NYC Sues 15 Out-Of-State Gun Shops


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MTS Alumni
The city's law department singled out the 15 gun shops after hiring private investigators who fanned out to dealers in the five states over the past several weeks.
Wearing hidden cameras, the investigators entered stores in teams of two and attempted "straw purchases," in which the buyer completes the paperwork and passes the background check, but later hands over the weapon to someone else who is not allowed to own a firearm.

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How the hell can the gun shop stop someone who legally (passing all checks) purchases a firearm from giving the firearm to someone else. The person who purchased it is liable for the firearm not the store. Once the firearm has been legally purchased the onus is on the purchaser at that point.

I smell a stinking rat!
Basically some people won't be happy unless guns are banned, and since that ain't gonna happen any time soon, they have to come up with BS lawsuits like this to try and get the people that sell them.
Basically it's another Gun Control attempt from the Far Left. If I were to legally purchase a firearm and then hand it over to a convicted felon; I am held liable not the store I LEGALLY purchased it at. This is just a frivolous lawsuit to get more people on the Gun Control bandwagon.
The thing that gets me is the insidious nature of those that orchestrate that sort of "operation" against the gun stores.
Dumbass #1 "Hey that guys older brother bought all the beer for their underage drinking party!"

Dumbass #2 "Lets fine the liquor store he bought it from!!"

The attempt to vilify the manufacturers or sellers of a legal product, holding them responsible for the misdeeds of others, is certainly not without precedent; this is the same illogic used to sue tobacco makers (holding them responsible for the self-destructive, voluntary actions of smokers) and manufacturers of less-than-healthful foods ("It's McDonalds' fault that I'm fat, and not because I eat too much!").

The urge to divorce individuals from responsibility for their actions goes hand in hand with the urge to subordinate individuals to the almighty state. This is the purpose of "gun control," too -- for "gun control" is more honestly termed civilian firearms prohibition.
Phil Elmore said:
The attempt to vilify the manufacturers or sellers of a legal product, holding them responsible for the misdeeds of others, is certainly not without precedent; this is the same illogic used to sue tobacco makers (holding them responsible for the self-destructive, voluntary actions of smokers) and manufacturers of less-than-healthful foods ("It's McDonalds' fault that I'm fat, and not because I eat too much!").

The urge to divorce individuals from responsibility for their actions goes hand in hand with the urge to subordinate individuals to the almighty state. This is the purpose of "gun control," too -- for "gun control" is more honestly termed civilian firearms prohibition.

Precisely! :)
It's typical New York. If you have a pocket, they have a hand to stick in it. Justification isn't an issue.
The problem is much worse than simply New York. The cultural vilification I mentioned is spreading throughout our society. It will destroy us all, eventually, by paralyzing all business and human activity for fear of legal reprisals for actions outside our control (by others).
This was tried several years ago and was thrown out of court. Hopefully it'll get thrown out AGAIN.

The Hilarious thing is, if SOMEHOW they were able to gather up EVERY Firearm and round of ammunition out there and destroy it, there'd be a large number of firearms out in the world in a few days.

Firearms are not the most intricate machines around.

NYC now charges $340 every 3 years for Pistol Permits.

Skennen Peace
Wish someone would tell NY and Mass to stop trading notes. :rolleyes:
Kwiter said:
NYC now charges $340 every 3 years for Pistol Permits.
Are those permits for the law abiding citizens or the criminals? :rofl: J/K. I didn't know that NYC citizens had any options for having one. Is that for conceal carry or just to have inside your home?
The $340 is for a Target/Pemise Permit, for CCW you must show cause , like owning a liqour Store or Gas Station etc where you handle large amounts of cash.

You must apply for a Purchase order 6 weeks before you want to purchase a new pistol, then it has to be inspected by a sometimes clueless officer once you have 5 you must have a safe.

Used to be Target OR Premise but they lost a court case so had to combine them ;-)

Why would a criminal need a permit , Unless you mean Politicians ;-)
Kwiter said:
Why would a criminal need a permit , Unless you mean Politicians ;-)
I didn't even think of that angle :rofl: That is good! Actually, I was inferring that the criminals seem to have an abundance of guns but the law abiding citizens have to jump through all these hoops, just to be allowed to keep one at home.
You need to pay for that permit simply to own a handgun? Holy crap.

Well, not that I needed it, but there is one more reason never to live in NYC.
The whole thing is ridiculous. Blame the person that does the crime, not the gun shop owner miles away that sold it legally. What is this? Canada? ;) :p

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