I've been a firefighter for 14 years and have had the same type of issues; folks think that they'll be able to run back in an find their pet(s) and get them out. A.) a pet will be VERY scared and will most likely find a place to hide - where you will most likely NOT be able to find them through the dense smoke. B.) If you are able to find the pet they will most likely be so scared that they will bite/ scratch/ fight you c.) when you go back in to search for your pets you have just endanged the lives all the first responders that have been dispatched to your house as they will ikely now have to rescue/ recover you. d.) a fire will double in size every 3 to 4 minutes so a single room fire can VERY quickly consume an entire floor in less then 10 minutes. The resulting smoke and heat will overcome anyone in this environment that does not have on full protective turn out gear and breathing apparatus. e.) I'm a huge animal lover and I would certainly try to save my 2 dogs and I would mourn for weeks/ months if they were to die. I'd rather mourn then die myself or worse yet have someone else get hurt or die while trying to find me.