strange but impactful moments in nature

Hey Trad..I weathered out a thunderstorm on a belay station 3 pitches up in the Adriondaks, water flowing over me like I was under a waterfall. The positive thing was, after it passed I must have picked up a half rack of protection from all the whimps (read smart people) that bailed out around me as the storm came in. :)

Nothing like rappelling down a wet rope with the cold water roostertailing off the ATC right into your crotch either eh?
I remember sitting by the Bow River in Alberta watching a Duck and her ducklings swimming around when an eagle came and swooped down and took one of the ducklings. It was pretty amazing to see nature and survival at work.
I once had to pull out a storm grate, jump in and rescue a bunch of ducklings that fell through the slats while following the mother duck across the street. "officer friendly" at your service. ;)
Oooo! I seen one of dems once!

Looked like this:
Yep. Thats what happened. They arent so quick to be saved either, the speedy little ******d's!!
i watched "Volacano" on TV.. like 10 years ago
it was good movie
Speaking of climbing, I had to share...note my belays one handed photo technique. That means hes holding my life in one hand here....HEY!


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Then there was the time a 500 lb black bear cleaned out the food of every other camper out in the middle of the high peaks region....went from a crowd to just my 2 buddies and myself. Odd sight watching a bear the size of a compact car climbing a 12" dia tree.
I grew up in a small northern Manitoba community. I will never forget my mom waking me up at 5 am shaking like crazy. When we looked outside in our back yard, there was a black bear eating from stawberries we had planted in the back yard and our labrador was going nuts stetched at the end of its chain. My mom was so scared. We all waited upstairs until the police came but by then it had wandered off. For the next few days our favorite play area down behind my house was off limits. The bear was finally caught in a trap placed there and released. Closest I ever came to a bear that wasn't behind a cage, closest I ever will want to be :)
In one cave I saw a neat little crawling passage to go explore for the heck of it. It was a belly crawl but still enough space to flip over on my back if so desired. I should've ignored the desire at that point when reaching the apparent dead-end of the crawl.
Flipped over my back to see what there was to see and a mere 4 inches away from my face on the ceiling, was this nice large brown spider who's body was at least as large as my palm and legs that were suitably proportioned. Two of those front legs were up in a classic defensive posture. .... ohh kay! Sorry to have bothered you... :eek:
Fastest (on my ) back crawling feet first, I've ever done I think... :rolleyes:
We woke the kids up once for hail the size of golfballs, telling them they might never see it that big again. They wanted to go out and play in it wheil it was hailing. We said, maybe not.
This place was a pit worn into a shale escarpment by a waterfall (which you cant see because the photo was taken from along its edge). There is a pool with a whirlpool at the bottom flowing out into a creek.


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Tgace said:
Hey Trad..

Nothing like rappelling down a wet rope with the cold water roostertailing off the ATC right into your crotch either eh?
Too funny! Sucks for sure.
I dont have any great pics of me on the rocks... heres a sucky one:


I have had my fair share of "brushes with nature" but none that had a great impact... I would say the MOST impactful one was driving all night to Colorado once, just for the heck of it... it was dark when we got there, and in the morning I walked out of the house I was staying in and saw the mountains for the first time in my life... (Im from the midwest, fer cryin out loud) Standing off in the distance, All tall, purple, and the sun was shining off the clouds... holy cow.
Another shameless "look at me" photo.


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I've had several encounters with nature that has a tendancy to leave an impression. Fortunately for me on some, and unfortunately for me on others, I wasn't quite able to get a picture. I've seen baby turtles hatch on a beach in S.C.- they were sooo cute! I've had close (but not dangerous) encounters with deer that just walked right up to my car (I was stopped of course). Then again 3 years ago, I actually RAN over a deer with my car- luckilly the car didn't flip. What happened was the deer ran in front of me and I slowed down so I wasn't worried at the time. Then it decided to run back and smashed into a car in the opposite lane, sending the car into a 180 spin into my lane (I actually saw the headlights in my rearview). To this day I still don't know how I managed that one! My car didn't even get hit by the other car! I've gone into Md. without realizing there were tornado warnings- radio didn't work- I saw a lot of things flying in the air (no, it wasn't quite a tornado yet). A truck in front of me barely slowed down, and proceeded to do a u-turn to go back home. I've had the entertaining chance of riding in a fire truck, because my boyfriend's car got stuck in a ditch during a snow storm. There are others, but I won't write a book and bore everyone.

OUCH!!! TOM!!!

... man ... blinded by the light .... :ultracool

either you're part Siddhe or you glow in the dark - I think you're whiter than ME - and that's saying something ....
That was beyond the pale.....
No more off color remarks...
