4th Dan Test

Wow Lauren, that sounds like an awful lot of stuff! I'm glad your psyched about the test, the new belt, and the whole shebang :) I'm sure you'll be fantastic, and ace it totally! Good luck, can't wait to see how it all went!

(this is turning into a real testy month!)
Remember you already know everything it is just going over what you have been practicing for the last couple ot years
Lauren, I know you will exceed your own expectations. You are ready and you have practiced for this. You deserve it! Good luck and my thoughts are with you.
Go to it Lauren!!!! We know you can do it, YOU know you can do it.... now make THEM know you can do it!!!
Ok guys- it is all over and went really well, if I do say so myself!!
It actually started Friday night (suprise!). I spent several hours being tested through lots of non-kukkiwon material. I know some instructors really drag tests out with lots of running or lots of repetition, but this was all basically one shot on lots of material.
Then that got me all sore and ready for Saturday morning. Didn't sleep at all (of course) but was still feeling good when I finally got out of bed at about 8:00. Test started at 11:00. I had no idea who would come. I invited my imediate family and grandparents and probably a half dozen good friends. Then I left it as an open invitation to the adults at my dojang and a couple of the kids that I thought would enjoy it (and sit through it). I would have been happy if 25 or so people came. Well, over 60 people showed up. I felt great that people wanted to give up their saturday morning for me, but also felt a lot of pressure to really impress. I really wasn't worried about impressing my instructor. He knew what I could do and that I was ready. It was my friends and family that I was more worried about. My family hadn't seen me do much since I was a kid, so I really wanted to show them my best stuff, and knew it was now or never (or at least now or a long time from now).
We started right about 11:00. Our plan was to limit this part of the test to two hours. As exciting as we think martial arts is, it gets old and repetitve to the non-martial artist watching after awhile. We began with 40 basics (we have 10 each stances, blocks, kicks, and strikes that we consider the foundation of TKD). So I did two each up the floor and then another set back down the floor (our training floor is about 50 feet across I would guess). Oh! And the whole thing was in Korean, which was a total suprise. Then we went through our entire curriculum for white belt on through 3rd Dan (TKD only). That also included sit-ups, push-ups, and horse stance at each level. Each one progressing more. I can't even imagine how many of each I did- hundreds. I'll have to figure it all up some time. Let's see what else... with all the forms I had to say the philosophy (what the corresponding trigram was, what it was called in korean and chinese and what it represented). Besides the breaks I had planned I had some suprises. Umm.. 3 boards spin hammer fist, 3 boards spin knife hand, 3 board jump axe kick (nose high on a six foot guy) 2 boards double palm (so left and right hand at the same time, 2 boards each side), 3 boards flying side kick over three men bent at the waist. These are all full 1 inch boards. I also sparred three rounds, having to triple the points I scored vs the points my opponnet scored. What else...
I know I am probably not describing everything here, or describing it very well, but I was in a zone the entire time, and having a hard time remembering all the little details!
ANYWAY- what was most important (to me) is that my family was very impressed!! My mom said it was torture watching because it looked so difficult. At one point she leaned over to my brother-in-law and said "as a medical doctor do you feel you could stop this if you thought it was nessecary." I guess she thought she was just sitting by idling watching as I was about to keel over or something! Of course he responded "I mowed the yard for an hour yesterday and I was closer to a heart attack then she is!"
So I guess the entire thing was basically torture for her, and my older sister. So I was glad we only did 2 hours that day.
But I felt GREAT!! I mean, on some level I knew my body hurt, but I was on such a high I felt I could keep going forever. I really felt my forms stayed strong and crisp. And even though I didn't take a break the entire time, (besides setting up breaks, or explaining the philosophy) I still felt lots of energy through out the entire test. And when we finally ended and I received my new belt... man, it was just awesome.
There is no way really for me to really re-live it through the screen here, but the important part is that I felt good about test. I felt I did my best and it was challanging and I really had to mentall decide, "I am doing this no matter what he asks, I am completing it and completeing it well." And (for me) just as important was my family's reaction. They were all so impressed and so proud. There have been times when my family thought my focus was TOO much on martial arts (especially going through high school) and it just felt really good to show them what I am able to do because of it, and to hear them tell me how proud they are of my accomplishments, and how obvious it was that I have really worked hard to get to where I am today.
I also received my Korean name, which was really cool. It is a tradition at 4th Degree for us. Ko is the last name (that is my grandmaster's family name) then I have Sang Arum (best spelling I can manage). Sang as in evergreen tree, the idea of steadfastness through good times and bad, a strong core, deep roots in tradition, yet ever striving upward. And then Arum as in beauty, the idea of not just outer beauty, but inner beauty with strong convictions and ethics, high standards.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. It really doesn't feel very elogently written as it spews out my fingers, but I think I am still in a state of shock! And I know I am still in a state of SORE!! There is no way to REALLY describe it, but I hope this gives you a glimpse into it. And of course the one (or two) day of tests to me isn't really what it is all about. The idea that I have spent 7 years as a third dan under my master's eye, improving and progressing until the day that he told me I was ready to promote to 4th- that is where (I believe) the true test is, day in and day out all along. Saturday really just gave me a date to mark in the calander. A tangible day of accomplishment, that I can remember and that my family and friends could help me celebrate.
And now my test for 5th degree begins, with class tonight!! I feel a great responsibility at 4th degree, and I am excited to work and show that I am ready to accept it!
Thank you so much for all of your support, this forum is a great place!

Well done Master Lauren!!!! I am SO impressed! You Rock!

Even though your mum was tortured I bet she was so proud!

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:
CONGRATULATIONS, Lauren, our new 4th Dan!!!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

You did splendidly AND had a great time—what could be better??!!
Master Lauren it does have a nice feling toward the name does'nt it, Congrats
Chariot sabumnim kay, kinyay!


I have been lurking around this forum for a while now, desided congradulating you was worth filling out a form. Well done, you are higher than my instructor now.
Just wanted to say thanks for the kind words everyone! It really means a lot to me (even though I have never met any of you-- really strange if you think about it!!). Thanks for your support before the test and for your responses afterwards. And hey! We even got someone out of the dark lurking world because of it!!
Thanks again, you all are the best!!
OMG!!! Lauren, I just don't know how I missed this!

Congratulations, Ma'am!!!

