A friendly hello

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Kaith Rustaz,

I appreciate your comments and agree with your assestment. I DO NOT subscribe to the 'my way is the only way' mentality nor do a buckle under to those that think this way.

RyuShiKan is entitled to his opinion as am I. If he choses to display a less than polite persona I will simply pass by in peace. I'm quite sure there are a vast amount of polite, thoughtfull posters here to fellowship with.

There is much supportive, and valid discussion on both issues on the net. A quick search will reveal much. Whether an individual choses to accept or disregard is entirely up to them.

I will say this, I may not agree with your opinion but I have worn a uniform and defended with my very life your right to hold that opinion....have you?

I would ask a simply question of RyuShiKan since he states in his bio that he is an instuctor. Simply, what do you charge [or what does your school/organization charge] for someone to obtain their Shodan?

And lastly, of the organizations that I belong to, none have charged me for anything beyond shipping of documents. I was invited into them all. As have I been both Hall of Fames, and the third this summer. I earned through hard work my credentials, not my pocket book. And a good thing...I'm poor :).

Welcome to the board. I look forward to learning from and with you. Your knowledge and experience are most desired here.


I don't know what RyuShiKan charges..and quite frankly, I don't care...

More importantly, does HE promote for money or does he promote based on a certain standard...I have it on good authority that he promotes when a student is ready, and NOT before...

I charge $0.00 per lesson and only require my students maintain an Association membership (all proceeds go to headquarters) which costs $25 per year...I doubt you'll find many teachers who offer lessons at that rate...

Of course, the nice thing about that is, I can turn away those who are not going to use the art in an honorable way...
Tough part is, HOW can I tell? I can't...at least not for a little while...so I give everyone an equal opportunity at learning this system...

Now, I am no soke...I am not a Grand Master...I am simply a teacher and student who hopes to learn as much from his students as my students learn from me...

I agree with Zhao, he wasn't talking about traditional systems at all. He was talking about the sport aspects.

But realize, any art that becomes popular will develop its own sport version.
Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei

Shuri is indigenous to Okinawa. And has quite a following not only in this country but abroad.

Shuri is the name of a city in Okinawa and the name that was given to describe certain styles that supposedly came from that area.
If you could supply us with the name of some teachers in Okinawa that practice a single art called "Shuri Te" I for one would love to see it...........however I am not holding my breath.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
A very good friend of mine from the academy has his Yodan in Shuri Te and his instructor has just accepted his Hachidan in the same.

Sorry but I regard your friends credentials to be just as fabricated as yours.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
I started off with the perception that perhaps you merely had some bad experiences and were transfering them to the new guy. I see as you have progressed that you are merely trolling.

Moi? Trolling? Not hardly. Exposing someone with dubious credentials.........hell yes.
As many members here already know I absolutely can not stand frauds in the martial arts and expose them whenever and wherever I see them.
You're just another "over ranked Yank" that just happend to stray into my sights.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
If this is the case we can simply agree to disagree but I will stand by my credentials...they were earned with blood, sweat and tears. You casting dispersions from behind your monitor towards someone you don't know speaks to your character.

Ahhhh going to play the old chracter assasination card, are you.
This is usually said by people that can't support their claims by fact(s).

Like I implied before.
You and some of your friends got together and started a mutual dan rank giving society that wouldn't stand up under the scrutiny of a MA organization in China, Okinawa or Japan.
Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
I would ask a simply question of RyuShiKan since he states in his bio that he is an instuctor. Simply, what do you charge [or what does your school/organization charge] for someone to obtain their Shodan?

I don't charge a penny.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
And lastly, of the organizations that I belong to, none have charged me for anything beyond shipping of documents. I was invited into them all. As have I been both Hall of Fames, and the third this summer. I earned through hard work my credentials, not my pocket book. And a good thing...I'm poor :).

