A Stranger's Sacrifice, A Stranger's Love


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Stranger donates kidney to Atlanta girl
By DORIE TURNER, Associated Press Writer - Fri Feb 22, 3:14 PM PST
ATLANTA - http://health.yahoo.com/news/ap/kidney_transplant.html
The picture of the smiling little girl on the flier was more than Laura Bolan could take.
The 8-year-old on the pamphlet needed a kidney transplant, and Bolan knew she could help. She did a quick Web search on the surgery and talked it over with her husband. Then she made a phone call to offer one of her kidneys to Sarah Dickman.
The suburban Atlanta girl was born with the genetic disease juvenile nephronophthisis, which slowly destroys the kidneys. Without treatment, it can kill a child before the age of 15.
Bolan, 34, had never met Sarah when she agreed to donate the organ.
"It breaks your heart to know there's a little girl sick out there who you could help," Bolan said earlier this week.
The pair underwent successful surgeries Thursday at hospitals across the street from each other in Atlanta. Surgeon Dr. Thomas Pearson said both patients were doing well on Friday, and initial tests of Sarah's new kidney showed it was working normally.
Definitely we need more people like Laura in this world.
Following her heart she gives up a vital organ (ok, she has two and gives up one of them) so that a little girl that she's never met could have a normal life. Remarkable story, remarkable sacrifice.
One wonders how many other children lie waiting for someone like Laura to help them?
Truly amazing story.
:asian: to Laura Bolan


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interesting. if more people were like her my DAD WOULD HAVE A KIDNEY BY NOW TOO! he has three kidneys right now and they dont work so we just got a call from the kidney clinc to see if any of us would like to donate so they can schedule the tests. my dad has waited since the 80's to recieve a liver and kidney. laura should be so proud of herself that she had the strength and heart to do that unlike so many others.