Matt Stone
Master of Arts
Shuri is the name of a city in Okinawa and the name that was given to describe certain styles that supposedly came from that area.
Including Shuri Te. There are many Shuri Te organizations around the world. If you chose to ignore this simple fact by closing your eyes that is entirely up to you.
Please list some. When I researched the Shuri-te school I attended, in online fora as well as for websites, I was informed by quite a number of long term karateka that Shuri-te, as a style, simply did not make it out of Okinawa. It was absorbed into the styles that left Okinawa to become famous in the last century.
Sorry but I regard your friends credentials to be just as fabricated as yours.
Â…the chip on your shoulder must be heavy indeed if you pick a conflict with everyone who doesn't fit into your narrow definition of the world. I feel sorry for you.
While I can only speak for my own opinions, RyuShiKan is not the only one to find curious inconsistencies with the associations you are a member of or have received recognition through. Your background, though varied, is primarily Okinawan (based on your own statements). Why then are you a member of, and so active a proponent for, a Korean Hapkido and Yudo (Judo) association? Clarification would perhaps enlighten us all...
As many members here already know I absolutely can not stand frauds in the martial arts and expose them whenever and wherever I see them.
You have exposed nothing. You have merely run off at the mouth.
By stepping into a public forum, your activities, your associations, your existence has been exposed to the sight of many beyond your particular locale. By putting such information on the Internet for all to access, you further open yourself up to criticism. Your online behavior, the way you respond to comments (favorable and unfavorable), the method you use to post simple comments will all be judged one way or another.
You're just another "over ranked Yank" that just happend to stray into my sights.
Ahh, the truth comes out....racial profiling and prejudice. An American or Canadian or Brazilain or Russian or Israeli or anything non-Asian is not worthy to hold any type of title or high rank. God forbid we actually start a new system! That right is reserved ONLY for Asians....with a couple of years of training in a dojo but NOT for a 'Yank' with more than three decades of actual combat experience with real live enemies. Hate to burst your bubble sport but NOBODY has the market cornered . Again I consider you the typical traditionalist, elitist snob who looks down their nose at anything or anyone different than themselves. You have NO idea what the Martial Way is all about!
You attempted to level the accusation at RyuShiKan that he was making comments without the benefit of firsthand knowledge of you and your art, you too fall into the same accusation. Do you know of Taika Oyata? Are you informed about what kind of person RyuShiKan is? No on both counts. If you are going to attempt to take the moral highground, avoid falling victim to making the same comments you are accusing others of having made.
You and some of your friends got together and started a mutual dan rank giving society that wouldn't stand up under the scrutiny of a MA organization in China, Okinawa or Japan.
Again this is just you beating your chest and throwing sand in the air. And you are showing once again your ignorance and immaturity. Lets take a look at something substantial, which seems to be a foriegn concept for you. The Korean Yudo & Hapkido Association is one of the oldest in this country. It is also one of the most respected anywhere in the world. It's founder Jack 'Pappasan' Stern hosted Mas Oyama on different occasions. It is one of the elite organizations on this planet. They are more legitimate than you and stand up to scrutiny very well. Pappasan himself is flying in this month to teach at a seminar that I and my associaties are hosting. ALL of the profits are going to benefit under priviledged children who have been through critical surgeries. He is doing this free of charge and on his own dime so to speak because it is for such a cause. That is the type of Martial artist that I am used to dealing with. Someone who is humble and gives not the first thought as to himself before others. Not arrogant self-proclaimed know-it-alls such as yourself who pass judgement on those they don't even know.
As stated above, why do you persist in your vehement support of an organization that you do not advertise having had training in? You promote your rank in Pangai-noon and Shuri-te, but rather than being supportive of Okinawan karate organizations, you are a rabid supporter of a Korean Hapkido and judo-variant organizationÂ…
As stated before, the USADR was in existance long before I every came in contact with them. The do not promote, they recognize Dan ranks given proper credentials. AND they cut through the political, discriminatory BS that you have been spewing the last couple of days. If they chap your hide...get some vasaline. They don't charge hundred's of dollars for something someone has already earned...or was prevented from earning through predjudice people such as you seem to be (by your own words).