Yeah that would be kind of like giving money to yourself wouldn't it.:rolleyes:
I spent about 4 hours crafting my rebuttal to your comments. Regrettably, having left the window open, my son inadvertantly dropped a book on the keyboard, wiping out a good sized chunk.

I am not going to go back to rewrite the entire thing...

Suffice it to say that while I don't agree with all you say or do, you don't seem to be deliberately malicious. Your responses were well worded and polite.

I disagree most on the use of language and the inconsistencies in your use of multiple languages in your style. I would suggest and recommend you review what languages you plan on using, learn to use them correctly, and maintain a consistent appearance for your art. It was these inconsistencies that lead me to question the legitimacy of what you are teaching...

I wish the book hadn't hit the keyboard... My original response was much longer, in depth, and nowhere nearly as brusque and short sounding.

Welcome to Martial Talk. I look forward to future discussions with you.

Originally posted by chufeng
I don't know what RyuShiKan charges..and quite frankly, I don't care...

More importantly, does HE promote for money or does he promote based on a certain standard...I have it on good authority that he promotes when a student is ready, and NOT before...

Well one thing is for sure I don't promote people over the internet :rolleyes: like this Zhao Dai Wei and his pals do. http://www.usadr.iwarp.com/

I can only imagine how demanding that test could be:rofl:

Call me old fashioned but I actually like to see people test in front of me before I decide what grade they should have.......I know it's probably stupid to do that but I am kind of funny that way.

Zhao Dai Wei ,

Do you have a volume discount? I might be interested in picking 5 or 6 Soke-doke ranks.:rofl:
So what's the URL to his website? I've seen some links, but I haven't seen Zhao's school.
Go to the links page.

You'll see this:

Martial Arts Links
Tae Kwon Do Network
Zhao Dai Wei
Indra's Martial Arts Directory
World Martial Arts
Board Members of the USADR


Promotions Board President
GrandMaster David Schultz, founder of ZHAO DAI WEI, Chinese based style with a focus on close quarters tactics. GM Schultz has 30 years in the Martial Arts. His studies include Uechi-Ryu, Shuri-Te, Judo, Jujitsu, Krav Maga and Shoalin Chin Na. In addition to Police Defensive Tactics, Firearms(Instructor), Israeli Instinctive Shooting, Edged weapons and Chemical weapons. GM Schultz's discipline has also been recognized by The World Black Belt Bureau, The Independent Martial Arts Federation, Korean Yudo & Hapkido Association, The Unified Sokeship Association International and The Agni Kempo Organization of Iran. GM Schultz has studied with Tony Blauer. Joe Hess, Tony Lambria and Sir Peter Boatman. GM Schultz is also the President of the Gulf Coast Martial Artist Guild which benefits Children's Charities and the International League of Martial Arts Masters. GM Schultz currently teaches Police Personnel in west central florida and is attached to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office as a Deputy and an Instructor.

Note the fashionable buzz word close quarters tactics..........gee I can't remember the last time I saw an empty-handed art that work from 100 meters away..........although I hear Dillamn and Mooney have something in the works:rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I'm glad you did clear that up because then I was really gonna start to wonder about you.:rofl:

Like you didnt already...........:shrug:

And RyuShiKan Some very cool posts in there :rofl: !

Shuri is the name of a city in Okinawa and the name that was given to describe certain styles that supposedly came from that area.

Including Shuri Te. There are many Shuri Te organizations around the world. If you chose to ignore this simple fact by closing your eyes that is entirely up to you.

Sorry but I regard your friends credentials to be just as fabricated as yours.

As I said earlier, you are merely trolling with some type of chip on your shoulder. I suspect for quite some time before my arrival here. As I stated earlier, your arrogant, antagonistic comments speak to your character. Unless I missed the memo, no one has appointed you as the supreme head of all that is the Martial way on this planet. You seem to be an arrogant,traditionalist, elitist snob who has appointed himself as the Karate police. Just because you do not recognize a particular style does not mean it is non-existant.

