a thought


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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I heard somewere that doing weight training style exerices is detrimental to the flow of chi. On the flip side of the coin, I know that guys at the Shaolin Temple start the day with a three mile run up the side of a mountain. And then thousands of push ups and situps. And they are said to be the folks with most powerful chi. So the question: what exercises, if any, will impede the flow of chi? Or if there is some why to figure it out, like useing weight other then the weight of your body. Or should I just shut up? And if you have nothing nice to say (Like your one of those guys who like I should shut up), please just leave. Don't be offened, I just want a productive, polite, on topic discussion. I expect it, and give it out.

CuongNhuka said:
I heard somewere that doing weight training style exerices is detrimental to the flow of chi. On the flip side of the coin, I know that guys at the Shaolin Temple start the day with a three mile run up the side of a mountain. And then thousands of push ups and situps. And they are said to be the folks with most powerful chi. So the question: what exercises, if any, will impede the flow of chi? Or if there is some why to figure it out, like useing weight other then the weight of your body. Or should I just shut up? And if you have nothing nice to say (Like your one of those guys who like I should shut up), please just leave. Don't be offened, I just want a productive, polite, on topic discussion. I expect it, and give it out.


In my own opinion, if you want to get closer to the life force, you must not only practice correct physical movement, but also having the proper diet and spiritual foundation are equally important.
You must bring yourself as 'one' with nature, dissolving as much un-natural habits as you are able.
Nature recognizes itself, and gives unto those who mirror it in action, all that it can offer.....Chi/Ki force.

Aside that, I don't think weight training conflicts with attaining your Chi.
I do believe that constant symmetrical flow of movement during kata, increases the potential to tap into Chi, and that is simply because the universe and its energies are based in a self-similarity construct(yin-yang), and your patternistic symmetrical movement, emmulates this innate quality.
Practice what is 'innate', and it developes within you....becomes part of you.
If you're looking toward developing great feats derived from Chi, I'm not the guy- but I'd think an Aikido person could help with this.
To me, weight training is a good way to help keep your body in shape, especially today, when we don't do as much physical labor as our ancestors. I think its the balance that is important, going for in shape, rather than "win a body builder contest".
Thanks guys. I'm not looking to do amazing feats of anything, just some of researches has told me that impeding the flow of chi to the point it ends, you die. And the less impeded it is, the better your health, and the longer you live. So I geuss I'm trying to find this stuff out so I never die. I think most people would rather live for ever, I'm just going about in a unique way.
Ironic that I'm sorta thinking of my death, the day after the aniversery of my birth.

I think that saying something is 'detrimental to your ki energy' is just another way of saying that something is unhealthy. Now, I'm not here to say that ki has no effect on martial arts, nor that it does or does not exist as a spiritual force. I am only saying that people overemphasize the ki element of their training, paying little or no attention to the physical aspects. Basically, if you live a healthy lifestyle, your ki will be in balance, you will be healthy. Physical training obviously does not put a damper on ki energy, they are just two different aspects of training, both of which need to be honed to be well rounded. One without the other is as good as neither. Whole yin-yang thing.
I can teach you( How To Feel & Store Chi & How to use It)No scam-No caust-No bull!You have to be realy ready.I dont want to waist time for some kind of national enquire responce.Im Honest if You have the honor.Are you ready & willing.Yes we did go up lot of stairs in China.Yes we did lots of situps-pull ups-jogging ect.Our jobs we did prejected our art we chose & how it would train us,Example if you did tiger style for cooking You did in a horse stance peeling 100s of potaotes-beats ect.If you are dragon youd grease the pots that force you into the splits so you can greese with 2 hands like the wax on wax off type.I did monkey & grabbing & quick release were the skills so I had to pick berries & dig small holes to plant seeds.
CuongNhuka said:
I heard somewere that doing weight training style exerices is detrimental to the flow of chi. On the flip side of the coin, I know that guys at the Shaolin Temple start the day with a three mile run up the side of a mountain. And then thousands of push ups and situps. And they are said to be the folks with most powerful chi. So the question: what exercises, if any, will impede the flow of chi? Or if there is some why to figure it out, like useing weight other then the weight of your body. Or should I just shut up? And if you have nothing nice to say (Like your one of those guys who like I should shut up), please just leave. Don't be offened, I just want a productive, polite, on topic discussion. I expect it, and give it out.


