Thanks for noticing.hardheadjarhead said:This issue, along with abortion, probably ranks as one of the most polarizing political topics of the age. It is so emotionally charged that people on both sides start connecting to irrelevancies in an effort to make their arguments appear to stick. At times, they steer to related issues that simply need to be addressed in a separate debate. I'm guilty of all this too. And you can take my cookie when you can pry it from my cold dead fingers, I might add.
To a certain extent, I am feeling demonized because I broach the subject. I have not called for any new restrictions on firearms (caveat ... that I recall), but it seems that even mentioning gun laws gets the pro-gun people in a twist.
We have come full circle .... the 2nd post said that the error rate is "1/2 of 1%" ... and the 75th post said it is a "1% margin of error". What Error Rate is acceptable? I agree, it is a ridiculously small percentage of transactions that we (or at least I am) are discussing. But where is a 1% error rate acceptable? Votes? Bank Balances? (Oh damn ... thread drift).
One way we could improve the system, is a centralized database of information ... either criminal, or weapon. But, storing that information goes against the principles of the NRA crew .... I'm not sure where I stand on a centralized DB of weapons.
Thanks to all for contributing ... I will try to stay away from gun toting stem cells. - Mike