No, neither of us will get pregnant, BUT our tax dollars will be partially used for abortion procedures for some who are using state funded medical coverage and such, you/your health insurance carrier will be paying the medical community rates that are partially based on the risk/liability/'cost' that the medical community puts on procedures like abortions....imagine how expensive it would be if it was 'illegal' and therefore a very administratively scrutinized procedure....chaching! Plus, since most of the medical procedure stuff now comes prepackaged (Appendectomy in a bag with a basic set of sterilized and sealed tools, gauze,....), the cost of such a specialized and infrequently used package would be very high to compensate for the cost of production. All trickling down to the rest of us -whether we are capable of pregnancy or not.michaeledward said:As I am never going to get pregnant, so I really don't understand why my opinion matters. If a woman decides, for whatever reason, that the best choice is to terminate her pregnancy, and she can find a doctor willing to do so, I believe that should be her right (even post viability, which today is against the law, as I read Roe v. Wade).
My two cents. Mike
The other thing to consider is that your opinion matters because this isn't just an abortion issue (as so many who love politically charged discussions are fond of saying) - it is a constitutional/precedence issue. This issue is about 'civil liberties' and 'legal identity' establishment. When does a person become a person to be protected by the law?
To answer Tom's clear question clearly:
Yes, I think abortion should be legal and 'normally' done within the first trimester (which I think is the standard already). two days before and such are really ugly to think about but should/already considered and done based on the individual situation/risk involved as far as I know.
The 'brain wave' thing doesn't really affect me as much as MWard's point about survival 'outside of the mother's help' like premmies and such.
Again, ultimately, the same guidelines that dictate state use of force/deadly force policies can be translated to this topic because you are ultimately 'dealing in death' in both cases.