I have experimented with diet to assist with joints and whatnot. Pineapple has a lot of things the joints need in it. I like to mix pineapple, banana and strawberries into a smoothie. Kind of a muscle-joint cocktail. Somewhere along the way the term Super Foods came into being and it's apt.
A couple of years ago my knees were killing me going up and down ladders. As my full time job was on a ship you can imagine ladders were part of my reality every day. My pineapples really turned it around. In fact I haven't had knee pain in over a year.
Also I don't know your beliefs and by all means follow the advice of your doctor of course, but I have found prayer to be of help in these situations.
A couple of years ago my knees were killing me going up and down ladders. As my full time job was on a ship you can imagine ladders were part of my reality every day. My pineapples really turned it around. In fact I haven't had knee pain in over a year.
Also I don't know your beliefs and by all means follow the advice of your doctor of course, but I have found prayer to be of help in these situations.
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