Do you know EVERY aspect of EVERY Martial Arts system on this planet? Are you a world authority on who may implement policy concerning what they teach? The people who trained me are every bit as legitimate as the ones that trained you, perhaps more so. Mine have seen the White elephant and gone in harms way...just as I have. You seem to think very highly of your ability to judge your fellow as to their credentials...from behind your computer, with no first hand experience of the men themselves. Very convienant. I will be blunt, with the maturity level you have displayed thus far, with the humility and integrity or lack thereof in your posts, I place absolutely no knowledgable authority in your opinion. The chip on your shoulder must be heavy indeed if you pick a conflict with everyone who doesn't fit into your narrow definition of the world. I feel sorry for you.

As many members here already know I absolutely can not stand frauds in the martial arts and expose them whenever and wherever I see them.

You have exposed nothing. You have merely run off at the mouth.

You're just another "over ranked Yank" that just happend to stray into my sights.

Ahh, the truth comes out....racial profiling and prejudice. An American or Canadian or Brazilain or Russian or Israeli or anything non-Asian is not worthy to hold any type of title or high rank. God forbid we actually start a new system! That right is reserved ONLY for Asians....with a couple of years of training in a dojo but NOT for a 'Yank' with more than three decades of actual combat experience with real live enemies. Hate to burst your bubble sport but NOBODY has the market cornered . Again I consider you the typical traditionalist, elitist snob who looks down their nose at anything or anyone different than themselves. You have NO idea what the Martial Way is all about!

You and some of your friends got together and started a mutual dan rank giving society that wouldn't stand up under the scrutiny of a MA organization in China, Okinawa or Japan.

Again this is just you beating your chest and throwing sand in the air. And you are showing once again your ignorance and immaturity. Lets take a look at something substantial, which seems to be a foriegn concept for you. The Korean Yudo & Hapkido Association is one of the oldest in this country. It is also one of the most respected anywhere in the world. It's founder Jack 'Pappasan' Stern hosted Mas Oyama on different occasions. It is one of the elite organizations on this planet. They are more legitimate than you and stand up to scrutiny very well. Pappasan himself is flying in this month to teach at a seminar that I and my associaties are hosting. ALL of the profits are going to benefit under priviledged children who have been through critical surgeries. He is doing this free of charge and on his own dime so to speak because it is for such a cause. That is the type of Martial artist that I am used to dealing with. Someone who is humble and gives not the first thought as to himself before others. Not arrogant self-proclaimed know-it-alls such as yourself who pass judgement on those they don't even know.

As stated before, the USADR was in existance long before I every came in contact with them. The do not promote, they recognize Dan ranks given proper credentials. AND they cut through the political, discriminatory BS that you have been spewing the last couple of days. If they chap your hide...get some vasaline. They don't charge hundred's of dollars for something someone has already earned...or was prevented from earning through predjudice people such as you seem to be [by your own words].

The GCMAG is an organization that I have founded to unite Martial Artists to benefit children in need. Do you have some inhumane problem with Martial Artists giving back to the community and helping kids?

The ILMAM has and is uniting Masters and Grandmaster all over the world for fellowship, networking, work shops etc. It does not issue rank in any way,shape or form.

The Agni Kickboxing Association of Iran is a national affiliated organization rich in traditional pride. They have produced some top notch Martial Artists...this can NOT be disputed. They have offered me membership and professional recognition as I am openly invited to their tournements. Same with the others mentioned on my site. Gee...that sure is sinister isn't it. Imagine that, other Martial Artists extending professional courtesy. Perhaps you need some education in this.

So no, my 'friends' didn't GIVE me anything except earned respect. The organizations I belong to are legitimate. NO 'dan' factories anywhere in sight despite your arrogant presumptions.

Well one thing is for sure I don't promote people over the internet like this Zhao Dai Wei and his pals do.

