You mean where you have just insulted posters without adding any informational content.
Oh boy... really? Point out the insults. Our new (and, seemingly, no longer with us) member made comments that were inaccurate, based on thinking he had insider knowledge of the art after talking to someone... claiming to be "one of the few people who knows someone who has trained in Ninjutsu long term"... which was, justifiably, pointed out to be not accurate, correct, or even the best insight someone on the thread could have had.
I needed to add no more additional information, as the pertinent aspect was his lack of genuine exposure, compared to members of the forum who have actual knowledge in this field... as well as re-iterating aspects that had already been covered in the one and a half pages of this thread (seriously, it's not a long one for him to have read through first...).
You are basically trolling.
I don't think that term means what you think it does...
Read that response. Apart from you being awesome and everyone else being ignorant what did you contribute to the discussion?
At that point, I was heading off a line of thinking that was potentially damaging to the OP's development and progress... just so you know.
That's the thing. You're seeing only a small part of the story... you're seeing someone come along, offer poorly thought out advice based on a lack of knowledge and insight, as well as ignoring a number of aspects covered in the subsequent thread (after the OP itself), who was called on it, got all butt-hurt, and decided that he didn't like having his ideas criticised, and left. The flip side is how the post made by that member could have been interpreted by the OP (or any others in a similar situation who may have read it)... basically telling them that what they were doing was bad, they were doing the wrong art, they should do something else... which is simply not helpful in the slightest. So my response wasn't to attack the new member or their viewpoint (you may notice that I explain why it's bad advice throughout, I acknowledge his good intentions, but encourage him to think a bit more about what he's in a position to say... and I also welcomed him to the forum... for me, this is incredibly cordial...), it was to help guide them to have a more productive time here, and to limit the potential damage his post could have caused.
It's always more than you think, you know...
I would be surprised if you actually answer that question.
You're kidding, right? Do you actually read these threads, or just decide what you think is happening, and run on that false idea?
Page one, post #9. Enjoy.
I mean fatninja who has been training two days has been more helpful.
He's been encouraging to the OP... at this stage, that's what he needs, so yes, I agree he's been helpful... however, "more helpful" is rather subjective... and you may notice that much of his comments were simply more along the lines of "I'm with ya, buddy, same boat, hang in there!" (which is great). Again, page one, post 9... read.