The USADR provides rank recognition to people who do not study the same system(s) as those evaluating them. I study Yiliquan, Modern Arnis, Ryu Te Karate and soon Shinto Muso-ryu Jojutsu. Can you evaluate my training in those arts and provide me with rank promotion when you do not know the promotion standards or requirements, nor do you have any training in those arts? If you do, even once, then you are selling the rankings you are trying to convince others you are just “recognizing.” Whether that is your intention or not, it is what you are doing essentially. If someone is a victim of so-called “political, discriminatory BS,” I would suspect there to be more to the situation than some overbearing Big Brother organization just trying to keep some poor student under their cruel heel. Organizations have standards for a reason, and sometimes individuals don’t get promoted as high or as quickly as they would like. Tough. They should be less concerned with rank and more concerned with training. Perhaps if they trained half as hard as they work to try to get promoted, the promotions would no longer be a concern…
The Agni Kickboxing Association of Iran is a national affiliated organization rich in traditional pride. They have produced some top notch Martial Artists...this can NOT be disputed. They have offered me membership and professional recognition as I am openly invited to their tournements. Same with the others mentioned on my site. Gee...that sure is sinister isn't it. Imagine that, other Martial Artists extending professional courtesy. Perhaps you need some education in this.
So by saying they have offered you “professional recognition,” what does that really mean? Did they grant you rank or honorary rank in their association? Did they give you rank in Agni Kickboxing because you are a Pangai-noon and Shuri-te yudansha and they felt you were good enough to merit an equivalent rank in their system? If this isn’t the case, please clarify what “professional recognition” means.
So no, my 'friends' didn't GIVE me anything except earned respect. The organizations I belong to are legitimate. NO 'dan' factories anywhere in sight despite your arrogant presumptions.
The respect you earn isnÂ’t contained in certificates, titles, or organization positions. It is shown by they way they treat you, talk to you, or discuss you with others.
Well one thing is for sure I don't promote people over the internet like this Zhao Dai Wei and his pals do.
I have never promoted anyone over the internet. Neither has GM Dunn. They have the opportunity to test with us in person or via video tape if they are unable financially to travel to us. In such a case we have a vast resourse of Martial Arts instructors to draw on who will gladly step in-AT NO CHARGE-to test the individual or draw up test requirements as needed for a particualar style. As of this writting we have not had anyone test with us, therefore we remain a recognition-oriented organization for those with proper credentials and references. But we WILL provide a testing opportunity to those that need it. People have circumstances come up such as school closings, instructor moves away or passes on etc. There is absolutely no reason to force someone to fly over to the 'home' country to test or to charge them hundreds or thousands of dollars for the 'priviledge' to test. NOt when we have fine instructors who will stand up and assist the little guy who is being jerked around by greed or racial predjudice. Another case of you running your gator about that which you know nothing about or have a closed mind to.
How can you promote someone not of your style? How can you recognize someone at a grade higher than the one they were issued by competent members of their previous art, especially if you have no training in that art? It isn’t a question of having a closed mind, it is a question of legitimacy. I do not study Brazilian Jujutsu, so therefore I have no right nor ability to judge someone’s competency in that art. I do not study Krav Maga, Capoeira nor Hung Gar, so I have absolutely no business whatsoever “recognizing” someone’s training in those arts, regardless of whatever situation they find themselves in.
To the rest here I thank you for your warmth and welcome. I humbly apologize that this nonsense had to go on and take up so much space. But where I come from, if a man runs his mouth becuase he has some personal issue, for whatever reason then the man he runs his mouth about is obliged to step up and make him accountable.
And where I come from, if a man makes public announcements of skills, credentials, titles and other such things, he is willing and able to make a full accounting of the same. If he doesnÂ’t, or is simply reluctant to do so, then there are other issues at hand.