Is there any evidence that link wasn't a creative story about the founding of martial arts?
I am pretty sure you could reasonably discount that link.
Simone Chierchini, an enthusiast Aikido student and divulgator, is a direct student of Hideki Hosokawa and Yoji Fujimoto sensei and has been a pioneer of Aikido in Ireland and an ambassador of the discipline in Egypt.
For over 10 years he has been animating Aikido Italia Network, his extra-mat creature specialised in the production and dissemination of Aikido culture worldwide.
I mean the guy who wrote that article isn't doing peer reviewed stuff. w
What is the most prestigious magazine in that sector. Black Belt? Not exactly a source for hard hitting journalism.
"Simone has written numerous articles and interviews - both in English and Italian - for the most prestigious magazines and blogs of the sector. In 2009 he has published a novel, "Narrando Viaggiando" with Albatros - Il Filo Edizioni.
Aikido Italia Network Publishing is his latest enterprise."