"Anyone who thinks there are too many people in the world is perfectly free to step up and take one for the team. Otherwise... my body, my choice."
Although killing ourselves isn't the solution, population control is a very important issue, how to go about it? I have no clue.
I don't know where to begin.
Overpopulation IS a serious issue that is happening and will become an eventual problem.
As for the means that nature applies to correct that, that is exactly the problem, that nature will find a way and we won't be able to deal with the repercussions.
A pandemic, ( the true kind not h1N1 propaganda.) natural disaster, potentially causing a nuclear holocaust...
All these are possibilities we should work to avoid.
As to how to accomplish this, I have no idea.
How to implement a one child policy? I'll admit it's very unrealistic and wreaks of fascism.
After one child is born what do they do then, sterilize the couple?
Like somone also brought up what about third world nations?
I know one thing, the future IS now and there are definite changes that need to be made.
Abundant energy cheap and clean is an immediate possibility, as well as taking part in the symbiotic nature of our world. That is working in conjunction with nature as opposed to against it.
Ultimately we need to rid the world of politics, fear, superstition, and use logic to implement true sustainability.
Despite all this I believe it can be done. Call me a humanist and a dreamer but I believe we have it in us to survive along with nature.