Passed my belt test


Yellow Belt
Hey there,
I passed my orange belt test last Monday, which is nice.
We didn't spend a lot of time preparing for the test by going over the techniques compared to the last belt test, so I was really nervous about the test. At the end I made some mistakes due to a sprained ankle and lack of oxygen, but on overall I'm satisfied with the results :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this ^^

Congrats! I personally felt that the testing for the Orange belt was easier than for my Yellow belt, though it could've also been that I was much better prepared! lol
Which organization/school do you train with and how long have you been doing Krav Maga?
Congrats! I personally felt that the testing for the Orange belt was easier than for my Yellow belt, though it could've also been that I was much better prepared! lol
Which organization/school do you train with and how long have you been doing Krav Maga?

I felt my orange belt was soo much harder than my yellow belt test, although I sustained injuries during both. And maybe because I started hyperventilating.

I train with "Protect Invest" (Krav Maga Worldwide) and my trainer is a 1st dan black belt.
I started around July or so, so that'd be around.. 10 months?
Congrats on your belt test! I am a brown belt as well as an instructor. I tell my students that there are two types of people in our Krav class.....Those who have gotten hurt and those who will. Keep it up! The knowledge and skills you will receive will benefit you for a life time. Keep it up!