A Lesson Learned


3rd Black Belt
I have learned some valuble lessons last year that I would like to share. I was betrayed by someone who I thought was a friend. As anyone can guess, I was feeling some very intense emotions. I wanted vengence very badly, the kind that puts you in jail for a long time. I almost acted out of anger, and could have ruined my whole life. There are a few things that stopped me from acting on impulse in a time of an unclear and irrational state of mind, and I'll start with this one... In the book Satan Speaks, by Anton LaVey, has an essay that really helped me out, and could possibly be the reason why I'm not sitting in prison right now. Here it is....
I would rather see my enemies live to regret their words and deeds against me, than for them to die a horrible death. If they were not insecure, they could not have been so indiscreet as to attack me. Clearly, they are either stupid or nurturing a masochistic death wish. If they are stupid, they will blunder themselves into fresh dilemmas, which will exacerbate thier feelings of worthlessness. If they seek the ultimate form of negative reinforcement, I dont wish to bless them for their attacks upon me. Better, they should go through life bearing even greater pain than when they provoked me. Then, they are truly between the horns of an intensified dilemma. By their very nature, they cannot make things right with me, once they regret their indiscretion. Nor can they obtain the satisfaction of death at my hands. I have sentenced them: not for life, but to life. Their jailers are their regrets, and they are brutal.
The other thing that helped me in this difficult time is an old story my dad told me when I was a child to explain the dark nature of people in general, here it is....
There was a scorpion and a turtle, as the turtle was floating by in the river the scorpion screams out, hey! I need a ride across the river, would you help me out? Yes, says the turtle. So the scorpion climbs on the turtles back and they start across the river. Half way across the river the scorpion stings the turtle in the neck. The turtle screams, why did you do that!? Now we are both going to die! Then the scorpion says, I couldnt help it, its in my nature.
The lesson behind all this is to never act out of anger, because it can ruin your whole life. A person can do 1,000 good deeds and it will go un noticed, but one wrong one can put you in prison for life. The nature of people in general is comparable to the scorpion in the story above. You have to be careful during your journey down the river. The types of people who will betray your friendship will pay for their mistakes because of the way they behave in life. It will blunder them into fresh dilemmas, and one of the best ways to get back at them is to live a good life.
And my final words on this topic will be a favorite quote of mine, Im not sure who wrote it, but here it is.
" An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."
DeLamar.J said:
The lesson behind all this is to never act out of anger, because it can ruin your whole life. A person can do 1,000 good deeds and it will go un noticed, but one wrong one can put you in prison for life. The nature of people in general is comparable to the scorpion in the story above. You have to be careful during your journey down the river. The types of people who will betray your friendship will pay for their mistakes because of the way they behave in life. It will blunder them into fresh dilemmas, and one of the best ways to get back at them is to live a good life.
And my final words on this topic will be a favorite quote of mine, Im not sure who wrote it, but here it is.
" An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."
Yep.....I believe in karma. Or, put another way, "time wounds all heels".

The world would be a much better place if more people had your wisdom.
Congratulations on conquering a very dangerous internal demon. I think it was Confucius who said: "The ultimate warrior is he who conquers himself".
My family and I have had a similar problem this past year. I'm not going to say all that happened, just that us and another family were involved in a very serious legal issue. My family is VERY close, and will literally do anything to protect another family member. My family is still upset about certain things that went on. It's at the point (still) if the other group came in contact with any of us, there would definitely be police involved. It takes many years for those hurts (whether directly yours or not), to heal. Sometimes never, but it gets easier to deal with.
DeLamar.J said:
And my final words on this topic will be a favorite quote of mine, Im not sure who wrote it, but here it is.
"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."


Glad to hear you learned from such a hard lesson, DelemarJ. You truly have come on top, and inspiration to others. Kudos to you.