A Topic STILL Visited By The Government.


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"The state House of Representatives voted to abolish the death penalty on Wednesday — the fourth anniversary of the execution of serial killer Michael Ross — and instead impose life in prison without the possibility of release.

The historic vote, 90-56, came at about 7:45 p.m. after more than five hours of passionate debate. Lawmakers argued whether the death penalty is necessary for justice or is a punishment that should never be rendered by state government.

Despite the House vote, the chances of the death penalty being eliminated in Connecticut are slim. Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell repeated her support for capital punishment this week as the House prepared for the debate.

"I have always said that I support the death penalty because I do believe that there are some crimes that are so heinous that the death penalty is the only option," Rell told reporters at the state Capitol complex. "I believe in the death penalty."

I mean really, lets flip a damn coin or something, so the family of the victims can get some sort of closure. Yes, you're going to do it, no you're not. Pick one, enact the decision and close the chapter of this never ending novel.

Of course, while reading this article this morning, the first thing that came to my mind, was something the late, great George Carlin once said when he was talking about prisons....."Everyone says, BUILD MORE PRISONS...but not here." Yes NIMBY, was the word he used...Not In My Back Yard. So, with all the bleeding hearts who want to keep the scumbags alive rather than rid the planet of them, I dont want to hear about prison over crowding.
Of course, while reading this article this morning, the first thing that came to my mind, was something the late, great George Carlin once said when he was talking about prisons....."Everyone says, BUILD MORE PRISONS...but not here." Yes NIMBY, was the word he used...Not In My Back Yard. So, with all the bleeding hearts who want to keep the scumbags alive rather than rid the planet of them, I dont want to hear about prison over crowding.

Proportionally, how much of the prison population in the US is actually taken up by death row inmates? I'm going to venture a guess that it's pretty slim. The argument from them "bleeding heart" lib'rals about prison population doesn't revolve around death row inmates; it's more related to those jailed for marijuana possession or the like as part of the everlasting War on Drugs. Y'know, the cases where you go into prison on a relatively minor charge and come out more of a hardened criminal then before.
Proportionally, how much of the prison population in the US is actually taken up by death row inmates? I'm going to venture a guess that it's pretty slim. The argument from them "bleeding heart" lib'rals about prison population doesn't revolve around death row inmates; it's more related to those jailed for marijuana possession or the like as part of the everlasting War on Drugs. Y'know, the cases where you go into prison on a relatively minor charge and come out more of a hardened criminal then before.

You're right. Death penalty for dope smokers. Works for me.
fry them twice, just to be sure

if you think the drug laws are stupid, then try to change them, but DONT tell me not to enforce the law...
It ALWAYS seems to go back to the "war on drugs".

Dude..go and smoke your weed. Just be smart and do it in your home. I don't care.

I just dont want to hear the whining and crying when ya get arrested for something that ALL parties know is currently illegal and could result in arrest.
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Legalize pot, because hey, can't stop it.
Remove speed limits and stop signs because hey, everybody speeds and runs stop lights.
Legalize prostitution because hey, world's oldest profession, can't get rid of it.
Might as well legalize bribery because hey it's been with us forever.
And tax evasion, because everybody does it.

And, and, and.

We end up with a society that is worth nothing, represents nothing, protects nothing, defends nothing, and your life isn't work a plugged nickel because somewhere there is someone claiming that outlawing mugging is unfair to muggers.

It isn't about what damage pot does to you, or what it costs to keep your idiotic heads in prison. It's about what we want as a society. Yes, booze is just as bad as pot. But as a society, we have said yes to booze and no to pot, and that's still the way most of us feel. Seems pretty clear to me. It's not about your self-serving arguments about why pot is the most wonderful thing to ever come down the pike. It's about what we want. We don't want pot to be legal. Deal pot, go to jail. End of discussion.
I've smoked marijuana a few times. I'm also gainfully employed, pay all my bills on time, and will be earning my Doctorate tomorrow. What damage have I done to you that I deserve to die?

What damage has a murderer done to me who murders someone on the other side of the country I never heard of? It's the damage done to the fabric of society. Good luck with your doctorate, and stay off the pot. It's bad mojo.
What damage has a murderer done to me who murders someone on the other side of the country I never heard of? It's the damage done to the fabric of society.

I'm asking you to tell me how. It came from a legal medical dispensary, so no drug dealers or illegal grow operations were involved. I stayed inside and didn't drive, just like if I drink. As I said, I'm gainfully employed and contribute my share to society. I'm even nice to animals and small children.

So again, exactly what damage have I done?

Good luck with your doctorate, and stay off the pot. It's bad mojo.

I'm asking you to tell me how. It came from a legal medical dispensary, so no drug dealers or illegal grow operations were involved. I stayed inside and didn't drive, just like if I drink. As I said, I'm gainfully employed and contribute my share to society. I'm even nice to animals and small children.

Ah, you caught me. I should have said "recreational." I always forget that part. No, I don't have a problem with medicinal use.

Of course, much/most so-called 'medicinal' use in California is actually recreational use...but not much I can about that.

So again, exactly what damage have I done?

