Are we testing martial arts scientifically, or just applying scientific theory to techniques and strategy?
Is it possible to use scientific theories to improve our martial arts, and if so how does one do so?
What I was doing was simply to abstract two superficially totally different fields,
dynamics of combat/fighting and
dynamics of physical interactions, and seek a commmon abstraction for their dynamics - what determines the physical law vs the laws of combat. Mainly for fun and to see how insights from one field can give new perspectics to another field, via a common abstraction - game theory in this case.
Combat can be though of as a game between the fighters, where dynamics can be understood in terms of mutual expectations and actions.
In certain interpretations (quantum bayesianism) the same can the though of physical interactions.
I just enjoy the common abstractions simply because I like both physics and MA. But this is maybe a too geeky association for most.
I get more insights of physics, from the analogy, than the opposite. For example, it is difficuly to put your self into the shoes of beeing an electron, but it is easier to put yourself into the role of a fighting agent, then intuition can be mapped back to physics. So physicists will learn more from the analogy, than MA artists will learn from "insights" from physics and mapp back to MA.