Ameliorating Knife Crime

This is what I think of for a hook bill knife. They come in a few shapes and sizes and are used in several ways: Hook Bill Knife
As for your image, we have a couple old ones laying around at the other farm. There are different shapes, but we always called them a sickle. Good for cutting rough brush.
The Welsh tend to refer to sickles and billhooks by the same name too. To me though, a sickle is the one with a thin, round blade like a scythe. And don't ask me what the word for the thing that looks for all the world like a japanese polearm is, because nobody seems to know :D
Dude, same here. Just got over a three week case of pneumonia. Last night Mrs Habits and I broke out the big bottle of wine, jammed some music outside on the big speakers and cooked steaks, crab cakes, asparagus and scallops on the grill. Unwinding indeed! She didnt even try to kick my *** last night lol
What the flippin’ ‘ecks going on? Who’s ‘Mrs Habits’?

(don’t forget to do your ‘huffing’ exercises)
The Welsh tend to refer to sickles and billhooks by the same name too.
Oh billhooks. I just thought it was vulgarity 😐
To me though, a sickle is the one with a thin, round blade like a scythe.
A falx in Latin. The falx cerebri is a large, sickle-shaped fold of dura mater that descends vertically into the longitudinal fissure to separate the cerebral hemispheres. It reduces brain torsion during violent head twisting as one might encounter at a Metallica or Taylor Swift concert, although performed for very different reasons. (Don’t you think Swift looks ‘dead’ behind her eyes?)
And don't ask me what the word for the thing that looks for all the world like a japanese polearm is, because nobody seems to know :D
Do you mean a scythe? Like the grim reaper carries? 💀

My favourite tool and name is the ‘grubbing mattock’.
But to try and deal with this in as balanced a way as I feel capable, there undeniably are long term, cultural problems that should be addressed and they are things we need to get a handle on anyway. The problem with trying to solve social ills, however, is that they are intractable, sometimes unpopular and complex things to fix. I agree that we need to be dealing with whatever is causing people to stab each other, but we need a short term fix as well to try and keep the problem from spiralling out of control. It's very difficult to change society, but easy to blunt kitchen knives. You could argue that this isn't an argument for blunting kitchen knives but an argument for social interventions. Methadone programs. Better rehabilitation of offenders. Soup kitchens. Better psychiatric care. To a certain extent I agree that it is. The thing is that we can't just take knives out of the equation, for the same reason we can't take guns out of the equation- they are needed in large numbers for perfectly legitimate purposes.
Oh billhooks. I just thought it was vulgarity 😐

A falx in Latin. The falx cerebri is a large, sickle-shaped fold of dura mater that descends vertically into the longitudinal fissure to separate the cerebral hemispheres. It reduces brain torsion during violent head twisting as one might encounter at a Metallica or Taylor Swift concert, although performed for very different reasons. (Don’t you think Swift looks ‘dead’ behind her eyes?)

Do you mean a scythe? Like the grim reaper carries? 💀

My favourite tool and name is the ‘grubbing mattock’.
No, a scythe has a thin blade that needs regular peening and honing. The tool I'm discussing is basically just a billhook on a long stick.
What the flippin’ ‘ecks going on? Who’s ‘Mrs Habits’?

(don’t forget to do your ‘huffing’ exercises)
A couple of dudes had a rough week Had to blow off some steam. Mrs Habits is my other half. Shes a tough hard rockin 80's chick. I tell people defending myself from her is the main reason i practice the TMA. Gotta be able to restrain her without actually beating her 😉
A couple of dudes had a rough week Had to blow off some steam.

Oh I see…
Mrs Habits is my other half.
Oh, you called Mr Bad Habits? I thought u we’re Badhabits Johnson or something. I wish I could change my name on this forum but it doesn’t seem possible.
Shes a tough hard rockin 80's chick.
I tell people defending myself from her is the main reason i practice the TMA.
When she was at University, my other half was on her country’s national Shotokan team; she’s very fast, crisp and ‘digital’…but I have a sword.
Gotta be able to restrain her without actually beating her 😉
Throw a thick blanket on her and you don’t get any bruising.
The media rhetoric on banning online knife purchases in ramping up over here in the U.K. with the introduction of a new law which will make attempted ‘suspicious’ online knife purchases or bulk buying, incidents that must be reported to the police.

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