A Blasphemy of a remake

Already been done. It was called "Evil Dead II".

Well, duh :)
i'm excited about this; call my people & set up a time when you can pitch this project. i think we can get michael bay to direct.


Well I was hoping for Quentin Tarantino or Zhang Yimo but I think we can work something out :D
Just how friggin' lazy have they gotten with our entertainment?

It's not like the plot line was original.....but has Hollywood become so damn apathetic that they don't even bother giving the story a new title along with a few story differences?!?!?!?! Is it that hard to put a new spin on that old plot? If so, maybe they need to hire new writers.


And one more thought.....and this could possibly get me labled as a racist, but what is it with all the black stars remaking old movies, TV shows, or characters that were never black?

I just thought this was a rumor until I read this....but I also saw today where Beyonce was trying to get cast as Wonder Women. If they wanted to be accurate, they would cast a Greek!

Some other examples: The Honeymooners, Wild Wild West, and Catwoman.

Why the "need" to revamp something and put a "black" spin on it? I'm serious...I really don't understand the need to do this. Instead, why not make films based on "black" heroes? Green Lantern perhaps? I'd love to see a Green Lantern movie! I would actually go to the movie to watch it and not wait for it to show up on VOD.

It really isn't a "race" thing but I prefer to keep the integrity of a character or story as much as possible when it makes the jump to the big screen....but that's been a pet peeve of mine for a while. Even when they try to make movies from books I usually get irritated because Hollywood will always manage to screw it up....LOL

When does the "Shaft" remake come out starring Jason Statham? Or the "Cosby Show" remake starring Andrew Dice Clay as Dr. Huckstable?
Just how friggin' lazy have they gotten with our entertainment?

It's not like the plot line was original.....but has Hollywood become so damn apathetic that they don't even bother giving the story a new title along with a few story differences?!?!?!?! Is it that hard to put a new spin on that old plot? If so, maybe they need to hire new writers.


And one more thought.....and this could possibly get me labled as a racist, but what is it with all the black stars remaking old movies, TV shows, or characters that were never black?

I just thought this was a rumor until I read this....but I also saw today where Beyonce was trying to get cast as Wonder Women. If they wanted to be accurate, they would cast a Greek!

Some other examples: The Honeymooners, Wild Wild West, and Catwoman.

Why the "need" to revamp something and put a "black" spin on it? I'm serious...I really don't understand the need to do this. Instead, why not make films based on "black" heroes? Green Lantern perhaps? I'd love to see a Green Lantern movie! I would actually go to the movie to watch it and not wait for it to show up on VOD.

It really isn't a "race" thing but I prefer to keep the integrity of a character or story as much as possible when it makes the jump to the big screen....but that's been a pet peeve of mine for a while. Even when they try to make movies from books I usually get irritated because Hollywood will always manage to screw it up....LOL

When does the "Shaft" remake come out starring Jason Statham? Or the "Cosby Show" remake starring Andrew Dice Clay as Dr. Huckstable?
Well people COULD start doing what they (SHOULD) do for congress... and start writing letters to the Studios that are cranking out these re-makes and say ENOUGH!! Tell 'em to go to any public library to the fiction section and randomly pick out a book and write a script from that.
And/Or get an agreement with Dojos across the country to picket the movie when it comes out. Maybe... MAY-BE Hollywood will get the message. Not likely no, but who knows.
Just as with gas prices, as long as people are paying they'll keep making the films and remaking them and sequelizing them.

Hollywood has a bad habit of finding a formula for a movie and running it to the ground. When it stops making money they stop making it and find another one.
Actors are to blame as well for accepting these roles for the sake of the almighty dollar... sure they gotta eat but I gotta be honest with ya... If I could make just ONE movie at the base lead actor's pay along with royalties ... I think I can fairly retire rawther nicely.

It's all about money. Will Smith is a fine actor no doubt but yeah, he's reaching and while he might be wanting to help promote his son's rise to stardom (seems that way and nothing wrong with that... a proud papa for his boy's performance in the movie they starred together "Pursuit of Happyness" ) he should find original stuff.

As for the black actors taking remaking traditional white roles ... look at the Black Exploitation period of hollywood (mid 70's ) and see the tripe that they had to star in. Seems they want to show they can be just as good in those roles as their white counterparts. I never had a doubt about their abilities but perhaps they do. :idunno:
And one more thought.....and this could possibly get me labled as a racist, but what is it with all the black stars remaking old movies, TV shows, or characters that were never black?

I just thought this was a rumor until I read this....but I also saw today where Beyonce was trying to get cast as Wonder Women. If they wanted to be accurate, they would cast a Greek!

