A request to any neatniks on MT

I see an interesting parallel between the twin conversations on this thread. "Clean as you go" can also apply very neatly to relationships. When you break up, no dangling games of phone tag, he said/she saids, or old gifts sitting around. It's taken me a long time to learn that one too, but the lesson has really paid off.

Personally I have a Chowderhead, and a He Who Shall Not Be Named.
I see an interesting parallel between the twin conversations on this thread. "Clean as you go" can also apply very neatly to relationships. When you break up, no dangling games of phone tag, he said/she saids, or old gifts sitting around. It's taken me a long time to learn that one too, but the lesson has really paid off.

That is very perceptive of you, Flea. But I believe in keeping the gifts, especially the jewelry.
Hmp. I had a high school boyfriend give me a "gold" tennis bracelet for my 16th birthday. It instantly became my leash. Any day I didn't wear it ... "what happened to your bracelet?" Any time we had an argument ... "I can't believe you'd treat me like this after I bought you gold!!"


He was so manipulative it took me three years to finally get away from him and make the breakup stick. Once I did, I sold the bracelet to a jeweler and gave the money to a domestic violence shelter. Talk about cathartic ...

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