biasedness is even more pathetic.
:rolleyes: Riiiight. Dang it, I didn't realizing that trying to show our dead respect, and questioning why we continue to fight a war, is unAmerican! Thanks for introducing that totally unbiased perspective, I'm sure that's what our Founding Fathers were driving at for all citizens.

(By the way, supporting the American nation is one thing. Supporting a person that was elected in, and can be booted out, no matter what, may be your job, but it doesn't mean you can't have your own thoughts about what is happening.)
Clint Black is far from a "rock concert"....what if the Army Band played and the Air Force Choir sang? Better?
Tgace said:
Clint Black is far from a "rock concert"....what if the Army Band played and the Air Force Choir sang? Better?
Marginally. What do you prefer for memorial services?

I'm far more impressed by the folks sending care packages, letters, and supplies to the still-living troops, myself - and the folks who are remembering their dead with solemnity.

I must be terribly old-fashioned.
Well as most of the victims at the Pentagon (besides the poor people on the plane) were military. Most of the people killed overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq are military and most of the people who are going to participate in this walk are probably military and their friends/families....if they arent offended (and most of the servicemen/prior servicemen on this thread arent offended) why should you be? The site has a few thousand supporting replies from the people whom you are so concerned about "offending".
Tgace said:
Well as most of the victims at the Pentagon (besides the poor people on the plane) were military. Most of the people killed overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq are military and most of the people who are going to participate in this walk are probably military and their friends/families....if they arent offended (and most of the servicemen/prior servicemen on this thread arent offended) why should you be? The site has a few thousand supporting replies from the people whom you are so concerned about "offending".
So if I'm from a military family and I find it offensive (and politically motivated), that doesn't count?

Right, I forgot, it's "unpatriotic" to have your own opinion these days.
No..however how is my disagreeing opinion any different? If I disagree with you I get labeled as throwing around the "unpatriotic" attack? I dont believe Ive ever accused you of that. No offense, but that all too typical response seems like a boo boo lip "you hurt my feelings" tactic to smokescreen any disagreement. You post your opinion, I disagree and post mine. Doesnt have to be personal.
Tgace said:
No..however how is my disagreeing opinion any different? If I disagree with you I get labeled as throwing around the "unpatriotic" attack? I dont believe Ive ever accused you of that. No offense, but that all too typical response seems like a boo boo lip "you hurt my feelings" tactic to smokescreen any disagreement. You post your opinion, I disagree and post mine. Doesnt have to be personal.
lol - don't worry, you haven't hurt my feelings. A long time ago you said you're only here on MT to "bait the bears" anyways, right? :)

I get tired of the fact that if someone disagrees with the status quo in this country right now, because we've got a war on, it's "unpatriotic". I am not putting words into your mouth, I am addressing comments other have made, and continue to make. It's tiresome.

By all means, enjoy the Clint Black.
This just in ...

Event has been re-named:

America Supports You - Security March​

Apparently, strict controls as to who is going to be allowed to 'WALK' have been put in place. Unless you have 'PRE-REGISTERED' (what the hell does that mean) for your 'FREEDOM', you will not be allowed to participate.

The Route the 'WALK' is going to take, has not been published.

The entire route will be lined with a 4 foot high snow fence (in September?)

The entire United States Park Police Force will on hand, (actually on foot, horseback and motorcycle) to arrest anyone attempting to WALK without the appropriate PRE-REGISTRATION credentials. Additional security will be monitoring the progress of 'FREEDOM' from helicopters.

Park Police Chief Pettiford has assured all that "Officers are prepared to arrest" anyone attempting to present 'Freedom' without prior authorization.

Pettiford also said ... "We have those fences to keep the public out."

you think I'm making this **** up?

I got it ... Michael Brown had to set this thing up.....

Are these guys choking on their own irony yet, or what?
Very difficult finding a news report about this event. I have seen to small stories; Washington Posts' Monday edition, and, I think, Yahoo News.

Reports of approximately 4,000 people.

I can't seem to find any photos.

If you see anything, please post a link. I am interested.


Not an unbiased source, but there are photos here:

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