Training again

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Finally after months of not being able to train I am back at it. After over 30 years in MA and 18 years in Taiji and what amounts to 2 years of injuries and about 8 months of not being able to train it is now time to start over

I went back to training with my Taiji sifu last night and it was great. My form is too high at the moment, since I am still recovering from the knee injury, but I remembered the entire long form, and per my sifu I was pretty good. Apparently the weeks of visualization of the long form paid off. Sadly I did not do that with any other form but I watched them and I do remember a lot of them. Next week I will work on the slow short Dao formÂ…

My legs hurt today but my knee doesnÂ’t and this is a good thing.

I am now starting the long process of getting all my forms back and working my way back towards Tuishou.

Another side effect of the knee injury recovery process was lots of reading and a healthy change in diet (which has caused me to start losing weight) to correct the unhealthy change (that caused me to gain weight) I had early in the recovery process.

Also, surprisingly, I seem to have a real solid direction again (and better attitude) as it applies to training and health that I have not had in many years.

I do not plan on over doing it and I do plan on taking it slow and easy because I do not want to have to stop training ever again, I have done that enough in my life and I think I may have finally learned my lesson.
Glad to see you're back training..Sometimes a break from training is good thing..
Great news! Just remember to take your time as you return to training so that you don't re-injure yourself.
Great news! Just remember to take your time as you return to training so that you don't re-injure yourself.

What he said..I remember reading a weight lifting book once by Joe Gold once were they said that sometimes a lay off of training acts like a tonic and you return more dedicated...
What he said..I remember reading a weight lifting book once by Joe Gold once were they said that sometimes a lay off of training acts like a tonic and you return more dedicated...

Based on the way I feel about training at the moment, I do believe he is right

I seem to have a much more definite direction than I did before this all happened and things seem a whole lot less complicated for some reason

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