Shaolin = External Qi training (mainly) which is different from Internal Qi training. There are or I should say were once teachers of internal Martial arts (tai chi, bagua, xingyi, etc.) that would not continue training their students if the student started doing Shaolin type exercises.

If you see a Shaolin stop a spear with his throat that is external Qi training and that is different than what you would get from say the internal training of Tai Chi.

And per TCM if you have strong Qi you are healthy, if you have weak Qi you are sick, if you have no Qi you die. But I am not exactly sure how weight training and push ups would affect this. That is something I would have to ask my wife about.
Weight training or good exercise helps promote muscles grow & the blood flow increeses.Hence the vital energy also increases.This gose for the old saying(Running water never grows stell)So If you become lazey.Yes so dose your vital energy.You must train or keep it going to exspand it & keep it strong.
on the pushups, etc. pushing oneslef past that point where the body wants to quit and the mind takes over may also be a way of reaching that point where chi starts to flow and a way of tapping into it
So you talk of chi-is this for a thred- or would you like to know it- use it & be 100% that it dose heal-protect ect.I can tell how in 6 easy steps.
Weight training or any other kind of resistance exercise will not adversely affect chi.

However, they can impact your martial skills and hence, your ability to effectively emit energy via your technique/posture.

These are two entirely different things - but if someone tells you that weight training "is bad for your chi", they're way off base...
Nice post it conferms what I said.So thats 1 theory as chi can be a theory-but like I posted prior-I can teach how to feel the chi -in 6 easy steps for anyone who may want to feel -use for healing-defence ect.
Not talking about Chi as a mystical presence, more like the natural flow of energy in the body. The body is a bio-chemical. mechanical, and electrical construct. If the chemicals and mechanics are sound, the energy will flow smoothly. Also, the concentrated focus of willpower, i.e, that which is found in meditation/prayer can help the positive flow of energy. I assume that the more perfected the mechanical-chemical portions of the body become, the greater the flow of energy. I don't see how strengthening the body can adversly effect Chi flow. Then again, what do I know??:idunno:
In taht case take it to the word or definition that fits it.The chi that all others stated is the vapor -( as translation to chinese) the eletric or static charge is often confused with chi-ki-ect.The Static flow that enhances the muscles also can be as metephysics.Some confuse this with the occult.The metaphysic electric or electro- lights are greatly effected by weights.This is why Gator Aid is promoted to restore the electro- lights.There in is your answer-to build -to replace-to effect.Electro-lights.It might be good to check a book on the anotaomical body 7 how the electro lights repair ect.
It is interesting to note that the most highly tuned athletes .. y'know olympic competitors, world cup types ... don't live as long as the rest of the population.

Perhaps that is what's being referred to when someone (such as Dr Yang) suggests that strength training might reduce one's qi level. In fact I've seen a video where he states exactly that point. Being stronger is good ... too much strength training is detrimental.
Explorer said:
It is interesting to note that the most highly tuned athletes .. y'know olympic competitors, world cup types ... don't live as long as the rest of the population.

Perhaps that is what's being referred to when someone (such as Dr Yang) suggests that strength training might reduce one's qi level. In fact I've seen a video where he states exactly that point. Being stronger is good ... too much strength training is detrimental.

This is what I heard too. I also heard that the assumed (best quess of the guy who wrote the article) is that ki flow is impeded by muscle contraction. And since the visable affect of weight training is haveing budging muscles in a state of contraction. The guy wrote the article used Dr. Yang as a source, and speculated about the contraction thing.
Answer from TCM OMD.

Is weight training detrimental to the flow of chi?

Not if done in moderation, it can actually strengthen the flow of Qi.

However Athletes over do and Body Builders WAY over do and this can block the flow of QI. This is why many athletes, as they get older, have joint trouble or other health problems.
Xue Sheng said:
Answer from TCM OMD.

Is weight training detrimental to the flow of chi?

Not if done in moderation, it can actually strengthen the flow of Qi.

However Athletes over do and Body Builders WAY over do and this can block the flow of QI. This is why many athletes, as they get older, have joint trouble or other health problems.

Aahh, see this is good. This is what I have been looking for. I haven't seen much about this kind of stuff when ever I google Qi or Chi. Qi get's me a alot of pages from two world wide Qi Gong clubs, that don't mention much on the subject. And chi mostly gets me Tai Chi web sites.

much thanks,
