What people don't really understand about these types of martial arts is that they are primarily sword fighting styles.
The technical precision of movement needed takes years of refinement, because you don't want a sword slicing you up LoL
Each concept (Locks, Traps, Throws and Swings) develops a flow pattern in a sword fight and various defensive maneuvers that are to counter a sword strike or hand to hand attacks.
I found these videos to illustrate.................
Its hard to find videos that illustrate the point but I hope those suffice for the purpose of a good Forum discussion.
So allot of these martial art styles are really beautiful to watch and to do from this point of view other than that you're not really going to get any realistic street defense or aggressive tactic that works with other styles.
Its not designed that way, I'm sure some will disagree of course but I have spoken with Grand masters in this field and thats what most will tell you.
Its a refined style of martial arts to a specialized weapon the mighty sword...............
When I did Aiki Jiu- Jitsu back in my high school years mainly because a guy I knew kept nagging me to come I loved the throws and locks and the sword flow techniques.
Other than that I wanted something more street defensive that would get me in do the job get me out so to speak.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I did learn allot putting them into my chest of skills that I can use when there is an opportunity presented, that would make better sense in the opinion is this the best martial art for defensive purposes.
But all opinions are welcome of course