

May 17, 2004
Reaction score
The Canuckistan Plains
Scroll to the bottom of the main forum page and look for yourself, Martial Talk has achieved 4000 members. Though it was inevitable, it is nonetheless a noteworthy milestone.

Congratulations to Martial Talk and all of the members. :asian:
bignick said:
huge party at kaith's house!!!!!!
Toga, toga!!! :boing2: :cheers: Congratulations Bob...how great is that?
All the beautiful gals on MT at my house in Togas?
Great! (Until my GF gets home...kenpo -hurts-!) :D

Oh, you mean the member count?

Well....to quote a famous tiger, Its Greeeaaaat! :D
to put some a little perspective....

MT now has over twice as many members as my hometown has people
:partyon: :partyon: :partyon: :partyon: 4000! That is great and MT is BY FAR the best martial arts forum there is. Great leaders, Great people :D:D:D:D:D
Ditto what Nalia said. Big milestone, Kaith. Now 4000 members times 12 dollars a year for supporting memberships = 48,000. big ones. How many of these members are willing to fork over a buck a month for this great forum? TW
Toga..............toga..........toga.......toga.....toga....toga!! Toga!!! Toga!!!!!!
Hello, Sucess is measure by repeat sales. The amount of people replying is the same sign. The increase of members is because of its' great fourm. You have to be doing something right.......!!! Aloha
Yeah, the Administration trimmed the fat. Probably to make me look like a fool. And it worked, you should see me, I look like a fool. :uhyeah:
Just cuz you wear that red and green outfit with all the bells hanging from it doesn't make you a fool.....oh wait....yup, it does. :D

Ya, we trimmed off a ton of dead accounts, and folks who've never validated. I tend to do it quarterly, as I remember to. ;)
Kaith Rustaz said:
Just cuz you wear that red and green outfit with all the bells hanging from it doesn't make you a fool.....oh wait....yup, it does. :D
Well, what do you expect? It matches the G-string.:lookie: