Advanced Test


MTS Alumni
Well, its officially over now. Last night I took my black sash level test. My sifu kind of sprang it on me, I didn't know I was testing until just a couple weeks ago. It went well considering. We started at 6:30pm and we were finished by about 8:45pm. I'm really glad its over. I'm not one that puts much weight in belts or belt colors, but it is nice to look back over the last severla years and see the progress I've made. I wont know if I passed until next week, he has to "grade" us, but I feel good about it. Pass or not, I was pushed way beyond what I normally push myself, or even am able to push myself, so that is what I think the tests are for anyways. I'm a little bruised up and sore, but I made it.

Congatulations! Not that I place much emphasis on rank either, but it does indicate the huge amount of dedication you have put into your art and is a HUGE accomplishment nonetheless!
7starmantis said:
Well, its officially over now. Last night I took my black sash level test. My sifu kind of sprang it on me, I didn't know I was testing until just a couple weeks ago. It went well considering. We started at 6:30pm and we were finished by about 8:45pm. I'm really glad its over. I'm not one that puts much weight in belts or belt colors, but it is nice to look back over the last severla years and see the progress I've made. I wont know if I passed until next week, he has to "grade" us, but I feel good about it. Pass or not, I was pushed way beyond what I normally push myself, or even am able to push myself, so that is what I think the tests are for anyways. I'm a little bruised up and sore, but I made it.


GOOD KUNG FU 7*!!!!!


Congrats on reaching the start of your journey.

If your sifu felt you were ready or deserve a black sash ,then it really doesn't matter what "YOU" think of belts or rankings.

He feels that you are ready for the next steps in your martial journey ,that itself is a greater honor than anything you could think of in a belt or ranking.

Once again congrats!:-partyon:

Congratulations! I'm sure the exam was difficult, but I kind of doubt your teacher would have given it to you if you weren't ready for. I bet you'll pass. :) Whether or not the rankings mean much to you, it must still be nice to look back and realize how far you've come over the years. Way to go. :)
Blooming Lotus said:
value it , prize it or don't . A win's a win, and a challenge met and overcome is a congradularoty event nontheless.


True, and thank you for your congradulatory remarks. I'm not downing my achievments, I'm just saying that a black belt truly means nothing in my own eyes. I'm only beginning to learn and will be at this the rest of my life, so I look forward to what I will learn in the future.

Great attitude to have 7 starmantis! Keep training hard and congrats on your achievement. :asian:

Seven Star:

Huge congratulations! This is big! Walking through another door, your training will really begin now.


Congratulations, 7 Star, you earned it. It sounds a lot less painful than most of us who knew the date and train really hard for months ahead. Not that you didn't but I for one tend to overkill it and somewhat burn out.:erg:
It means you made the mile mark, definitely on the road. TW
Thanks everyone, I am proud of my achievment and am looking forward to more training. I hadn't tested in a while so I was almost ready for black 1 when I took black, so I'm now I'll be taking it in December!! Its even worse. Since I was almost there anyways I just did black and now I'll do this one. After this one, it will be a couple years before then next probably.


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