A little meditation experiment

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I stopped meditating sometime during December but the last two weeks I started again but I wanted to see if meditation had any effect on my day so I came up with a little experiment, nothing fancy, nothing any scientist would except the results from but it worked for me. I did not meditate a long time, only a few minutes each day, on those days I did it at all

What I did
  1. Breathing exercise
  2. 5 to 6 minutes of seated meditation.
  3. Yoga tree pose for about 3 breaths
  4. Yoga based standing shoulder exercise
On the days I did it 9 days out of 14, I felt pretty good all morning and had lots of energy

On the 5 days I did not meditate I was generally tired and low on energy all day lone

Anyone else have any similar experience?
I recently have had surgery for a non-MA related injury that has put me on the sidelines for the next 12ish months.

Prior to this I only meditated on an occasion.

As I have very limited physical capabilities in the near term, I have begun a process of visualization (MA) and meditation. My experience so far is similar to yours.
I wonder why you stop your meditation in December XS?
XS yes I think it would be arduous to bring yourself to a meditative state if you are depressed and but so now you try this experiment because you have a little doubt whether the meditation works at all? And could I ask please what is your metric by which you measure your meditative practice working or not working?
Sorry to have to intrude, but this thread has stopped me dead. Google-Fu here I go then. Thanks OP :)
XS yes I think it would be arduous to bring yourself to a meditative state if you are depressed and but so now you try this experiment because you have a little doubt whether the meditation works at all? And could I ask please what is your metric by which you measure your meditative practice working or not working?

The experiment is actually a side effect of me paying attention to my mornings and how I felt on any given day. I felt better on the days I meditated than the days I didn't. It is not an in-depth experiment as much as it is being aware (mindfulness) and self discovery.
That make sense yes.. cultivating right mindfulness and right concentration seems at odds with our western way of things do you think?? I like very much your experiment XS taking that right mindfulness a step outside of meditative practice to look at that practice itself is very clever.

I should like to have a temperament like yours for meditation and but I cannot stop running after my thoughts that is why I am interested in your experience and experiment.. Jxx
The temperament can be learned, it takes time and does not always come easy, and if I learned it, anybody can.

Tried another little experiment with this over the weekend, I will know more tomorrow as to if it made any difference at all.
I did not meditate all weekend and I was having trouble sleeping all weekend too. So I did my meditation yesterday and last night I still had issues, just not as many so it may or may not be related. But I did have a lot of trouble with getting my mind to cooperate during meditation too

Meditated this morning as well, things went well, and I had a similar result as I had before, except I still feel good and have a lot of energy. I generally do not get this far in my day with this much energy, especially when I am not sleeping well. I am thinking that the longer I do this the better the effects.

Tonight I will be adding Wuji standing back in and see what that does.
Interesting thread. I have had trouble sleeping for as long as I can remember and this can be from anywhere between taking an hour to fall asleep on one day out of 7 or really struggling to get more than 6 hours every night for a week solid. I used to do a bit of qigong and standing meditation 5/6 days per week but stopped doing this with any regularity when I jumped into the second year of the degree I'm doing two years ago. This was mainly due to trying to balance a hectic work/study schedule and training time. I can't remember my sleeping problems being as bad when I did meditate regularly and I've been meaning to get back into it again, so I think I'll start my old morning routine again tomorrow morning - 5 minutes of standing meditation and working quite quickly through the 8 Pieces of Silk Brocade.

It does make logical sense that practicing clearing the mind and feeling your energy on a regular basis could help with an 'over active' mind at nightime.

I can remember being more relaxed in general and focussed during training when I used to meditate. I'm looking forward to starting again.
I should start meditating in the morning to see if it works for me. I do meditate at night but find it must be a few hours before I go to sleep or else I stay awake for a few hours after I stop meditating.
Started working with Taoist Microcosmic Orbit Meditation again this morning, after the mediation I have been doing since I started this post. Nothing big, in the beginning it is simply focusing on the lower Dantien (yoga it is the swadhisthana chakra).

Lower dantian (下丹田, Xià Dāntián): below the navel (about three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel), which is also called "the golden stove" (金炉 pinyin: Jīn lú) or the namesake "cinnabar field" proper, where the process of developing the elixir by refining and purifying essence (jing) into vitality (qi) begins.

What I have been doing is also rather simple
1) Breathing exercise: Sit on the edge of a chair, Inhale naturally (abdominal breathing) for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Repeat 6 to 8 times
2) Sit on the edge of a chair, Inhale naturally (abdominal breathing), Count the exhalations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Repeat starting again at 1. Do for 5 to 6 minutes.

Now I added the Taoist meditation. Currently also 5 to 6 minutes, but that one will go to 30 to 45 minutes as time goes on and the focus also changes. However I have never gone past 30 minutes when I did this before.