A little worry


Senior Master
Next sunday final test for 3rd Dan Black Belt and I am a little worry, tecnically I am fine but phisically not and let me tell you why. 15 days ago I did my last partial examination and it wont well at all, my poomsae was not good I have troubles with teaguk 6 I mix up thetaeguk 5 and 6 and this took away my concentration and then in Koryo I have a mishap that I fix without troubles but this took away my concentration, my kyorugy was horrible to slow, my kicks were horrible and then...... oh boy, my kyumpa was desastrous.

My kyumpa consist (I've been doing this for the last three examination tests without a single problem) od doing ti-chagui and beaking 3 one inch each one pine boards and then performing a turning hook kick (head level) to one inch single pine board, this time I went for 4 boards instead 3 and failed miserably, I kicked and kicked and kicked several times without success and hurt badly the heel of my strong foot, so for the honor I just took one board and broke it with my fist.

My heel foot was severily hurt, blodd everiwhere a nasty cut in the achiles spot and a terrible pain in the heel (where the foot touches de floor), my hand was busted too and swell.

As you may know I felt terrible, very sorry cause it was not my best day at all, the sabonim and the examinator aproached to me and gave me nice words but this not eased my pain (pride) at all.

Leaving dojan I went to the doctor and he order me a set of Xrays and thanks good no bone broke but my heel was in terrible shape, a huga amount of antinflamatories + ibuprofeno and relax was doctor's order.

I rested the past week and this week went to dojang to see how my foot was but it still hurts, every step is painfull, feels like a hot nail going through my foot, jumping is a no no my hando is not good too.

I can't go back and I will have to do test this way I only hope I can stand it with so much pain and pass it right now.

In 2010 I di my second dan test with fascitis plantas and my foot hurt till the end of examinatiosn this time don't know but I have to do it and period, I will try to do my best. What kind of board breaking you advise me to perform?

Wow that sounds like a pretty rough day Manny. I honestly don't know what to tell you, but you can sure be proud of yourself to have actually completed your last partial examination. It seems like you were pretty beat up, and it sounds like a lot of people would have quit if they were in your situation. So first of all, good on you for upholding the honor of wearing a black belt and not giving up. Even though you may think you performed poorly, sometimes the situations we fail in teach us the most, and certainly humble us.

As far as the final part of your 3rd Dan examination, it sounds like you just have to suck it up and do the best you can. You're a fighter, and sometimes a fighter has to fight even when they are not in the best condition to do so. You have to be smart about it and use your brain, listen to your body, and figure out a way to pass. It sounds like your heel is pretty messed up, and your hand too so I would advise breaking with your hand and foot that aren't hurt, or possibly a power break using your elbow. Use a technique that you know for sure you can successfully break with. Now is not the time to try and break using a technique you are not confident in.

Honestly, your final exam is probably not going to be very pretty, but your Sabum will obviously know your situation. All you can do is try your best and refuse to quit. You already know you are going to be in a lot of pain from the start, so mentally accept this fact and don't let it mess with your head. As long as you keep your bearing and do the most you are physically capable of doing, you will be fine.
I'm not sure what any of the foot pain your talking about but sounds painful. As for testing best of luck, never give up and it will be possible
if you can get hold of some tramadol painkillers and take 2 50mg tablets before your test then it will seriously help your concentration as the pain will be a numb sensation and then worry about getting well again after your test :)

other than that channel all your energies into full on concentration - forget the pain you're a black belt ffs and you didn't get that by cussing and feeling sorry for yourself so suck it up and just get on with it :) you can still hit / kick with your "bad" hand and foot :)

good luck with the test :)
Wow that sounds like a pretty rough day Manny. I honestly don't know what to tell you, but you can sure be proud of yourself to have actually completed your last partial examination. It seems like you were pretty beat up, and it sounds like a lot of people would have quit if they were in your situation. So first of all, good on you for upholding the honor of wearing a black belt and not giving up. Even though you may think you performed poorly, sometimes the situations we fail in teach us the most, and certainly humble us.

As far as the final part of your 3rd Dan examination, it sounds like you just have to suck it up and do the best you can. You're a fighter, and sometimes a fighter has to fight even when they are not in the best condition to do so. You have to be smart about it and use your brain, listen to your body, and figure out a way to pass. It sounds like your heel is pretty messed up, and your hand too so I would advise breaking with your hand and foot that aren't hurt, or possibly a power break using your elbow. Use a technique that you know for sure you can successfully break with. Now is not the time to try and break using a technique you are not confident in.

Honestly, your final exam is probably not going to be very pretty, but your Sabum will obviously know your situation. All you can do is try your best and refuse to quit. You already know you are going to be in a lot of pain from the start, so mentally accept this fact and don't let it mess with your head. As long as you keep your bearing and do the most you are physically capable of doing, you will be fine.

Thank you and thank to the others for your kind words. Yes I am a fighter ! even in the worst moments of my life inside TKD I never quit, my wife told me to take a second guess about my test and not to do boar breaking or change my pine boards and go for a very thin ones and I told her NEVER!!! I wil use the same pine boards I used in the last test but will use onnly one to break with my elbow and one to break with a yop chagui (pierce side kick) with my good foot even is not my strong one. This tiome I will back off the number of pine boards for my own safety and for to be successful, forget about the macho big man and go for the clean simple breaks.