I have never promoted anyone over the internet. Neither has GM Dunn. They have the opportunity to test with us in person or via video tape if they are unable financially to travel to us. In such a case we have a vast resourse of Martial Arts instructors to draw on who will gladly step in-AT NO CHARGE-to test the individual or draw up test requirements as needed for a particualar style. As of this writting we have not had anyone test with us, therefore we remain a recognition-oriented organization for those with proper credentials and references. But we WILL provide a testing opportunity to those that need it. People have circumstances come up such as school closings, instructor moves away or passes on etc. There is absolutely no reason to force someone to fly over to the 'home' country to test or to charge them hundreds or thousands of dollars for the 'priviledge' to test. NOt when we have fine instructors who will stand up and assist the little guy who is being jerked around by greed or racial predjudice. Another case of you running your gator about that which you know nothing about or have a closed mind to.

Do you have a volume discount? I might be interested in picking 5 or 6 Soke-doke ranks.

Another sparkling example of your character....

Note the fashionable buzz word close quarters tactics

Fashionable buzz word? Or battle proven concept. I'm seriously starting to wonder if you really are a Martial Artist, one with any practical experience outside the dojo. Perhaps you need to familarize yourself with such things as reactionar gap, danger zone or long, medium and short range techniques. Either these are foreign concepts to you, in which case you don't have a clue about real-world fighting or your just beating your chest again looking for conflict...

If you are truly in the Martial Arts, I pity you. From your racist and arrogant remarks you are brain-washed into thinking YOUR style is the only one on the planet and all others don't exist. You have limited yourself from many learning opportunities and fellowships. Your arrogance will be your undoing son. You think that just because something is new and/or different it is not valid. This is very narrow-minded and not indicative of a TRUE Martial Artist! A true Martial Artist constantly strives to learn and experience and is not afraid of that which is different. This is how we grow in experience.

The style that you claim to train in was at one time new and different. It was founded by an individual who was a pioneer and leader amoung men. Someone who pushed the envelope to see what was beyond. I have done no different that those who have gone before me and others will do after me. I don't BS people or rip them off, as I stated earlier I teach almost for nothing because I love it so much. If you don't want to look at me as legitiamte....who cares? You are not an authority. Others who are your betters, those who have been teaching longer than you have most probably have been alive and are authorities have granted me the position that I now enjoy. Something that I can one day pass onto my son...just as many before me have done in the rich history that we all share. Again if you don't like it....who cares? I certainly do not. You shot down your own credability around your third post as far as I am concerned.

I have nothing I need to prove to you nor do I seek your approval in anything. I am quite sure I have much more real world experience and knowledge than you. If you feel you need to prove something to me, if you feel you need to take me to task you are always welcome to ask me out on the deck to see what I know or do not know. I will be most happy to provide you with where I teach if you every want to drop by. I will either meet you with open arms of friendship and fellowship or provide you with whatever opportunity you think you need to prove me false.

To the rest here I thank you for your warmth and welcome. I humbly apologize that this nonsense had to go on and take up so much space. But where I come from, if a man runs his mouth becuase he has some personal issue, for whatever reason then the man he runs his mouth about is obliged to step up and make him accountable.

If this gentlemen has any further arrogant or antagonistic remarks I would suggest he put it to email directly to me. In this way he doesn't feel the need to cater to the audience. Again, I thank you very much and look forward to polite converstation with you. Stay safe.

Yes it did. And I'm so sorry it has taken the turn that it has. I'm here to participate in informative discussion. I wish to learn new things from people and if I can contribute to someone as well then so much the better. I didn't expect the verbal judo match. Nor will I participate further in one. If someone doesn't like me then they can trash me by email :D On with the good times!!:boing1:
Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei

Shuri is the name of a city in Okinawa and the name that was given to describe certain styles that supposedly came from that area.

Including Shuri Te. There are many Shuri Te organizations around the world. If you chose to ignore this simple fact by closing your eyes that is entirely up to you.

Like I said before, give me a name of someone in Okinawa the teaches a style called “Shuri Te”.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
Sorry but I regard your friends credentials to be just as fabricated as yours.

As I said earlier, you are merely trolling with some type of chip on your shoulder.
I suspect for quite some time before my arrival here. As I stated earlier, your arrogant, antagonistic comments speak to your character. Unless I missed the memo, no one has appointed you as the supreme head of all that is the Martial way on this planet. You seem to be an arrogant,traditionalist, elitist snob who has appointed himself as the Karate police. Just because you do not recognize a particular style does not mean it is non-existant.

No true. But I do know pure BS when I see it.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
As many members here already know I absolutely can not stand frauds in the martial arts and expose them whenever and wherever I see them.

You have exposed nothing. You have merely run off at the mouth.

Is that so? I think others might disagree.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
You're just another "over ranked Yank" that just happend to stray into my sights.
Ahh, the truth comes out....racial profiling and prejudice. An American or Canadian or Brazilain or Russian or Israeli or anything non-Asian is not worthy to hold any type of title or high rank. God forbid we actually start a new system!

“Over Ranked Yank” is a term I heard from one of my European friends.
Having overly high rank with only a few years train, as in your case, is a very American thing and not that common in Europe or in many other countries. It seems to be a phenomenon mostly prevalent in the US…..hence the term “Over Ranked Yank”.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
That right is reserved ONLY for Asians....with a couple of years of training in a dojo but NOT for a 'Yank' with more than three decades of actual combat experience with real live enemies. Hate to burst your bubble sport but NOBODY has the market cornered . Again I consider you the typical traditionalist, elitist snob who looks down their nose at anything or anyone different than themselves. You have NO idea what the Martial Way is all about!

You fit these descriptions on so many levels.

Combat Poseur
How to Spot a Virtual Tough Guy
This article was published in The Electronic Journal of Martial Arts and Sciences.
Unfortunately, self-defense and the martial arts attract a particular breed of fraud in vast and limitless numbers: the Virtual Tough Guy (VTG). The VTG is often quite young, but not necessarily so. He may or may not have useful information to share. What is important to the VTG, however, is that you be impressed with how very cool he is. More tenacious than a mall ninja, more impervious to reality than a mail-order black belt, the VTG needs you to acknowledge what a badass he is. He uses a variety of intellectually dishonest tools to accomplish this, among them vague claims to unverifiable training, crude reverse psychology, and the judicious application of bootlicking. Fortunately, the average Web denizen can learn to spot the VTG's warning signs, and take with his or her posts the appropriate number of grains of salt.

Its Only a Flesh Wound
Your average VTG has been there and done that, man. He's been shot, he's been stabbed, he's been cut. He's won countless fights and lost a few, too

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
As stated before, the USADR was in existance long before I every came in contact with them. The do not promote, they recognize Dan ranks given proper credentials. AND they cut through the political, discriminatory BS that you have been spewing the last couple of days.

Yeah, over the Internet, I can see how actually grading in front of a teacher would be a major inconvenience. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
So no, my 'friends' didn't GIVE me anything except earned respect. The organizations I belong to are legitimate. NO 'dan' factories anywhere in sight despite your arrogant presumptions.

The fact that you sell dan ranks over the Internet is proof enough.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
Well one thing is for sure I don't promote people over the internet like this Zhao Dai Wei and his pals do.

I have never promoted anyone over the internet.

I already proved that you are connected to it.

Promotions Board President
GrandMaster David Schultz, founder of ZHAO DAI WEI, Chinese based style with a focus on close quarters tactics. GM Schultz has 30 years in the Martial Arts. His studies include Uechi-Ryu, Shuri-Te, Judo, Jujitsu, Krav Maga and Shoalin Chin Na. In addition to Police Defensive Tactics, Firearms(Instructor), Israeli Instinctive Shooting, Edged weapons and Chemical weapons. GM Schultz's discipline has also been recognized by The World Black Belt Bureau, The Independent Martial Arts Federation, Korean Yudo & Hapkido Association, The Unified Sokeship Association International and The Agni Kempo Organization of Iran. GM Schultz has studied with Tony Blauer. Joe Hess, Tony Lambria and Sir Peter Boatman. GM Schultz is also the President of the Gulf Coast Martial Artist Guild which benefits Children's Charities and the International League of Martial Arts Masters. GM Schultz currently teaches Police Personnel in west central florida and is attached to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office as a Deputy and an Instructor.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
Do you have a volume discount? I might be interested in picking 5 or 6 Soke-doke ranks.

