Ala. bus crashes nose-first; 3 teens die

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
"The bus went to the side, and I guess it went over," she said. "When it was falling ... I was just glad when it hit the ground."
It struck the ground nose-first, about 30 feet below the I-565 overpass.
Two teenage girls died in the wreckage; a third died later at a hospital.
"They were falling on each other. People were screaming, yelling, crying," said Jefferson, 16, who suffered fractures to her left arm and cuts and bruises to her face.

With all the seat belt laws, why aren't school buses equipped with them?
It seems like a no-brainer, doesn't it? OTOH, there were certain to be casualties in a 30 ft. fall.

Seriously... 30 ft is a long fall. I'm a bit suprised there were no more casualties. I'm glad that is the case though.... my thoughts and prayers go out to the families, friends and the rest of the injured kids. :asian:
It seems like a no-brainer, doesn't it? OTOH, there were certain to be casualties in a 30 ft. fall.

True, perhaps if they were wearing seat belts there would have been no casualties. Three families lost their children. It does seem like a no-brainer so I just can't understand why school buses aren't equipped with them. The cops around here set up road blocks to check drivers for seat belt use. You will get a ticket if you're not buckled up. So if it's that important, why isn't it being enforced on school buses?
The new busses in our school system have them. The older one do not. As they are replacing them, they are paying the extra for the seat belt option, and I personally think it is a great idea.
iv had busses that dont even have properly working breaks, iv had busses that caught fire, iv had busses that for no apparent reason went rolling backwards, its sad that htis had to happen but maybe now they will take a look at what excatly children are riding to school in every day. Both from micanical repair and saifty devices

With all the seat belt laws, why aren't school buses equipped with them?

Not sure, but some of the arguements I remember from the 80's was that Schoool Buses sit higher and have a full frame and are less likely to take damage in a vehicle crash. There was an issue raised of kids being trapt in a bus and unable to get out because of being "Strapped" in if there was a fire or other accident. I remember when I was a kid they had drills twice a year on how to exit the bus in an emergency at the school.

Given today's technology with shoulder belts being allowed in the shoulder of the seat one could see this, but would it fit all? Would they need buses designed for the Elementary with large booster seats or lower belts, and then middle gradres having middle design with High Schoolers being of near adult to adult size?

I do think it is sad that people died and wish they had not.

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