Senior Master
Actually no I am not surprised. I know what the laws are. I know what the penalties are for the laws that I disagree with.
Have you ever peeled an orange in a hotel room?
Ever been involved with bathing two babies in the same tub at the same time?
Ever fried up some gravy?
Ever had a pet fish with an 'aggressive' name like "Biter" or "Killer" or even "Sugar Ray"?
Ever ridden a bicycle without the "appropriate fashion accessories"?
Ever wear cowboy boots in public? Well, if you don't own at least two cows you're a criminal!
Ever set a mouse trap? Well, I hope you had a hunting license.
These are but a few "silly" laws in your state, California.
Now, tell me the penalties since you claim to be so knowledgable.

Oh..by the way...I'm curious as to whether you may be guilty of any of breaking any of these laws. LOL
I spend time to figure it out rather then walk around like an ignorant yokel waiting to claim I didn't know when confronted for breaking a law.
Ignorance never was and never will be a valid excuse.
Well huh-yuck-yuck, bless my biscuits and call me fer dinner. So I take it you wear bicycle shorts to match your Schwin when you ride? :uhohh:
I just find it comical that so many people have double standards, or how moral standards have dropped.
You can justify breaking a law anyway you wish. It does not make it right, it just makes it easier for you to live with yourself.
Like the last time you broke the speed limit and didn't promptly head to the police station to turn yourself in. :rules:
I get what people are saying... trust me I would love to not have to buy another cd ever again. I guess this whole argument reminds me of martial arts in general.
It seems so many people think they can defend themselves because they call what they do martial arts... without actually accepting the fact that they are nowhere close to being able to defend themselves... they just justify what they do in their own minds to make it ok.
Same thing here... Justify it all you want, its still wrong. You are still stealing from someone else. I don't understand how some people are trying to make it sound like its okay and should not be a crime.
If you can admit that then fine do what you want. I do not care. I won't report you, I won't share in it, but I don't personally care enough to get involved past this discussion. Hell I do not even disagree that the music should be cheaper, or done differently, but that is not my choice unless its my music that I made, recorded, and chose to distribute... of course if it was mine I would have to pay people to take it LOL
It's not the "breaking of a law" that most of us are criticizing. It is in part the law itself, and in part the fact that they singled out one person who is doing pretty much what millions of other people are doing and not getting penalized for. Now that's a double standard.
I also think that the thought of fining the lady actual loses is really naive, or at the least ridiculous. If thats the case people would steal anything and everything they could if the penalty was just to charge you what was actually lost in value if you are caught.... know what I mean? There has to be a substantial penalty to prevent it from happening.
I'll remember that when we hear about you getting hungry at the hotel that sponsors the next martial art camp you go to and you get caught peeling an orange in one of the rooms. :hammer: