I think there is a fare amount of difference between the UK and US laws, not least that the US have an objective test of reasonable ness and the UK a subjective one of necessity . You don't have to show your actions as reasonable in the actual circumstances, only that you believed them reasonable in the circumstances you thought were in playWell that's what the Crown Prosecutor's Web site says (UK).
Heck the Law Commission went so far as to say that such a standard is necessary otherwise a battered woman or abused child using excessive force because they are physically at a disadvantage and not under imminent attack, would be denied a defence. Further, an occupant not sure if violence to defend their property against invasion is reasonable, may feel forced to do nothing.
Australia says it has to be an objectively reasonable response to the circumstances as subjectively perceived them.
And the US obviously has this standard. So it seems the Nations most of the contributors live in here are largely on the same page. Not surprising since the self defense laws in all three are grounded in English Common Law.
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