What's the end game here, guys? I don't get it. in the interest of moving this to some kind of resolution, here is a comprehensive list of definitions from
dissipate - Memidex dictionary/thesaurus, including etymology:
- (divide) to cause to separate and go in different directions
Synonyms: break up, dispel, disperse, scatter. Type of: separate
- (part) to move away from each other
Synonyms: disperse, scatter, spread out. Type of: separate
- (consume) to spend frivolously and unwisely
Synonyms: fool, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, shoot. Type of: consume. Followed by:...
- (live) to live a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption
Type of: live
Etymology summary
dissipatus, past participle of
dissipare "to spread abroad, scatter,...
(Source: Online Etymology)
Definition references
the result of irreversible processes that take place in inhomogeneous thermodynamic systems. A dissipative process is a process in which energy is transformed from some initial form to some final form; the capacity of the final form to do mechanical... (40 of 670 words)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissipation [cite]
Collins Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipater [derived] | dissipator [noun, derived]
to exhaust or be exhausted by dispersion | [transitive] to scatter or break up | [intransitive] to indulge in the pursuit of pleasure (21 of 492 words, 3 definitions, 9 usage examples, pronunciation)
www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/dissipate [cite]
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | clear out [synonym, sense-specific] | disband [synonym, sense-specific] | dispel [synonym, sense-specific] | disperse [synonym, sense-specific] | scatter [synonym, sense-specific] | squander [synonym, sense-specific] | ...
to break up and drive off (as a crowd) ; to cause to spread thin or scatter and gradually vanish ; to lose (as heat or electricity) irrecoverably | to ... (29 of 188 words, 4 definitions, 4 usage examples, pronunciation)
www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dissipate [cite]
Oxford Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipative [derived] | dissipator [derived]
(with reference to a feeling or emotion) disappear or cause to disappear | disperse or scatter | waste or fritter away (money, energy, or resources) | ... (23 of 124 words, 4 definitions, 5 usage examples, pronunciation)
oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/dissipate [cite]
American Heritage Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present] | dissipater [noun, related] | dissipator [noun, related] | dissipative [adjective, related]
To drive away; disperse. | To attenuate to or almost to the point of disappearing | To spend or expend intemperately or wastefully; squander. | To use ... (24 of 94 words, 7 definitions, 3 usage examples, pronunciation)
www.yourdictionary.com/dissipate [cite]
New World Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipater [related] | dissipative [adjective, related]
to break up and scatter; dispel; disperse | to drive completely away; make disappear | to waste or squander | to be dissipated; disperse or vanish | ... (23 of 84 words, 5 definitions, pronunciation)
www.yourdictionary.com/dissipate [cite]
Macmillan British Dictionary:
dissipate [formal] | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
[intransitive/transitive] to gradually disappear by becoming less strong, or to make something do this | [transitive] to waste something such as time, ... (21 of 78 words, 2 definitions, 2 usage examples, pronunciation)
www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/dissipate [cite]
Random House Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle]
to scatter in various directions; disperse; dispel. | to spend or use wastefully or extravagantly; squander; deplete. | to become scattered or ... (20 of 63 words, 4 definitions, 2 usage examples, pronunciation)
dictionary.infoplease.com/dissipate [cite]
Cambridge Dictionary:
dissipate [formal] | dissipation [noun, formal, derived]
to (cause to) gradually disappear or waste (7 of 33 words, 2 usage examples, pronunciations)
dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/dissipate [cite]
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
To drive away, disperse. | To use up or waste. | To vanish by dispersion. (13 of 25 words, 3 definitions, 1 usage example, pronunciation)
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dissipate [cite]
Encarta Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
to fade or disappear, or make something do this | to spend or use something wastefully (15 of 70 words, 2 definitions, pronunciation)
encarta.msn.com/dictionary 1861605410/definition.html [offline]
Etymology references
Online Etymology:
First use: early 15th century
Origin: Latin
dissipatus, past participle of
dissipare "to spread abroad, scatter, disperse; squander, disintegrate", from
dis- "apart" + ... (20 of 42 etymology words)
www.etymonline.com/index.php term=dissipate [cite]
New World Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle]
Origin: Middle English
dissipaten from Latin
dissipatus, past participle of
dissipare, to scatter from
dis-, apart + ... (16 of 31 etymology words)
www.yourdictionary.com/dissipate [cite]
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
Origin: Latin
dissipatus, past participle of
dissipare, also written
dissupare ("to scatter, disperse, demolish, destroy, squander, dissipate"), from
dis- ("apart") +
supare ("to throw"), also in comp.
insipare... (27 of 29 etymology words)
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dissipate [cite]
Oxford Dictionary:
Origin: late Middle English: from Latin
dissipat- "scattered", from the verb
dissipare, from
dis- "apart, widely" +
supare "to throw"
oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/dissipate [cite]
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle]
First use: 15th century
Origin: Latin
dissipatus, past participle of
dissupare, from
dis- +
supare to throw
www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dissipate [cite]
Collins Dictionary:
First use: 15th century
Origin: from Latin
dissipāre to disperse, from dis-1 +
supāre to throw
www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/dissipate [cite]
American Heritage Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
Origin: Middle English
dissipaten, from Latin
www.yourdictionary.com/dissipate [cite]
Encarta Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
First use: 15th century
Origin: Latin
dissipat-, past participle of
dissipare "scatter around"
encarta.msn.com/dictionary 1861605410/definition.html [offline]
Audio references
Collins Dictionary:
Audio: North American English pronunciation of "dissipate"
www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/dissipate [cite]
Macmillan British Dictionary:
dissipate [formal] | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
Audio: British English pronunciation of "dissipate"
www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/dissipate [cite]
Macmillan American Dictionary:
dissipate [formal] | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
Audio: North American pronunciation of "dissipate"
www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/american/dissipate [cite]
Cambridge Dictionary:
dissipate [formal]
Audio 1: British English pronunuciation of "dissipate"
dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/dissipate [cite]
the Free Dictionary:
Audio 1: North American English pronunciation of "dissipate"
www.thefreedictionary.com/dissipate [cite]
Google Dictionary:
dissipate | dissipated [past tense] | dissipating [present participle] | dissipates [3rd-person singular present]
Audio: English pronunciation of "dissipate"
www.google.com/#hl=en&tbs=dfn:1&fp=1&q=dissipate [cite]
Merriam-Webster Pronunciation:
Audio: North American pronunciation of "dissipate"
www.merriam-webster.com/audio.php file=dissip01 word=dissipate [cite]
YourDictionary Audio:
Audio: North American English pronunciation of "dissipate" by speech synthesizer
www.yourdictionary.com/dissipate [cite]