A Blasphemy of a remake

I don't mind them in the movies Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob. Sorry I'm a Kevin Smith Fan.... :jediduel:

Amen to that!

Those were probably the only movies that those two weren't annoying in together.

Now separately, Matt Damon has had some gems. He just becomes annoying with Ben somehow.
I already found the remake. And they even managed to find most of the original cast for it. :)

Sweep the leg, Johnny!!
Not bad for a music video. At least several members of the original cast got work again. :lol:
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They're remaking 80's movies now??

The horror.
Well, yeah... they figured that after 20 years or so it's about time for a remake.

Just as long as they leave Casablanca, Duck Soup, City Lights, Maltese Falcon, Key Largo, Ben Hur (the remake of that one), and about a dozen others alone... there's not much else to do except write to the studios.
Well, yeah... they figured that after 20 years or so it's about time for a remake.

Just as long as they leave Casablanca, Duck Soup, City Lights, Maltese Falcon, Key Largo, Ben Hur (the remake of that one), and about a dozen others alone... there's not much else to do except write to the studios.

I’m thinking Casablanca with George Clooney and Charlize Theron. :D

Oh man.. I shouldn’t have posted that... that’s not funny… that’s actually making me feel a bit ill
Yeah, they're remaking Red Dawn, RoboCop, TopGun, Weird Science.........God help us all...
I’m thinking Casablanca with George Clooney and Charlize Theron. :D

Oh man.. I shouldn’t have posted that... that’s not funny… that’s actually making me feel a bit ill
I think MT should make blasphemy a no-no on this board... how COULD you??

Geez Xue, now I gotta go wash out my eyes...
Just how friggin' lazy have they gotten with our entertainment?

It's not like the plot line was original.....but has Hollywood become so damn apathetic that they don't even bother giving the story a new title along with a few story differences?!?!?!?! Is it that hard to put a new spin on that old plot? If so, maybe they need to hire new writers.

Actually... The real truth behind this is twofold. One, it's often cheaper to purchase the rights to remake a film than to buy a quality script from an established writer, espeically when the studio shooting the remake already owns the rights to the film... then the cost becomes negligible to do a re-write. Second, and probably more importantly, is "Brand Recognition"... everybody knows the name "Karate Kid" not many people know "10 year old kid who becomes karate master" so the marketing idea is that people will go see it with Karate Kid branded on the film.

You know how many remakes of Yojimbo there are? Probably not... because the call them things like "Sword and the Sorcerer" "Fistfull of Dollars" and "Last Man Standing" instead.

It may suck, but it makes Hollywood money, which is why they do it.
Actually... The real truth behind this is twofold. One, it's often cheaper to purchase the rights to remake a film than to buy a quality script from an established writer, espeically when the studio shooting the remake already owns the rights to the film... then the cost becomes negligible to do a re-write. Second, and probably more importantly, is "Brand Recognition"... everybody knows the name "Karate Kid" not many people know "10 year old kid who becomes karate master" so the marketing idea is that people will go see it with Karate Kid branded on the film.

You know how many remakes of Yojimbo there are? Probably not... because the call them things like "Sword and the Sorcerer" "Fistfull of Dollars" and "Last Man Standing" instead.

It may suck, but it makes Hollywood money, which is why they do it.
Yep, that is the best answer right there... Money money money, Hubba hubba hubba who do you trust?? (you know Nicholson was thinking about the studios when he said that line)...
Japanese films are becoming increasingly popular and probably because folks are getting tired of the same old thing. Granted nearly all the Japanese films that are being seen here are the horror which at times can be even more gruesome than their American counterparts... but when dealing with ghost stories ... they do have a good sense of whats scary.
Older films like the aforementioned Yojimbo will be enjoyed by a woeful few who know what a good film is all about. Most know 7 Samurai and a good number of people have seen it. Even enjoyed it... it's that good.
Fewer have seen the even better RAN but still... :idunno:

Unless an original script gets written that reaches out and grabs the producer by the throat and throttles them saying "THIS IS GREAT MATERIAL!!" ... like Cryro said... they'll go with what makes money.
I got sick just reading it...

Yeah, and how many Dracula movies have there been, exactly?

Oh, yeah: 169! :lfao:

Loved some of those cheesy Hammer classics with Christopher Lee, though.. :lfao:...(runs and ducks for cover)
Oooh Oooh I know I know! They should remake King Kong!! Because the story Jackson had sucked... great FX but too over long story, he should've simplified it.

They should remake Lord of the Rings, too, and de-Jacksonfy it. What would have been SO hard about sticking to the story and not adding in things like fruity hobbit pillow fights?

They got SO much right with those movies — casting, sets — but Jackson really screwed up a lot of stuff, too.

Sorry ... that's another thread, too ...

Back on topic: howabout they just remake ALL JACKSON FILMS! :) And Uwe Boll films, too, while we're at it.

Plenty of films out there that they screwed up and NEED remakes. Lets leave Mr. Miyagi and Daniel-san alone!