A tree, a tree, my kingdom for a tree

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Warning; Rant Ahead :tantrum:

IÂ’m going freaking berserk and hoping this helps vent the frustration, calm me down and stop me from getting in the stairwell to run stairs (although I am pretty sure at this point that would kill meÂ…huff, puff, wheeze, faint). I have even thought about bringing my TotalGym to my office but then they would not much like that and then I would not have it at home:duh:.

My knee is getting better slowly and I can move and train again, not at the level I was prior to this injury but better than it was a few months ago with no pain.

However this has brought right back full circle to my job is WAY too sedentary and driving me nuts and gets in the way of training and health:banghead:. I just spent the last 30 minutes in an empty room in my office doing body weight exercises and some rooting and balance work and some Taiji and Sanda training drills that did not really include moving the legs much. All I want to do and all I NEED to do is exercise lately (that and for some strange reason drink copious amounts of tea). I need to get rid of this injury induced weight that I gained and I need to regain some strength. In my free time at home I am working with dumbbells, body weight stuff and stretching. Hell I am even enjoying yard work because it is exercise.

I still canÂ’t ride a bike because the knee is not fully recovered yet and it is making me seriously consider calling the Doc that diagnosed my knee and see if I canÂ’t get to PT to get this damn thing working again.

If they just had a damn tree in the office I could hit IÂ’d be fine :disgust: .

:cuss:Rant over

Luckily I have class tonight so maybe I will be better after that.

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