Some other examples: The Honeymooners, Wild Wild West, and Catwoman.

Why the "need" to revamp something and put a "black" spin on it? I'm serious...I really don't understand the need to do this. Instead, why not make films based on "black" heroes? Green Lantern perhaps? I'd love to see a Green Lantern movie! I would actually go to the movie to watch it and not wait for it to show up on VOD.

It really isn't a "race" thing but I prefer to keep the integrity of a character or story as much as possible when it makes the jump to the big screen....but that's been a pet peeve of mine for a while. Even when they try to make movies from books I usually get irritated because Hollywood will always manage to screw it up....LOL

When does the "Shaft" remake come out starring Jason Statham? Or the "Cosby Show" remake starring Andrew Dice Clay as Dr. Huckstable?

I wouldn't call it racist, just a honest opinion. And to some degree I will agree with you. Some movie roles I guess I have just ingrained seeing a white guy and it would feel weird to see a black guy.

There is a white Shaft......the movie the Punisher. He just wasn't as cool with the ladies as John Shaft. :)

Beyonce as Wonder Woman? Yea I rolled my eyes at that one myself. I think she is reaching too high. I am only 31 but I rememebr the old tv show with Linda Carter so I expect to see a white woman, preferrably Kim Director. (Chick with the big chest who was one of the robbers from the movie Inside Man would be perfect in my eyes.)

The Rapper Common is cast to play the Green Latern who I think would do a great job.

The Will Smith rumors to have him as Capt America. UGhhhhhhhh. Not that he is black but that he is just too over exposed. Thank goodness it was a rumor that was debunked.

Let's be honest, Hollywood is rarely accurate in movies when it comes to casting and the general story itself.

The only thing I say is that black people (along with other minorities) are under represented in comics and in turn leaves them out when it comes time to portray them in movies. You got to think these characters were mad ewhite b/c the people who did them were white and they want to attract to the masses. I understand that and have no problem with it. But at the same time, you do have to open up and let another race give it a shot. Heck I have no problems seeing a white guy in a black role. Heck after reading IMDB.COM trivia section for a lot of movies I see that many roles where written for white guys and went to a black guy. So who is to say change can't happen. I just say it will take sometime. Hey how many asian superohero's do you see on screen. I think they are due one that is not Anime..lol

I think here the problem isn't race but more or less the actor. Just think there is more on line when a minority takes on a role that is say a role for a white person. If they fail at it then the genral public see's it as "see they should have used a white person." and studios will refrain from ever hiring another minority for a role that is deemed to be white only. First real black superhero on screen end up being a jackass of a superhero. Trust me I groaned the whole time and said to myself "welp that will be the last black superhero on the big screen"
The portrayal of the Kingpin worked fine for me (though Daredevil itself was not so great), and I have no problem with the new Col. Fury.
Oh crap I forgot.....lets NOT forget how many asian movies US filmmakers remake and end up screwing over.

They refuse to release the movie in american theatres but have no problem "remaking" it with white american actors. If I was Asian I would be pissed off for not only doing it but then making a crappy remake. The list of Asian movies being remade is VERY long and it is downright pitiful that they wont show the asian movies over here but can remake and put them in a theatre.
I'm opposed to any movie, remake or not, involving Matt Damon or Ben Aflac.

OK then what about a Burma-Shave commercial with Ben, Matt and Kirsten. Or The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance with Robin Williams, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Hugh Jackman and Angelina Jolie :D

OK I'll stop now I beleive I am well past :deadhorse at this point
OK then what about a Burma-Shave commercial with Ben, Matt and Kirsten. Or The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance with Robin Williams, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Hugh Jackman and Angelina Jolie :D

OK I'll stop now I beleive I am well past :deadhorse at this point

Robin Williams? Sure, why not. That was the problem with Liberty Valance - not enough impromptu Ethel Merman impersonations.
You mean this Matt Damon?!


Hmm maybe Smith's son opponent can be Kimbo Slice as Johnny or maybe

Snoop Dogg as Miyagi. I can see it now."Don't worry little man Wax on wax off an't nothing but a G thang" or "For shizzle my karate nizzle"
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besides, didn't they just remake karate kid & call it never back down?


You beat me to it. Never back down was EXACTLY the same plot of karate kid, except that it glorified the fighting instead of seeing it as a last resort.

As a side note, Marvel Comics kind of rewrote their "Origins" of Captain American and the first Capt. America was not Steve Rogers, but was a black soldier named Isiah Bradley. It is based on the US Government conducting tests on unknowing black soldiers to get the process right.
I already found the remake. And they even managed to find most of the original cast for it. :)

Sweep the leg, Johnny!!
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