It's kind of hard to get a statement about things like this without qualifiers. If you want my opinion or my beliefs...I feel that in most cases abortion is wrong.
But you're still going to get those qualifiers, because my beliefs have absolutely no weight in this argument since, like others have said, I'll never be pregnant and be put in a situation where I would have to choose.
Again, more of my personal beliefs, no matter what you call an unborn it zygote, embryo, fetus, or baby...the fact of the matter is that in today's world, with modern medical care most likely, the pregnancy will be carried out to term and there will be a brand new little person in the world because of it. I have no problems with birth control or other methods of preventing pregnancy...
My mom was pregnant with me at grandma gave birth to my uncle when she was 15 and my mom not too long after that...both situations where there would be a good chance of abortion today...and if either of them would have decided to take that road, bignick wouldn't be here today...
There are exceptions for others have said pregnancy due to rape or if the mother's life is in danger (I guess using the word mother is prejudice because to be a mother you need a "baby") ....
In my head, theoretically, even the medical complications that endanger a woman's life are still a gray area...because to me it says that your life is more important than the life of the child...but, in reality, if my wife or girlfriend were pregnant and the doctor said that if you carry this pregnancy out, there is a good chance you will better believe I wouldn't even think twice about her getting an abortion because her life would be more important to me than the child...
Like Tgace said, people try really hard to avoid labels like Pro-abortion, Anti-Choice. Am I against abortion? Yes, my beliefs say that it is wrong to take the life another human being and to me there is a very fine line between taking and merely preventing the life to be fully realized...where should that line be drawn...I have no idea. At the same time, am I pro-choice? Yes, because like others have said...I have no right to impose my beliefs upon others and personal beliefs can change, down the road something could change my perspective...I hold by my beliefs, but if I realize something needs to change it does, because that's where I feel things go wrong, when things get "set in stone" and people are unwilling to change, compromise, or even discuss the matter...I do plenty of things against other peoples beliefs...I work on sunday, I practice martial arts(which means I'm going to hell, by the way, if you missed that thread), I eat pork products (which if you read the Bible, is supposed to be against my beliefs too)...
I have muslim friends and I'll sit with them and eat a bacon cheeseburger and will they jump and beat me down because what I'm doing is against their beliefs, of course not....because, like me, they realize not everyone has the same beliefs as they do and the are willing to accept that...if I asked them about it, they would explain to me why they think it's wrong and that would be the end of it...discussion can be healthy....but they know they aren't going to convert me to Islam and I won't convert them to there is no real reason to discuss it further....the same goes for abortion in my case......words on the internet won't change my views...but I don't expect my words to change yours either...