What damage has a murderer done if they kill a rapist? The act is the act, it doesn't matter what makes you feel better about it. I should have said 'recreational use' and I apologize for that omission. If you had said you were a casual dope smoker for your own pleasure, I'd have replied that it doesn't matter what personal damage you have or have not done. A guy runs a stop sign in the middle of nowhere, what damage has he done? None, I guess, except it is still illegal to run stop signs. He gets a ticket, you get the death penalty - and believe me - I'm ok with dope smokers getting the death penalty - if only they did.

Sorry, I believe what I believe. You may be the world's greatest guy. I have a real problem with dope smokers (recreational) and I always will and I'm not going to pretend "oh, everyone except you, 'cause you're a nice guy and all" because I'm not that kind of hypocrite. I can't change my beliefs because you seem like a real nice guy. I don't like dope and I don't like (recreational) dope smokers, no exceptions. Personal opinion.
Proportionally, how much of the prison population in the US is actually taken up by death row inmates? I'm going to venture a guess that it's pretty slim. The argument from them "bleeding heart" lib'rals about prison population doesn't revolve around death row inmates; it's more related to those jailed for marijuana possession or the like as part of the everlasting War on Drugs. Y'know, the cases where you go into prison on a relatively minor charge and come out more of a hardened criminal then before.

This is obviously old, but I found this.

As for the weed....they're (the State of Ct) working on a policy where a certain amount is punishable by an infraction. Anything more than that amount would most likely mean jail time. Of course this is still in the works.

IMO, I think that depending on the crime, that should determine whether or not you get a long stay, a short stay or life. But I think its safe to say we all know nobody will ever agree on what crime equals what punishment.
Proportionally, how much of the prison population in the US is actually taken up by death row inmates? I'm going to venture a guess that it's pretty slim. The argument from them "bleeding heart" lib'rals about prison population doesn't revolve around death row inmates; it's more related to those jailed for marijuana possession or the like as part of the everlasting War on Drugs. Y'know, the cases where you go into prison on a relatively minor charge and come out more of a hardened criminal then before.

To add to my last post....of course, I suppose you could say that much of the high population in prison is due to the fact that the rehab process fails and the dirtbags end up going right back to doing what they were doing before they went in.

But, where do you draw the line? I mean, you cant have a lawless world. I think Bill summed it up very well. :)
But I think its safe to say we all know nobody will ever agree on what crime equals what punishment.
Death penalty for, Serial killers, rapists, child molesters, terrorists who bomb buildings for twisted ideological causes, and bleeding heart liberals who lobby to save the lives of these creeps. Can we please all agree on this?
Death penalty for, Serial killers, rapists, child molesters, terrorists who bomb buildings for twisted ideological causes, and bleeding heart liberals who lobby to save the lives of these creeps. Can we please all agree on this?

Sounds good to me. Of course, add in a limit on the number of appeals that they are allowed and we'll be all set. And yes, I know that there're many who've say in jail for years, only to be found innocent, but one has to wonder....why does it take 20yrs before the light goes off and someone says, "Oh ****...Joe Blow has been sitting in jail for the past 20 and he was the wrong guy all along."
Wow. The only reason I brought up the war on drugs was to point out that the prison population argument is more appropriate for discussions of drug convictions than death penalty cases. Now I'm accused of being a pothead saying to lift drug laws.

Time for me to sign the hell outta this thread.
Ah, you caught me. I should have said "recreational." I always forget that part. No, I don't have a problem with medicinal use.

It was recreational, but it came from a dispensary.

A guy runs a stop sign in the middle of nowhere, what damage has he done? None, I guess, except it is still illegal to run stop signs. He gets a ticket, you get the death penalty - and believe me - I'm ok with dope smokers getting the death penalty - if only they did.

OK, so it's your personal opinion; I get that. Personally, I don't like brussel sprouts. That doesn't mean I think they should be illegal.

So all I can gather from your post is that dope smokers should receive the death penalty because you don't like them and because they've broken the law. Is that right?

I should hope you realize that not all law breakers deserve death. There are degrees of punishment, and some laws are unjust or unnecessary. I also hope you realize that personal likes and dislikes shouldn't determine what is legal and illegal, and certainly not what deserves death.

So what rational reason do you have for wanting pot smokers to die? What actual harm have they as a group done?
ISo all I can gather from your post is that dope smokers should receive the death penalty because you don't like them and because they've broken the law. Is that right?

More or less, yes.

I should hope you realize that not all law breakers deserve death. There are degrees of punishment, and some laws are unjust or unnecessary. I also hope you realize that personal likes and dislikes shouldn't determine what is legal and illegal, and certainly not what deserves death.

Of course. I don't write my congress critter and suggest that dope smoking and peddling be made death penalty offenses. I realize it will never happen. But I would not shed a tear if it did happen.

So what rational reason do you have for wanting pot smokers to die? What actual harm have they as a group done?

I've been through that already. No need to put the group through it again. I have my reasons. Rational? Hey, maybe not. We all cherish a few irrational beliefs. Mine is that pot smokers are the scum of the universe and if God herself came down and snatched them all up and hurled them into the sun, I'd raise a glass of Jack and Coke to that.
I've been through that already. No need to put the group through it again. I have my reasons. Rational? Hey, maybe not.

Fair enough. I guess I missed those threads.

Mine is that pot smokers are the scum of the universe and if God herself came down and snatched them all up and hurled them into the sun, I'd raise a glass of Jack and Coke to that.

*looks nervously towards the sky* Dude, I only did it twice! :eek: