Green Belt
Prof. Shuras,
Nice to hear from you as always. My students still talk about you coming up and giving a seminar on weapons defense. We all had a great time that day.
Mike is still running a program (not located in my old school) in Peterborough. Last I knew it was still a very small operation, but he does have a few loyal students.
I think that there are lots of student/teachers out there that have no clue how important it is to show the seniors of martial arts, all arts, proper respect. I trained with Kempo, Kenpo, Kajunkenbo, Tai Chi, Jujitsu, Arnis, and many, many other people over the weekend. There wasn't a single person who cared that we were all wearing a different patch on our gi. No one brought up the politics of the arts either. At least not in my presence. We simply got together and trained as one big martial family.
I appreciate the kind words you spoke of me. I believe in training hard and discovering the truth (whatever that might be) for one's self. I also believe in giving credit where credit is due. As you have said many times James Mitose is the reason we in America are fortunate to study the Kempo arts. No one in Hanshi's group condones any criminal activities that Mitose did. However, all of us hold James Mitose as our Great Grandmaster of the Kosho Shorei Ryu.
Hanshi stated on a recent instructional video that James Mitose was either a saint or the devil. And he isn't totally sure which.
I know many of us wish to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. However, that will never happen. What we will find is some truth, some rumor and some lies. Then we will piece together our best guess based on all the information we have.
Take care,
To all,
There is an old buddhist story about a man who gets shot with an arrow. And instead of getting the medical attention he needs he goes off to find out about the person who shot him. Well, he dies. He never finds out the truth about the man who shot him and he never becomes enlightened. He just dies.
This is what I feel is happening to many people in the Kempo/Kenpo circles. They keep looking for James Mitose and somewhat forget about that fact that James Mitose is not Kempo. He was simply a carrier of the Kempo arts.
Kempo is here with us today. It is a wonderful study. So while we are still searching for the answers to the late James Mitose, let us not forget about the many teachers who are alive today and have much to teach us.
-John Evans
Nice to hear from you as always. My students still talk about you coming up and giving a seminar on weapons defense. We all had a great time that day.
Mike is still running a program (not located in my old school) in Peterborough. Last I knew it was still a very small operation, but he does have a few loyal students.
I think that there are lots of student/teachers out there that have no clue how important it is to show the seniors of martial arts, all arts, proper respect. I trained with Kempo, Kenpo, Kajunkenbo, Tai Chi, Jujitsu, Arnis, and many, many other people over the weekend. There wasn't a single person who cared that we were all wearing a different patch on our gi. No one brought up the politics of the arts either. At least not in my presence. We simply got together and trained as one big martial family.
I appreciate the kind words you spoke of me. I believe in training hard and discovering the truth (whatever that might be) for one's self. I also believe in giving credit where credit is due. As you have said many times James Mitose is the reason we in America are fortunate to study the Kempo arts. No one in Hanshi's group condones any criminal activities that Mitose did. However, all of us hold James Mitose as our Great Grandmaster of the Kosho Shorei Ryu.
Hanshi stated on a recent instructional video that James Mitose was either a saint or the devil. And he isn't totally sure which.
I know many of us wish to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. However, that will never happen. What we will find is some truth, some rumor and some lies. Then we will piece together our best guess based on all the information we have.
Take care,
To all,
There is an old buddhist story about a man who gets shot with an arrow. And instead of getting the medical attention he needs he goes off to find out about the person who shot him. Well, he dies. He never finds out the truth about the man who shot him and he never becomes enlightened. He just dies.
This is what I feel is happening to many people in the Kempo/Kenpo circles. They keep looking for James Mitose and somewhat forget about that fact that James Mitose is not Kempo. He was simply a carrier of the Kempo arts.
Kempo is here with us today. It is a wonderful study. So while we are still searching for the answers to the late James Mitose, let us not forget about the many teachers who are alive today and have much to teach us.
-John Evans