There are better answers than mine in previous posts... I've only learned a little Aiki but know that it is a very effective art when punching/kicking isn't what you want to do. But I would think about how aiki is designed and what effect it would have if someone resisted. Think broken bones and other highly effective damages to joints, ligaments and so forth. A person would naturally go with it as instinctively they are at that moment of awareness that their arm is about to get broken. Yeah, I'd say it's very effective for the streets and in closed quarters like a public restroom or bar or even in the home.Eric Daniel said:Hey aiki guys, I have not been in aiki for long and I have a question that I think I may have an answer to but would like other opinions.
Is aiki street effective? In class your partner does not resist the technique but what if you try the technique on someone who resists the technique? I think that if a guy resist your technique you should hit him, Hitting sounds more like something for the streets, I don't think if you just do a soft aiki technique on the street that it will be effective.
Think also this... if the samurai survived a failed technique long enough to impliment an effective one then yeah they'd learn not to do that in battle.Eric Daniel said:Another question, how do you know what is effective on the street and what is not? A long time ago in japan the samurai's would try a technique on the battlefield and if it was not effective than they would not do that techniqe again in battle or practice.

With ANY Martial Art... the techniques/forms etc. are only as effective as the user.Eric Daniel said:What is the difference in effective techniques than and now? does any one really know? I am not sure but if you have any information that will be helpful please let me know it.
Later, Eric