A new idea

In the end, nobody has authority to govern martial arts schools, for better or for worse. It’s a mixed bag, but I would not have it any other way.
I agree, but I don't think the OP has said anything that would rise to the level of "governing". His reference to the BBB is a good analogy. The BBB doesn't govern anything. I know industries where it's just accepted that it's impossible to get a good BBB rating (unreasonable complaints that cannot be resolved to BBB acceptance), so they don't participate, and there's nothing really the BBB can do about it.
I never said I thought I should be in control. Hence why I felt kind of pretentious about it, however there are lots people being duped. They just want to learn how to defend themselves and some dudes who may not even have training in any art are out there convincing people their BS works. I never said I thought I should be in control, but I do think it’s a good idea and no one else has stepped up to take initiative.

(Also I don’t know anyone planning for a major disaster that is looking to control anything beyond their own safety...so again poor analogy)
It sounds like what you're really talking about is a loose association, since it really only affects members. Am I right?
Your idea of members using your clubhouse sounds like a lot of logistic problems.
Oddly, this is the one area I don't see a major issue, logistically. If the OP's business can afford to maintain the space when empty (an issue with any shared space: convention centers, meeting rooms, etc.), then it's just a matter of scheduling. My read of his concept on this was that it's not a space to rent for ongoing classes (that'd be a different idea), but someplace a school could rent to hold a seminar that won't fit in their main training space. If they could get enough rentals, it works quite nicely, and it might even be possible to outfit it to be usable for business meetings, etc., too, to increase rentals by opening up to non-MA use. It's a matter of getting it used enough to make it profitable.
My idea is more of a mix up of martial arts marketing agency and a club that will provide several other services.

Before you could even think of doing this you'd need to build your own thing first. No one is going to look to you to teach them how to run their business until you have built your own highly successful one first.
Profile says 28, whether that's true or not?

Also, whether that's old or not depends on who is looking...
Agreed. That was my point about the age of the other person involved. 28 seems younger to me today than it did when I first got my BB.

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