A question for the guys: Do you know what "The Dream" is?

I got my dream girl.

Japanese punk rock anime loving violent tattoo buddhist named Chi(like Qigong)who thinks I am the best thing since sliced bread.

Cool, but my wife bakes me bread and then slices it. She may not kumite, and she may not like FLCL or Cowboy Bebop like me, and I'm the only one in the family with tattoos, but she's the tops just the same. I'm a lucky, lucky, guy. Sounds like you are too, congrats.
I am lucky. My wife is a fitness hound to a t. She is a yoga, calestinic, and cardio junkie. She came to me yesterday and said "Show me how to do 'interval' and 'pyramid' training."

Plus she has an amazing talent for putting up with my crap. What a saint.

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