michaeledward said:
The readers' digest condensed version:
Kerry voted to protect my civil right to sue a gun manufacturer.
Kerry voted to prevent a deadline on the assault weapons ban from expiring.
Kerry voted for background checks at gun shows.
Kerry voted to restrict armor piercing ammunition.
Kerry voted to restrict large capacity magazines.
Kerry voted to restrict unlicensed gun sellers from doing business on the internet.
Kerry voted for background checks at gun shows, even from private collections. (See above)
Kerry voted to restrict access to firearms for juvenilles *
Kerry voted to restrict large capacity magazines (See above)
Kerry voted against the availability of trigger locks at retailers (see next item)
Kerry voted that all handgun sales include trigger locks.
Kerry voted for a 5 day waiting period to purchase a handgun.
Kerry voted against semi-automatic weapons and large capacity magazines.
* If the intent of this measure was to prevent youths from hunting or range shooting, I agree with you Michael. You certainly should be able to take your children hunting.
Disclaimer: My point of view is strongly in favor of gun control.
It seems that none of these actions are extreme. They seem to be common sense measures to protect the citizenry. Please help me understand if I am wrong. I will also state that I don't buy the slippery slope argument, that any gun legislations means that all gun rights will be dissolved.
I do indeed feel you are wrong on many counts. I will now address each of your above points.
1.) Kerry voted to allow people to sue gun manufacturers. If the issue here was that you could sue them for faulty workmanship, it would be a good thing. That is not the case, you are allowed to sue them for doing their jobs properly and with quality. Can you sue Ford because a drunk in a Lincoln Town Car just plowed through your house killing half you family as they watched TV? Can you sue Jack Daniels because he was drunk or the cable company because your family was watching TV? The idea to sue gun manufacturers came from the same people that sued the tobacco industry. Regardless of what your opinion there is, the fact is that the money that was bled from them did not do/go where it was supposed to do.
2.) Kerry voted to extend the ban on certain weapons. This ban does nothing to touch on the weapons already here. It prevents the importation of more of these weapons. All this did was bolster the value of these weapons and increase their desirability to some.
3.) Kerry voted for backround checks at gun shows. Now this law on it's face is decent and I agree with it. As the laws currently stand, I cannot buy a firearm at a gun show outside my home state. That means I have to have the weapon transferred to a FFL holder, that is then required to do a backround search. A few years ago, my mother sent me two antique shotguns that I inherited from my step father. When I moved out of Florida, I left them at my mother's until I got settled. I had them shipped to a gun dealer, that is the legal way. I then had to have a backround check done to receive property that already belonged to me.
4.) Kerry voted to restrict armor piercing ammunition. What exactly is the definition of this? How many people can make this ammunition at home? How many people can treat store bought ammo to become "armor piercing". This law really doesn't do anything to protect anyone. Once again, criminals do not respect or care about the law.
5.) Kerry voted to restrict large capacity magazines. This idea is absolutely ludicrous. Once again, this law does noting to protect you. This "ban" as it is referred to in the gun industry is almost a joke. It means if I buy a NEW sig,I can onlyhave a 10 round magazine. It also means I cannot import the old 15 round magazines for certain weapons. Now, personally, I carry a 1911. The 1911 is designed to carry a 7 round magazine. But guess what, I can legally purchase and use a 15 round magazine with little to no effort and for very little money.
This is the "more is better" concept. I am a competent shooter. In most instances, I will not need more than one shot, so it really doesn't matter how many I carry in the clip. I know of one other person that is a member of this board that makes my shooting look mediocre at best. He and I both can take a six shot revolver fire it to empty, reload, fire to empty, relaod, and fire to empty in the time it takes most people to fire a semi-auto similarly loaded to empty one magazine and reload it one time. I have personally done this several times at my yearly requailfication. What protection do you really have?
6.) Kerry voted to restrict unlicensed gun sellers from doing business on the internet. Why? To ship a firearm it must be shipped from or to a licensed dealer. No carrier will carry a firearm unless that is followed. The carriers have to report this to the ATF. This idea of this law is lip service to the anti-gun lobby, nothing more.
7.) Kerry voted for background checks at gun shows, even from private collections. Already addressed.
8.) Kerry voted to restrict access to firearms for juvenilles. For the most part this has already been addressed. Let us look at the firearm age restrictions. You must be 18 to purchase a rifle or shot gun or ammunition for either. You must be 21 to purchase a handgun or ammunition. For someone under the age of 15 to purchase a HUNTING license, they must attend a hunter safety course and not only carry the card for that while hunting but also present it to the license dealer. This has been in effect since 1986.
9.) Kerry voted against the availability of trigger locks at retailers. He did this because he wanted the stronger law.
10.) Kerry voted that all handgun sales include trigger locks. All this did was raise the cost of gun sales. The locks are ridiculous. I have three of them in a drawer, not on guns. I bought a used gun from a pawn shop, there was no trigger lock on the weapon when I bought it. This law is just plain silly. Instead of blaming a lack of locks, blame poor parenting when children get these weapons.
11.) Kerry voted for a 5 day waiting period to purchase a handgun. Why? This is just silly. Thanks to modern technology, it takes about 90 seconds to do a backround check. True, I had to wait three days to get my CCW, but they ran ONE more check than a gun dealer does.
12.) Kerry voted against semi-automatic weapons and large capacity magazines. Again, this is silliness. Most handguns in prevalent use today are semi-auto. Some shotguns are also semi-auto, but guess what. I can buy a Binelli shot gun, which is a pump and fire it more rapidly than an inexperienced shooter can fire a semi-auto. A Sig-Sauer Blaser rifle is a very fast bolt, same thing, I can fire it as fast as most people can fire a comprable weapon. I already illustrated semis versus revolver. It is more about skill than it is about capacity.