5 reasons TaeKwonDo as a system (not individual techniques) breaks down in a Muay Thai ring

Perhaps in theory, but I*ve NEVER witnessed a dude continously clubbing down another fighter. Now why that is, you would have to ask someone who is more deeply involved in the sport.
Perhaps a way to clarify the errors in your logic (which is separate from evaluating the conclusion), is to go for something similar. If we compared training for indoor soccer to raining for FIFA-rules soccer we'd find those training exclusively for indoor soccer will probably perform poorly at FIFA soccer. Why? Different context they've trained for. Smaller field, can use walls (I think that's true for any wall bordering the playing area), and hard floors will all change the way the game is played. Similar toolsets, but used and trained differently.
a dude continously clubbing down another fighter.

Does it have to be a club? what about a Bo or Jo perhaps a katana? I've love to see a Muay Thai fighter against a fighter armed with a katana ( or even a small knife) What fun!
Perhaps in theory, but I*ve NEVER witnessed a dude continously clubbing down another fighter. Now why that is, you would have to ask someone who is more deeply involved in the sport.
Never seen it in your 4 years of training that must mean it's never happened right.

I'll tell you why you don't see it...because the majority of taekwondo fighters aren't training to be professional fighters and don't want brain damage. If you're fighter then hard sparring is vital but when your training as a hobby a few times a week why the heck would your head smashed around
Does it have to be a club? what about a Bo or Jo perhaps a katana? I've love to see a Muay Thai fighter against a fighter armed with a katana ( or even a small knife) What fun!

Do you have aspergers syndrome?
I guess the reason: training because it's fun did not enter into the thought process of some users in here.

Only train that which is the best and wins the testosterone award:rolleyes:
CONTINIOUSLY. Do you know what that word entails?

The word itself doesn't 'entail' anything, but he does know what the word means.

I guess the reason: training because it's fun did not enter into the thought process of some users in here.

I guess you have no idea what you are talking about.

Only train that which is the best and wins the testosterone award:rolleyes:

I might as well give up training then............. :D
Do you have aspergers syndrome?

Actually, seriously, I was going to ask you that. You take everything that is said literally as if the nuances, ideas and comments don't process in your mind. I suspect the reason you have asked me is in fact because you have difficulty not in the English language but that you think literally and also obsess with certain aspects such as the black belt. I have actually thought it before in other threads, if this is the case please tell us how we can engage with you in a way that is meaningful.

If you aren't however I will continue to be sarcastic because I can be and we are now getting tired of your haranguing us.
I'm sorry I have to do this to you once again.


to cause or involve by necessity or as a consequence,

the definition of entail

Now you are proving my point because you didn't understand and are looking at the wrong thing.

If you mean what does continuous sparring entails that is correct but you asked if he knew what 'continuous' entailed, well of course it doesn't entail anything because you haven't qualified what is continuous.
Grammar & vocabulary
If you aren't however I will continue to be sarcastic because I can be and we are now getting tired of your haranguing us.

One does not exclude the other. You are both trying to correct me and be sarcastic/funny at the same time. You have a tendency to jump on words, which you deem incorrectly used, as in your previous post, when it is unwarranted. Trying to be a wiseass.
If you mean what does continuous sparring entails that is correct but you asked if he knew what 'continuous' entailed, well of course it doesn't entail anything because you haven't qualified what is continuous.
Grammar & vocabulary

Because I didn't think I need to spell out every single sentence in order for you guys to get it. But from here on, I will be ULTRA precise. I have to take great care of native speakers, it seems.

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