A movie about Yim Wing Chun

Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Here's the trailer for anyone who is uninformed.

Well the title pretty much says it , has anyone seen the movie and is it a good representation of the story? If you have seen it whats your opinion about it?
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This isn't gonna be Rick Astley is it? :)
Haha it isn't me rick rolling anyone ... we've all heard the story about yim wing chun i thought it'd be interesting to know how the makers of this particular movie would represent the story.

Also if someone's already seen the movie and can vouch for it being a good representation i wouldn't mind buying it. :)
It has about as much Wing Chun as the Michelle Yeoh's attempt did. Now Donnie Yen did much better with Ip Man I and II than these two films managed to do...you want Wing Chun, Ip Man is a much better bet.
Looks like its good !
Its described as 'A romantic comedy about the origins of the Wing Chun fighting style.'
Thats sorta what the story is , isn't it?
Well guess i'll just have to watch it and find out. :)
Not sure about the 'romantic comedy' bit but still to watch it.
Nope... how can it be any good.... the original had Michelle Yeoh... how can it be any good without Michelle Yeoh..... well it can't be any good without Michelle Yeoh... and that is that :D

After getting 1 upvote and 5 downvotes , i'm reconsidering watching the movie... i mean if there's hardly any WC in it and no michelle yeoh ... oh wait there's an original version of it too?
LoL xue you really have a thing for michelle yeoh? hehoho :), but i found the original movie or atleast what this one is based off of on imdb.

apparently they change the plot as well.

Hmm will try out the original wing chun , then I'm gonna rewatch the ip man movies xD.

Also you'd be crazy not to watch this one, trust me it's really worth it though its not ma related.

Edit: Oh God now that i think back to this movie , it's one of the most powerful and moving movies ever made , i'd have to say the chinese make some bad *** movies but this by far gave people a perspective on so many things in life , its plot is based around the massive earthquake in china a while back and i won't spoil too much if people are actually interested in watching.
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