Another sparkling example of your character....

It’s a legit question.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
If you are truly in the Martial Arts, I pity you. From your racist and arrogant remarks you are brain-washed into thinking YOUR style is the only one on the planet and all others don't exist. You have limited yourself from many learning opportunities and fellowships. Your arrogance will be your undoing son. You think that just because something is new and/or different it is not valid. This is very narrow-minded and not indicative of a TRUE Martial Artist! A true Martial Artist constantly strives to learn and experience and is not afraid of that which is different. This is how we grow in experience.

I don’t think I have ever stated or even implied once on the Internet or this forum that my style was the end all beat all to MA. You’re trying to put words in my mouth.

Phil's Field Guide to Trolls
An Analysis of Forum Fauna

n Contrarian Troll Warning Sign Number One: The most important indicator of a poster's Contrarian Troll status is his constant use of subtle and not-so-subtle insults, a technique intended to make people angry. Contrarians will resist the urge to be insulting at first, but as their post count increases, they become more and more abusive of those with whom they disagree. Most often they initiate the insults in the course of what has been a civil, if heated, debate to that point.

n Contrarian Warning Sign Number Five: Attempts to condescend. Pursued by Troll Bashers (see Natural Predators below), the Contrarian will seek refuge in condescending remarks that repeatedly scorn his or her critics as beneath notice -- all the while continuing to respond to them.

The Sophist Troll. Sophist Trolls, or "philotrolls," fancy themselves Enlightened Philosophers or Learned Experts of the highest order. Often well educated, Philotrolls are capable of speaking intelligently on a number of topics, and when the spirit moves them they can be worthwhile forum participants. Unfortunately, Sophist Trolls are an extremely hostile and intolerant species.

When confronted by opinions with which they do not agree -- particularly when they do not see any means of successfully arguing their contrary views -- Sophists resort (repeatedly) to a variety of intellectually dishonest tactics. Most often, this is characterized by an overly snide, condescending, patronizing attitude. Philotrolls consider anyone with whom they do not agree to be "immature," and are fond of quoting that old saw that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
I have nothing I need to prove to you nor do I seek your approval in anything.

You seem to want to approval by someone since you keep responding with long-winded posts.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
I am quite sure I have much more real world experience and knowledge than you.

Its Only a Flesh Wound
Your average VTG has been there and done that, man. He's been shot, he's been stabbed, he's been cut. He's won countless fights and lost a few, too.

Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
If you feel you need to prove something to me, if you feel you need to take me to task you are always welcome to ask me out on the deck to see what I know or do not know. I will be most happy to provide you with where I teach if you every want to drop by.

This is it folks. The Classic line of the Virtual Tough Guy.
The dreaded and most feared “Internet Challenge”
quote: Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
If you feel you need to prove something to me, if you feel you need to take me to task you are always welcome to ask me out on the deck to see what I know or do not know. I will be most happy to provide you with where I teach if you every want to drop by.

quote: Originally posted by RyuShiKan
This is it folks. The Classic line of the Virtual Tough Guy.
The dreaded and most feared “Internet Challenge”

So heres a question... whats the difference between when a 'troll' and a 'troll-basher' make the same challenge? Is there one?

I've had several trolls, and many a troll-basher invite me to stop in and 'see what they were all about' over the last 2 years...despite the fact that I'm not likely to fly cross country or over seas just to get my head kicked in.

Beyond that question, please take the differences to email at this point.

Thank you.
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