A disagreement. (HELP!)

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This is my story... It's kinda long, so be prepared.

There is a mixed martial arts school in my home town of Calgary, Alberta that goes by the name Canuckles. The instructor there is very good, a nice guy, and I learned very quickly from him. I trained there for about 3 months. Then I moved to my current location of North Vancouver, BC.

Well, in North Van I made a new friend. We'll call him Pete. Pete is of Japanese decent, and is very heavily influenced by their martial traditions. He studied goju-ryu karate for 8 years, and aikido and iaido for 4 of those years.

I don't know if any of you remember, but a while back, I posted that I was going to compete in a mixed martial arts style bout with an old friend in Calgary (we'll call this one, Frank) while on vacation there. I asked my friend Pete to train me for this event.

Well, we trained for about a month about twice a week, usually very intense. Unfortunatly, Pete and I dissagreed on a few techniques and he would get very dissapointed. I've been told that the way I went about it seemed very closed minded, but I didn't mean it this way at all. I just already had a way of things that I felt comforatble with, and felt that it was effective enough (this was mostly to do with striking styles... karate and MMA are very different that way).

Anyway, I finally went to Calagry and visited my friend Frank. He had also been training at Canuckles, because I recommended it. We made a decision not to fight after all. We were best buds, and we didn't want to hurt eachother, or start a rivalry. We made a pact never to fight eachother in such a match, whether it be in a back yard or in the cage. So we just sparred, like good training partners do. I had a blast, and tested my skills.

So now, a few months later, my friend Pete want to have a talk with me. He relates to me his huge dissapointment in me "not doing what I went to Calgary to do". I told him about me and my friends pact. He was just really pissed off I guess... He went on about how he wasted that month... And I told him that it was not wasted and that I had learned quite a bit from him, and apreciated it.

Then, he said something that just set me right off. He said that I had learned NOTHING from Canuckles, and that I needed to stop GOOFING OFF and learn to fight THE RIGHT WAY. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing but respect for any martial arts style... But when you dump on my school, and my methods.... Well that's just not cool. Well things kinda got out of hand... We didn't fight or anything... But we both kinda exploded at eachother (I exploded first tho...). I said some things I regret. And I challenged him to "show him what I learned at Canuckles" (stupid I know). And I haven't spoken to him since. This was about 3 days ago at the time of this post.

My friends have suggested that I apologize to him... But I'm not so sure that I'm ready yet... Or if I even want to. He is a good friend, and I don't want to loose him as that. And if he still wants to teach me, I thought maybe that if he only taught me what he knew of aikido and grappling, then it probably wouldn't clash with anything I've learned (which worked before).

I just don't know what to do. And if you've read this far I'd appreciate some advice... Thanks in advance...
Only you can decide whom your going to train with. I wouldn't take some of the comments made too personal. When a person imparts somthing they believe in to you, and it apears as if you are not taking what they had to teach seriously enough, feelings get hurt. Yes, the guy might be taking himself too seriously but he did feel strongly enough about what he knew to teach it to you. I often have to bite my toungue when I teach my younger cousin to do a move "properly" because I have to wade through the "yeah I know" and "yeah but this is the way I do it". I'm not saying you are as beligerant as my cousin; however, You might try to be as respectful as you can muster by restarting your training with little comment on what you would do instead. Obvoiusly you are welcome to walk away and never speak to the guy again, but if you are willing to try it again, mutualy set some boundries.
If i was you i would wait at least a week then call up and then talk again, Start off by asking hows it going then say we got a bit out of hand blah blah blah... Everything will be fine he will probley agree and you to will have make up sex (JUST KIDDING OF COURSE) but all jokes aside you two will be good friends again i can tell.:D
Originally posted by J-kid
If i was you i would wait at least a week then call up and then talk again, Start off by asking hows it going then say we got a bit out of hand blah blah blah... Everything will be fine he will probley agree and you to will have make up sex (JUST KIDDING OF COURSE) but all jokes aside you two will be good friends again i can tell.:D

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