I will take pain killers before the test (ibuprofeno or keterolaco) and will try to do my best, my sabonim knows my condition and cheers me up to keep going, I know maybe this could be not the best moment to shine but this is the right time to test myself and get what it's mine.

This time many blacks belts are coming to test to my town for around the country and know the fights will be not easy, I know my limitations but my courage is not one of them. Yes I am worry about the test but this something normal.

Afther test I will post how I went throught it.

Thank you to all to be so supportive afther the test I will use the word sabonim with pride, TKD has been a big part of my life, TKD-MA keeps me going, it's my life.

glad to see that you've picked yourself up :) and i'm sending big hugz from accross the pond to you --- good luck with your test :)
Good luck Manny. Give it your best. Present your breaks well. Your instructor already knows what you are capable of. Let us know how you get on.
then performing a turning hook kick (head level) to one inch single pine board, this time I went for 4 boards instead 3 and failed miserably, I kicked and kicked and kicked several times without success and hurt badly the heel of my strong foot, so for the honor I just took one board and broke it with my fist.

Spinning hook kick to 4 boards is quite a bit. To me, the philosophy in TKD of breaking without extensive conditioning is crazy. E.g., people do no hand training/conditioning, then hope it's the concrete that breaks and not their hand.

In retrospect, I think you'll agree that 4 boards was too much. I 100% disagree with the posters that say black belts don't give up. I think a lot of people seek validation in the belt, rather than in themselves.

I personally cringe when in break someone hurts themselves, and the Master says to not give up and keep trying.

If you are doing something that hurts yourself for months, and impacts your work and enjoyment of life, it's not worth it. At the end of the day, BB means nothing when everyone gets one if they stay there x years. In the end, your sense of worth needs to come from you and not the belt.

So that's my ramblings...Manny keep up your efforts, but don't forget the expression "Live to fight another day". Save your body and don't worsen your injuries.
Spinning hook kick to 4 boards is quite a bit. To me, the philosophy in TKD of breaking without extensive conditioning is crazy. E.g., people do no hand training/conditioning, then hope it's the concrete that breaks and not their hand.

In retrospect, I think you'll agree that 4 boards was too much. I 100% disagree with the posters that say black belts don't give up. I think a lot of people seek validation in the belt, rather than in themselves.

I personally cringe when in break someone hurts themselves, and the Master says to not give up and keep trying.

If you are doing something that hurts yourself for months, and impacts your work and enjoyment of life, it's not worth it. At the end of the day, BB means nothing when everyone gets one if they stay there x years. In the end, your sense of worth needs to come from you and not the belt.

So that's my ramblings...Manny keep up your efforts, but don't forget the expression "Live to fight another day". Save your body and don't worsen your injuries.

Four boards (4 inch in total) of pine was for the ti tachi (turning kick) to chest level, for the spining hook kick to head level I used to break one single board, the problem was not with the spining hook kick but with the turning kick (trusting) to the 4 board to chest level.

Yes it was too much I realize now, I should use only three board as I used to do or in this case only two because believe this pine board were very togh like concrete walls LOL, Tomorrow I only will use one board per breacking, using the elbow and a piercing side kick.

And yes, its a silly thing to keep trying breacking things when tthey don't breack, my health is fisrth.

Spinning hook kick to 4 boards is quite a bit. To me, the philosophy in TKD of breaking without extensive conditioning is crazy. E.g., people do no hand training/conditioning, then hope it's the concrete that breaks and not their hand.

People do that? We break, but the "standard" breaks are all done with kicks and we only require 1" pine. Higher ranks can do power breaks, but we all do a fair bit of conditioning. I do enough that at a recent school demo, I did 8 16x8x2" pavers for 7 different groups without any pain in my hand the next day.
I do agree that doing anything other than the simplest of breaks without conditioning is crazy.

Four boards (4 inch in total) of pine was for the ti tachi (turning kick) to chest level, for the spining hook kick to head level I used to break one single board, the problem was not with the spining hook kick but with the turning kick (trusting) to the 4 board to chest level.

Yes it was too much I realize now, I should use only three board as I used to do or in this case only two because believe this pine board were very togh like concrete walls LOL, Tomorrow I only will use one board per breacking, using the elbow and a piercing side kick.

And yes, its a silly thing to keep trying breacking things when tthey don't breack, my health is fisrth.


You'll be fine, Manny. Pick breaks you're comfortable and confident of.
Personally, wood is not my choice for power breaks. It's too inconsistent. Something as simple as a change in humidity will have a huge impact on how springy the material is.
Hi Manny,
If you have to do the turning kick, I'd bring it down a little, closer to hip level. You could do side kick depending on where your foot is injured. I would stay away from any painkillers stronger than ibuprofen if they might dull your focus and mind. Pain is a test of your focus and you will pass. Stay strong, my friend.

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